Seizure moment should be recorded for epilepsy diagnosis

Seizure moment should be recorded for epilepsy diagnosis

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Dünya Epilepsi Günü'nün, epilepsi farkındalığını artırmak için her yıl 12 Şubat'ta kutlandığını vurgulayan uzmanlar, epilepsinin, beynin bir hücre grubundaki anormal elektriksel aktivitesinin sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan bir hastalık olduğunu belirtiyor. Epilepsi teşhisi için nöbet anının iyi gözlemlenmesinin ve kaydedilmesinin önemli olduğunu, ayrıca EEG ve MRI gibi destekleyici tetkiklerin de gerekli olduğunu vurguluyorlar. Tek bir nöbetin epilepsi teşhisi için yeterli olmadığını, sık nöbet geçirenlerin epilepsi tanısı aldığını belirtiyorlar. Nöbet sırasında yapılacak ilk yardımın hastanın solunum yolunun açık tutulması olduğunu, bunun için hastanın yana yatırılıp çenesinin kaldırılması gerektiğini söylüyorlar. İlaçların doktor bilgisi olmadan kesilmesinin "status epilepticus" adı verilen ve yaşamı tehdit eden uzun süreli nöbetlere yol açabileceği konusunda uyarıyorlar. Epilepsinin çocuklarda, gençlerde ve yaşlılarda daha sık görüldüğünü, orta yaşlılarda ise nadir olduğunu ve tedavi ile nöbetlerin azaltılabileceğini, hatta kontrol altına alınabileceğini belirtiyorlar. Epilepsinin tedavisinde ilaçların yanı sıra cerrahi yöntemlerin de kullanılabildiğini, nöbetlerin nedeninin araştırılarak giderilmeye çalışıldığını ekliyorlar. Beyin tümörleri, serebral hemoraji ve vasküler oklüzyonun risk faktörleri arasında yer aldığını ve Alzheimer hastaları, böbrek ve karaciğer hastaları, hemodiyaliz hastaları, kemoterapi ilaçları kullananlar ve madde kullananların risk altında olduğunu belirtiyorlar.

Stating that the first thing that can be done during a seizure in epilepsy, also known as "epilepsy" among the people, is to keep the patient's airway open, experts emphasize that the patient should be tilted to the side and the chin should be lifted up. Stating that sudden discontinuation of medication in the treatment of epilepsy may cause the seizure to become prolonged, experts point out that this situation may be life-threatening. Stating that epilepsy is diagnosed with a good observation and examination, experts emphasize that the moment of seizure should be recorded.

Every year, February 12 is commemorated as World Epilepsy Day in order to draw attention to epilepsy, also known as "epilepsy" among the people, and to raise awareness about the disease.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurology Specialist Dr. Celal Şalçini said that epilepsy is a disease name and that those who have frequent epilepsy attacks or seizures are diagnosed with epilepsy.

Dr. Celal Şalçini said, "Having a single epileptic seizure is insufficient for a person to be diagnosed with epilepsy." Dr. Celal Şalçini said, "There are a small number of genetically determined epilepsy diseases, but most of them do not have a genetically determined disease."

What causes an epilepsy attack?

Noting that an epilepsy seizure occurs as a result of abnormal electrical activity of a group of cells in the brain, Dr. Celal Şalçini said, "In which area this brain cell group is located, there is a problem in that area. For example, if it is in the olfactory center, the person can smell and have an olfactory seizure, if it is in the speech center, he cannot speak, if it is in the hand center, there is a throwing of the hand, if it affects the consciousness center, he loses consciousness."

Symptoms differ

Pointing out that the symptoms of an epileptic seizure vary, Dr. Celal Şalçini warned, "These symptoms may be a symptom that is difficult to recognize, such as diving, or they may vary from unconsciousness to symptoms with convulsions."

The moment of seizure should be recorded for epilepsy diagnosis

Pointing out that the diagnosis of epilepsy is made with a good examination and observation, followed by the support of examinations such as EEG and MRI, Dr. Celal Şalçini said, "At this stage, it is very helpful in the disease process for the patient and his/her relatives to watch and describe the seizure moment well, and even video it if possible."

What to do in a crisis?

Dr. Celal Şalçini also explained what to do during an epilepsy crisis as follows: "The only thing that can be done at the time of a seizure is to keep the airway open as simple first aid, that is, to ensure that he breathes easily. If the patient is a former epilepsy patient, it would be appropriate to have a rubber first aid tool that keeps the airway open called "airway" and place it as soon as the seizure starts. If not, it will be enough to lay the patient on his/her side, lift his/her chin up and wipe the fluids coming from the mouth during the seizure, if any. To prevent contraction, never apply pressure on the patient with muscle power. Pick up the items that may fall around, lay them on the floor and call for first aid."

Noting that epilepsy patients can continue their daily lives normally, Dr. Celal Şalçini said, "This is all about how much the epilepsy patient recognizes and accepts the disease. While there is a limitation in those who have frequent seizures, we recommend that some patients continue their lives normally."

Most common in children and young people

Stating that it is possible to reduce epilepsy seizures and control attacks with treatment, Dr. Celal Şalçini said, "Epilepsy is most common in children and young people, as well as in the elderly. It is rarely seen in middle-aged people."

Attention to risk factors!

Noting that epilepsy is often an idiopathic disease with an unknown cause, Dr. Celal Şalçini said that brain tumors, cerebral hemorrhage, vascular occlusion are risk factors, while Alzheimer's patients, kidney and liver patients, hemodialysis patients, chemotherapy drugs and substance users are at risk.

There are treatment options

Noting that epilepsy is one of the diseases that can be treated, Dr. Celal Şalçini said, "With the developing technology, new drugs are produced and treatment options are increasing. In addition, surgical procedures can be applied in epilepsy that cannot be treated with medication. In epilepsy treatment, the cause of the disease is first investigated and efforts are made to eliminate the cause. First a single drug, then several drugs are tried to treat it. Sometimes surgical interventions may be required."

Medication should not be discontinued without the doctor's knowledge

Noting that stopping medication without the doctor's knowledge is very important for the disease, Dr. Celal Şalçini warned, "Because sudden drug discontinuation may cause the seizure we call "status epilepticus" to become permanent, which is life-threatening."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 January 2021
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