Online Speech and Language Therapy

Online Speech and Language Therapy

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Çevrimiçi konuşma ve dil terapisi, hastaların çeşitli iletişim ağları aracılığıyla konuşma ve dil desteği aldığı bir terapi biçimidir. Klasik terapilerle benzer süreçler içerir ancak video görüşme yoluyla gerçekleştirilir. Yaş gruplarına göre aile eşliğinde veya bireysel olarak yapılır. Gizlilik ve gizlilik ilkelerinin uygulanması için güvenilir bir kurumdan hizmet alınması önemlidir. Klasik yüz yüze terapiye alternatif olarak, özellikle terapist ve hasta aynı yerde değilse, Türkçe terapi imkanı yoksa, uygun bir terapist bulunmuyorsa veya hasta evden çıkamayacak durumda ise tercih edilir. Konuşma ses bozuklukları, akıcılık bozuklukları, ses bozuklukları ve nörojenik edinilmiş dil bozuklukları gibi çeşitli bozuklukların tedavisinde kullanılır. Randevu alındıktan sonra, oturum başlamadan önce video görüşme bağlantısı kurularak olası sorunlar önlenir. Oturum içeriği, süresi ve işleyişi klasik seanslardan farklı değildir. Daha fazla bilgi ve randevu için verilen bağlantıları kullanabilirsiniz.

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Online speech and language therapy is a form of therapy where patients receive speech and language support through various communication networks.

Corana has become more than a virus that threatens our health, it has become a condition that negatively affects our family communication, emotional, social and economic values. The most effective way to deal with the process is to stay at home in social isolation, but this comes with limitations in many ways. We need to remember that just because we are at home does not mean that we are helpless in the face of these limitations. This isolation can be an opportunity for solving various speech and language problems. At this point, online speech and language therapy is the most effective method in the process.

How is Online Speech and Language Therapy?

Although online speech and language therapy is different from classical therapies in terms of the environment in which online therapy is performed, the process is similar to classical therapies and the face-to-face studies are provided through interactive video call channels. It is carried out on a specific day and time, with family accompaniment in younger age groups, and with therapy sessions in other age groups without the presence of others during the session.

IMPORTANT: In order to ensure that the principles of privacy and confidentiality are applied properly, make sure that you receive online speech therapy services from a reliable institution.

There is no difference between online speech therapy and face-to-face therapy. Although face-to-face classical therapies are always the priority and first choice therapy method, in some cases the necessary conditions cannot be met. At this stage, online therapy is preferred.

Online therapy is especially preferred in cases where the therapist and the client are not in the same environment at the same time, when there is no place to receive therapy in Turkish, when there is no speech and language therapist in or near the city where the client lives, and when the person coming to therapy cannot leave home.

In Which Diseases Is It Applied and How to Make an Appointment?

Online speech and language therapy is planned as the specialist deems appropriate and this planning may vary according to the problem to be served.

  • After making an appointment on a certain day and time, a connection is established via the communication tool (WhatsApp, Skype, etc.) where a video call will be made before the session. Thus, problems that may occur before the session starts or during the session and interrupt the process are prevented.
  • The content, duration and functioning of the session are no different from classical sessions. Online therapy services can be carried out in the form of family counseling to support speech and language development, as well as sessions where evaluations can be made to diagnose the disorder.
  • It is used as an effective method in the management of major disorders such as Speech Sound Disorders (Articulation Disorder and Phonological Disorder, inability to produce some letters, inability to understand speech), Fluency Disorders (Stuttering-Fast Disordered Speech), Voice Disorders (Nodules, polyps, paralysis), Neurogenic Acquired Language Disorders (Aphasia).

For online speech and language disorders treatment: /online-language-and-speech-therapy

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At24 June 2021
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