Is Your Child Ready for School? Symptoms and Tips

Is Your Child Ready for School? Symptoms and Tips

Content Summary

Okul hazırlığı, çocuğun fiziksel, zihinsel, sosyal ve duygusal gelişiminde belirli bir seviyeye ulaşması ve okulda beklentileri başarıyla karşılamaya hazır olmasıdır. Okul öncesi olumsuz algı, bireyin tüm akademik hayatını etkiler. Çocuğun okul olgunluğuna sahip olması için iyi görsel ve işitsel algı becerilerine, algıladıklarını ezberleyebilme, mantıklı düşünme ve neden-sonuç ilişkileri kurabilme ve yeterli kavramsal bilgiye sahip olması gerekir. Okul hazırlığı testleri ve gelişimsel değerlendirmeler ile belirlenebilir; eksikliği olan çocuklar okul sürecinde desteklenmelidir. Ebeveynler, çocuklarının gelişimin tüm alanlarında yaşıtlarıyla paralel gelişmesini sağlamalıdır. Okul için hazır bir çocuğun kendine bakma becerilerinin desteklenmesi, sorumluluk verilmesi, diğer insanlarla sık temas kurması ve akranlarıyla oynaması gerekir. Okul için hazır olduğunu gösteren belirtiler arasında bedenini rahat kullanabilme, fiziksel koordinasyon sağlayabilme, ince motor becerileri, yeterli kelime bilgisi, öz güven, ebeveynleriyle güvenli ilişki, güvenli ayrılık sağlayabilme, sorumluluk alabilme, akranlarıyla sağlıklı sosyal ilişkiler kurabilme, sosyal sorunları çözebilme, grup etkinliklerinde sakin oturabilme, talimatları dinleyip uygulayabilme ve kendi ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilme bulunur. Ayrılık kaygı bozukluğu, okul başlangıcında yaygın bir sorundur ve kaygılı, koruyucu ebeveynlerin çocuklarında daha sık görülür. Bu süreçte çocuk, aile, okul ve tedavi ekibi birlikte çalışmalıdır.

The age at which a child starts school, i.e. school maturity, varies according to individual characteristics. A child with school maturity should have some characteristics. The child should have sufficient self-confidence in terms of social and emotional development. The child should have established a secure relationship with his/her parents, be able to achieve safe separation and take responsibility.

While school readiness varies from child to child due to individual differences, individual differences also affect maturity. The child's readiness for school or the age at which he/she starts school can be determined through school readiness tests and developmental assessments, and children with deficiencies in certain areas need to be supported during the school process.

School readiness is when a child reaches a certain level in terms of physical, mental, social and emotional development and is ready to successfully fulfill the expectations at school. A negative perception of school in the early years affects the whole academic life of the individual. Parents should make sure that their children are developing in parallel with their peers in all areas of development.

How Should the Child's Perception Ability Be?

A child with school maturity should have some characteristics. In the name of mental development, a child with school maturity should have good visual and auditory perception skills, be able to memorize what they perceive, think logically and establish cause and effect relationships, and have sufficient conceptual knowledge.

This process is related to the process until the child starts school. In order for the child to be self-confident, family attitudes that encourage the child are necessary. In this case, the child becomes ready for school. Supporting self-care skills, eating, dressing and being given responsibility should be ensured. Frequent contact with other people and playing with peers should be ensured.

Characteristics that show that your child is ready for school

Families can understand that the child is suitable for school by some behaviors. These behaviors are as follows;

  • He/she should be able to use his/her body comfortably,
  • They should be able to provide physical coordination,
  • They should have the fine muscle development to hold a pencil and write,
  • In language development, they should have sufficient vocabulary,
  • Have sufficient self-confidence in terms of social and emotional development,
  • He/she must have established a secure relationship with his/her parents,
  • He must be able to achieve safe separation,
  • They should be able to take responsibility,
  • They should be able to establish and maintain healthy social relationships with their peers,
  • Have the ability to solve social problems,
  • Be able to sit calmly in group activities,
  • Should be able to listen and follow instructions,
  • They should be able to meet their own needs in areas such as cleaning, feeding, dressing and resting.

Separation Anxiety Disorder and Parental Attitudes

Separation anxiety disorder is the most common problem in children starting kindergarten and primary school. This condition is caused by the problems the child experiences in the process of individualization and is usually seen in children of anxious, protective parents. Especially in the period between the ages of 2-3, parents who prevent the child from experimenting on his/her own and approach the child with anxiety prevent the child from going through this process in a healthy way. Separated from the family, the child feels helpless and lonely, and therefore gets scared, cries and yells. These reactions are actually a cry for help. Psychiatric problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning difficulties, depression and social phobia also make it difficult for children to adapt to school. The child, family, school and treatment team should work together to overcome this process.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At17 September 2018
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