Hospitalization and Discharge Guide

Hospitalization and Discharge Guide

Content Summary

Hastanemize hoş geldiniz. Tedavi süreci iki aşamadan oluşmaktadır: yatarak tedavi ve ayakta tedavi. Yatarak tedavi sırasında, her gün veya daha sık bireysel terapi, haftada iki kez grup terapisi, aile ve çift terapisi, Rehacom ve/veya nörobiyofeedbäck bilgisayar modülü ile çalışma ve her sabah iyi günler toplantısı gibi psikoterapi yöntemleri uygulanacaktır. Ayrıca doktorunuz düzenli olarak görüşmeler yaparak ilaçlarınızı ayarlayacak ve tedavi sonuçlarını değerlendirecektir. Aile görüşmeleri de zaman zaman doktor ve psikolog tarafından yapılacaktır. İkinci aşamada, taburcu olduktan sonraki takibinizi sağlamak üzere ayakta tedavi polikliniklerinde doktor ve psikolog randevuları düzenlenecektir. Tüm tedavi bilgileriniz ayakta tedavi doktoru ve psikologuna iletilecektir. Hastaneye gelirken kimliğinizi, sosyal güvenlik belgelerinizi ve kişisel eşyalarınızı (ipsiz eşofman, iç çamaşırı, diş fırçası, şampuan, havlu vb.) yanınızda getirmelisiniz. Telefon ve televizyon hizmetleri doktor onayıyla sağlanır. Hastanenin kablosuz internet ağı vardır. Hemşireler idari hizmetler ve özel ihtiyaçlarınızda size yardımcı olacaktır. Faturalama işlemleri ile ilgili detaylı bilgi için hasta danışmanlarına başvurabilirsiniz. Tedavi süreci boyunca doktorunuz, psikoloğunuz, hemşireleriniz ve diğer sağlık personeli sizinle ilgilenirken, gizliliğiniz de sağlanmaktadır. Hastanenin güvenlik, ziyaretçiler ve diğer konular ile ilgili kuralları da mevcuttur. Taburcu olmadan önce doktorunuzdan detaylı bilgi alın ve takibi unutmayın. Herhangi bir şikayet veya öneriniz için hasta ilişkileri ve hasta hakları yetkilisine başvurabilirsiniz.

Welcome Information

Welcome to our hospital. Your treatment process has two stages. The first stage is inpatient treatment. The second stage is outpatient treatment.

First stage: Our floor physician and floor psychologist will take care of you during your treatment. During your treatment, you will receive many forms of psychotherapy. In addition to individual therapy every other day or more frequently, depending on your situation, you will also participate in family therapy, marital therapy, group therapy twice a week, work with a computer module (rehacom and/or neurobiofeedback) and a good morning meeting every morning. In addition, your attending physician will consult with you, adjust your medication regimen and check the results of the treatment in daily meetings.

In addition, your family meeting (for information and debriefing) will be held from time to time by both the physician and the psychologist. If there is a problem in your communication within the family or between spouses, therapeutic intervention will be made to eliminate these problems.

For problems that you cannot solve during hospitalization and treatment, please contact the Patient Rights Unit.

In the second stage, your doctor and psychologist appointments will be arranged at our outpatient outpatient clinics, taking into account the continuity of your follow-up after discharge from the hospital. Your outpatient doctor and psychologist will also come to the department where you were previously hospitalized to meet you. All your treatment and therapy information will be communicated to the outpatient clinic doctor and psychologist from the start. This way, you will not feel any omissions during your meetings with them during the outpatient phase.

If you continue your outpatient treatment as planned, recurrence of your illness will be prevented and you will be able to lead a healthy life with your psychological problems behind you.

Chief Physician's Office

What should you bring to our hospital for a good start?

Our goal is to familiarize you with our treatment team and hospital, get you settled in your room and make you comfortable. On the day you arrive at NPISTANBUL, you will be greeted by the patient counselor.

Please bring the following items with you:

  • Your ID or driver's license
  • Documents related to your social security (You must provide detailed information about your public or private health insurance during your application. Thanks to this information, your procedures will proceed faster and healthier).
  • Your personal belongings that will make you comfortable (sweat suit without string, underwear, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, bath towel, bath fiber, socks, nail clippers, comb.)

Our employees

When you arrive at our hospital, you will be greeted by our patient advisor who will check your appointment. All our hospital staff will carry identification cards with your name and job title.

Your room

  • After you are admitted to your room, you will be checked for your safety.
  • You will be instructed on how to use the equipment and items in all rooms, including the nurse call system, use of the bed, TV, bathroom, cupboards and lights. Please do not hesitate to ask questions about anything you do not understand.
  • For hygiene reasons, food should not be kept in our rooms. You can use the refrigerator for water and other drinks.
  • You can put your clothes in the closet in your room.
  • Please do not bring any valuables with you as much as possible and hand over all kinds of money and jewelry to the floor nurse in charge when you leave your room.
  • For your safety, there is a digital imaging system in your room and in the ward, except toilets and bathrooms.

Telephone and television services

Phone calls are subject to your doctor's approval. These services will be reflected directly on your bill. In our hospital, there is a television in every room.


Our hospital has a "Wireless" internet system. Patients who are allowed to use laptops can use it easily.

Nursing services on the floors

On the floors, nurses will assist you with administrative services and special needs. They will take care of your requests regarding your clinical comfort, meals and special needs.

Medical accounting consultants

All our patient counselors are experienced and knowledgeable about the prices and packages of examinations, tests, treatment procedures and packages offered at our hospital. It is their responsibility to convey this information to you. Please make sure that you understand the amount you will pay and its content. Your treatment plan may vary according to your condition. In this case, you will be notified of the changes and they will be reflected in your bill during your stay. On the day you arrive at the hospital, 50% of the fee to be deducted from your discharge invoice, which will be determined according to the examinations, treatment services and estimated length of stay, will be taken from you in advance and a receipt will be sent to you. In case your treatment process is prolonged, you will be informed again and asked to increase the amount of the advance payment.

The medical and administrative team responsible for you

Medical team

Council Visit

A comprehensive council visit is held once a week to evaluate the health status of our inpatient clients and to prepare/revise a treatment plan. This council visit is led by our professors who have the title of professor in the field of psychiatry. The floor doctor and psychologist, the client's responsible nurse, our social workers, nutritionist and the extended treatment team participate in the council visit and share about the treatment process of our client. This process is very important for our client's treatment and is implemented with many years of experience within the framework of our hospital's multidisciplinary perspective. On the dates determined by the service team, you can be invited to these visits and receive information about the treatment process from our consultant physician.


A psychiatrist will take care of you during your stay at our hospital. He or she will determine the tests and examinations necessary to diagnose your condition, prescribe all the medication you will take, coordinate with other medical departments if necessary and decide when you will be discharged. The doctor who admitted you to the hospital and the doctor who treats you during your hospitalization will be separate. The doctor who decided on your admission and your hospital doctor will be in contact during your treatment. Our Internal Medicine and Neurology specialists will also examine you during your hospitalization and will participate in the treatment process and make the necessary arrangements to ensure that your treatment is complete.


Psychologists conduct psychological assessments of patients through psychological tests and clinical observations and apply the appropriate psychotherapy technique to the patient, taking into account the data obtained. During hospitalization, you will be assigned a psychologist in charge. The psychologist in charge will work in cooperation with your doctor to carry out the therapy process. When necessary, he/she will also conduct informative and supportive therapeutic interviews with your family members. He/she will monitor your participation in group therapies and occupational therapies (painting, marbling, music, wood painting...) to support your treatment and share his/her observations with the treatment team.

Nurses and health officers

Nurses and health workers are an important link between you, your relatives and doctors. They help you communicate your needs, understand your treatment and speed up your recovery. They administer your medication and IV therapy and carry out the treatment planned by your doctor. They plan all your daily care and provide a safe environment for you. Their most important tasks include noting important symptoms, ensuring your safety and informing you about how to maintain your personal hygiene and health.

Confidentiality of patient information

Patient code

A "CODE" is set for each inpatient and this is only communicated to the family representative. No one other than the family representative is given information about the patient. The person who wants to get information about the patient by phone is asked the "patient code", and if the correct answer is received, information is given. Again, the patient representative who comes to the hospital to visit or meet with the treatment team is asked the "patient code" and if they know it, they are admitted to the meeting. If requested during discharge, information about the procedures performed in the hospital is delivered to the patient in writing. Hospital records are confidential information. No information about the patient's treatment in our institution is given to outsiders without the patient's knowledge.

No information about the patient is given to anyone other than the family representative.

For more information on the confidentiality of patient information, please see our Information Security page.

Administrative team

These are the units that help you for your other transactions other than the medical service you receive from our hospital (such as public relations, accounting). They will try to help you with any problems related to the service you receive.

For your health and safety;

Safe drug use

In our eyes, your safety is as important as your health. Keep track of your medication and medication times during your stay in our hospital. Inform your doctor about any medication you are taking. Hand over all medicines you bring with you to your nurse.

Participation in the treatment plan

For your treatment to be more effective and healthy, your cooperation is required during the treatment process.

For this reason

  • Discuss your treatment with your nurse and doctor.
  • If you have any questions, contact your nurse, psychologist or doctor. They will take the necessary actions and inform you.
Precautions against falls and injuries

Your safety may be at risk because you may be unfamiliar with the environment of our hospital or you may be sleepy or weak due to the medication you are taking.

For your own safety, you should follow the precautions below.

  • If your doctor or nurse warns you not to walk alone, pay attention.
  • Keep your telephone, nurse call button or any other personal item you need within easy reach.
  • If you are allowed to walk unassisted, make sure there is enough light in the walking area.
  • Choose the hospital slippers we provide to prevent your feet from slipping.
  • If you need to walk with a cane or walker, make sure you use them safely and comfortably.
  • If you need to take a bath, please ask for help from a nurse or health officer.
Hand washing and personal care

Hand hygiene and hygiene is one of the most important issues in the prevention of nosocomial infections. Effective hand washing with soap and water for 15 seconds ensures the removal of organisms and germs in the hand. During hospitalization, your personal care (cleaning your clothes, bathing, hair and beard shaving, etc.) will be monitored by our nursing services unit and you will be given the necessary support.


You can access books selected by our experts from our mobile library. In addition to our art therapies and group therapies, we will have activities in our wards. There are sports equipment, tennis, table football (depending on the ward), scrabble, chess, checkers, word games for you to play sports. Our art therapies including marbling, painting, wood painting, yoga and music ensure the integrity of treatment.

Your comfort is our comfort

Parking services

Patients, their families and visitors can use our free parking lot.

Security services

Our hospital security services work 24 hours a day for your peace and comfort.

  • It is forbidden to have glassware, cutting/piercing objects such as razors, needles, knitting needles, and items that can be abused such as belts and scarves.
  • Illegal drugs and weapons are strictly forbidden; if you have them on your person, you must surrender them.
  • Items that are objectionable to be kept in the hospital are taken by our nurses and health security personnel (HSP) with a report and returned to them with a signature during discharge.
Lost and Found

Our hospital security staff are stationed at the main security gates, emergency security gate and wards (SGP). Please report to security if you lose an item or find an item belonging to someone else.

Smoking areas

Our entire building and rooms are protected by smoke sensitive detectors. Patients can smoke in areas designated by the hospital management.

Open areas

There are two areas within our hospital as summer and winter garden. Our patients can benefit from these areas with the approval of the doctor at certain times of the day (accompanied by a nurse and SGP, at the times determined for each service).


While you are in our hospital, you can use the hospital cafeteria to drink tea, coffee and eat light meals. Please contact the cafeteria for fee information and limitations during hospitalization and discharge.


If you have any dissatisfaction or complaint about our hospital and/or our team, we are ready to listen and correct it. Thank you for your participation in our efforts to improve ourselves. You can report your complaints to the patient relations and patient rights officer.

Information for visitors and companions

Being with your loved ones and family is an important part of your recovery. It is important for us that your visitors spend time with you. However, for the peace and comfort of our other patients, we ask our visitors to pay attention to the following issues.

  1. There are three types of rooms in our hospital: single, double and suite rooms. A companion can stay with the approval of the doctor. There is no companion application in intensive care.
  2. As a general rule, phone calls and visits are not accepted during the first 1 week following hospitalization.
  3. Please take care to comply with this rule if your doctor does not approve the use of companions or visitors for medical reasons.
  4. Patient relatives and visitors are allowed to enter the wards subject to the doctor's permission.
  5. Visits take place in the area reserved for visits. Visiting hours are between 10:00 -18:00 and the duration of the visit is 30 minutes. Patient relatives can meet with your doctor between 14:00 -17:00 by appointment. Our call center will assist them for an appointment.
  6. Different visiting hours may apply in different departments. Visiting restrictions may be imposed according to the doctor's directive.
  7. Visitors must carry their visitor card at all times inside the hospital.
  8. Visitors may bring gifts such as magazines and books to patients. Open drinks, food and flowers are not accepted from outside. Food items brought from outside during patient visits are checked by the service team.
  9. Pediatric visitors may visit patients provided that they are accompanied by an adult with a doctor's approval. Children under 13 years of age are not allowed on the floor.
  10. Phone calls are made until 20:00. Permission must be obtained from the doctor on duty outside the specified hours. Cell phones and computers are prohibited in closed wards. It is subject to doctor's permission in open wards.
For donations to the Foundation for Human Values and Mental Health

If you would like to donate to the "IDER" donation program established within our hospital, where people in need will be cared for free of charge instead of sending flowers, you can purchase donation cards. An information card will be sent to our patients on behalf of the sender. You will also be given detailed information about who your donation was used for.

Discharge procedures

Before discharge;

  • Your doctor will tell you your discharge time at least one day in advance. Get detailed information about the list of medicines you will use and how to use them. Make sure you receive information about your follow-up examination. After discharge, your appointment will be arranged with the doctor who admitted you to the hospital.
  • Make sure you understand detailed information about all the medicines you will take (you will be given a medication card). Be sure to read the medication, diagnosis and treatment guide for details.
  • If you have a follow-up appointment, make sure that all arrangements have been made for your appointment (you will be given an appointment card). You will be called for your follow-up appointment. If for any reason you cannot be reached, please call us yourself. Please make sure you come to your follow-up appointment on the day and time given. You will be given the telephone numbers of the clinic and your doctor to call if you need them. Remember that you can call us at any time.
  • Make sure you take back your valuables.
  • Reporting your suggestions and complaints to the relevant people before you are discharged will guide us to see and correct our deficiencies. The direct phone number of the patient rights unit is 0216 633 06 25.
  • At the end of discharge, our staff will organize a questionnaire for you. Your suggestions and complaints will be taken seriously.
CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At23 September 2020
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