First migraine attack occurs before the age of 12

First migraine attack occurs before the age of 12

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Çocuklarda migrenin en büyük sorununun teşhis edilememesidir. Çocuklardaki migren belirtileri yetişkinlere göre daha çeşitlidir ve belirtiler ortaya çıktığında bir doktora danışılmalıdır. Okul çağındaki çocukların %10'unda görülen migren, çoğu zaman teşhis edilmeden geçirilir ve ilk atak genellikle 12 yaşından önce gerçekleşir. Migren, çocuklarda baş ağrısı, bulantı, kusma, ışığa ve sese karşı hassasiyet, karın ağrısı ve ruh hali değişiklikleri gibi çeşitli belirtilerle kendini gösterebilir. Yetişkinlere göre atak sıklığı ve şiddeti daha az olsa da çocukların yaşam kalitesini olumsuz etkiler, okul başarısını ve sosyalleşmeyi etkiler. Migren, ergenlik öncesi erkeklerde ve ergenlik sonrası kızlarda daha yaygındır. Ailede migren öyküsü bulunması çocuklarda migren riskini artırır. Tedavi yetişkinlerdekiyle benzerdir ve zamanında tanı çok önemlidir.

Stating that the most important problem in migraine disorders that occur in children is that the disease cannot be diagnosed, experts emphasize that migraine symptoms in children are more diverse than in adults and that a physician should be consulted in case of symptoms.

NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurology Specialist Dr. Celal Salçini made evaluations regarding migraine disease in children.

The first migraine attack occurs before the age of 12

Emphasizing that migraine is more common in childhood than known, Neurology Specialist Dr. Celal Salçini said that migraine, which is seen in 10 percent of school-age children, is rarely diagnosed and migraine patients have their first attack before the age of 12.

Migraine disrupts children's quality of life

Referring to the fact that migraine symptoms vary more in children compared to adults, Neurology Specialist Dr. Celal Salçini said, "Children may have headache, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, as well as abdominal pain and mood changes, just like adults. Although the frequency and severity of migraine attacks are less frequent than adults, they are enough to disrupt the quality of life of children. Since its symptoms vary, it creates anticipation anxiety and worry. Therefore, their social life, including school performance, is also affected. Patients with migraine are absent twice as often as other children."

The biggest risk is family history

Stating that the treatment of childhood migraine is possible and similar to each other as in adults, Neurology Specialist Dr. Celal Salçini said, "Migraine is more common in boys before puberty and in girls after puberty. At this point, it is important to make a timely diagnosis because even in adults, half of migraine patients can be diagnosed. Migraine can be seen in 70 percent of their parents, if family members have migraine, this is a situation that poses a risk for children."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 January 2021
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