Excessive use of painkillers can worsen migraine

Excessive use of painkillers can worsen migraine

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Migren, tek taraflı, zonklayıcı ve şiddetli ağrı ile kendini gösteren yaygın bir baş ağrısı türüdür. Işık ve sese karşı hassasiyet, bulantı ve kusma gibi belirtilerle birlikte görülebilir. Migren, peynir ve şarap gibi fermente gıdalar ve içecekler, kokular veya rüzgar gibi tetikleyicilerle ortaya çıkabilir. Tedavi edilebilir bir rahatsızlık olan migrende, doktora sık sık gitmekten kaçınılmalı ve tedavi yarım bırakılmamalıdır. Aşırı ilaç kullanımından kaynaklanan baş ağrıları sıklıkla migrenle birlikte görülebilir. Migren, yaşam kalitesini düşürür ve gerilim tipi baş ağrısı gibi, psikolojik stresin bir yansıması olabilir. İkincil baş ağrıları (hipertansiyon, beyin tümörü gibi nedenlerden kaynaklananlar) önemli olup, nedenin ortadan kaldırılmasını hedefleyen tedavi gerektirir. Aşırı ilaç kullanımı da baş ağrısına neden olabilir ve bu durum tedaviye dirençli hastalarda sık görülür; tedavisi, hastanın ağrı kesicilerden uzak tutulmasını gerektirir.

Migraine, which is widespread in the society, manifests itself as unilateral, throbbing and severe pain. Migraine cases, in which patients are disturbed by light and sound, can sometimes be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Migraine can be triggered by odors or wind, as well as fermented drinks and foods such as cheese and wine. In migraine, which can be treated, it is necessary to avoid changing doctors and not to leave the treatment unfinished. Migraine-type headache can often be accompanied by headache due to excessive drug use.
Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurology Specialist Dr. Celal Şalçini said that frequent migraine reduces the quality of life.

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Stating that migraine is among the pains described as primary headache, Dr. Celal Şalçini said, "Migraine pain is one-sided, throbbing and severe. Sometimes patients feel discomfort from light and sound during pain. Nausea and vomiting often accompany. It may be more pronounced during menstruation periods. Sometimes odors, lodos, some fruits, fermented foods and drinks such as cheese or wine can trigger migraine."

Treatment should not be left unfinished

Stating that sleep is usually good for migraine pain, Dr. Celal Şalçini said, "Migraine is one of the diseases that can be treated, but doctor and patient compliance is extremely important. Frequent change of doctor, non-compliance with treatment and early discontinuation of treatment are the most important reasons for treatment failure."

Beware of secondary headaches!

Stating that there are two types of headaches, Dr. Celal Şalçini noted that it is important to take secondary headaches seriously and said, "Primary or primary headaches include migraine as well as tension and cluster headache types. Headaches caused by hypertension, brain tumor, brain hemorrhage or many secondary causes are of great importance. These types of headaches are called secondary or secondary headaches. The doctor's priority is to investigate these headaches and this is the most important reason why we order imaging such as brain MRI/Tomography. The treatment of these headaches aims to eliminate the cause of the headache. For example, starting hypertension medication. Here, the patient is temporarily given painkillers and we focus on lowering blood pressure, which is our main goal."


Noting that tension-type headache is actually the reflection of psychological stress as a headache, Dr. Celal Şalçini said that the treatment of this type of headache is completely different from migraine and treatment is started with psychiatric drugs.

Overuse of medication causes headache

Stating that one of the other problematic headaches today is the headache that occurs due to "excessive drug use", Dr. Celal Şalçini said, "These patients develop a kind of addiction to painkillers because they use painkillers too often. This type of headache is seen in patients who are resistant to treatment and non-compliant with treatment. It often accompanies chronic migraine/tension headaches. The priority in treatment is to keep the patient away from excessive use of painkillers and this is the difficult part of treatment. Sometimes hospitalization may be necessary to keep patients away from painkillers and to perform controlled treatment."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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