Everyone with trembling hands should see a doctor

Everyone with trembling hands should see a doctor

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Parkinson hastalığı, başlangıçta fark edilmeden sinsice ilerleyen, genellikle titreme, hareketlerde yavaşlama ve yürüyüş problemlerine neden olan bir hastalıktır. Hastalığın belirgin özellikleri arasında yüz ifadesizliği, azalmış yüz ifadesi, azalmış göz kırpma sayısı, yüzde yağlanma ve kabuklanma, öne eğilerek küçük adımlarla yürüme, denge bozukluğu ve titreme yer alır. Parkinson'ın iki ana tipi vardır: yavaşlama ile ilerleyen ve titreme ile ilerleyen. Her iki tip de aynı anda başlayabilir ancak daha nadirdir. Yavaşlama ile ilerleyen Parkinson tedavide daha iyi yanıt verirken, titreme ile ilerleyen Parkinson'da ise daha yüksek dozda ilaç gerekir. Gelişmiş evrelerde unutkanlık gibi problemler de ortaya çıkabilir. “Parkinson artı” sendromları ise Parkinson'dan daha olumsuz seyirli ve tedavisi zor olan tiplerdir. El titremesi olan herkes muayene olmalıdır. Parkinson hastalığı tedavi edilemez ancak kullanılan ilaçlar hastanın yaşam kalitesini iyileştirerek normal bir yaşam sürmelerini sağlar.

Parkinson's disease, which generally causes tremors, slowing down in movements and gait problems, progresses insidiously by going unnoticed at the beginning. Referring to the striking features of Parkinson's patients, Specialist. Prof. Dr. Celal Şalçini stated that in these people; facial dullness, decreased facial expressions, decreased number of blinks, fat and crusting on the facial skin, walking with small steps while leaning forward, balance disorder and tremors are seen, and emphasized that anyone with tremors in their hands should definitely undergo an examination.


Every year, April 11 is commemorated as "World Parkinson's Disease Day" in order to raise social awareness and consciousness.

Neurology Specialist Dr. Celal Şalçini from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital gave important information about Parkinson's disease.

Uzm. Dr. Şalçini said, "Parkinson's is a very old disease and is named after the person who found the disease. Parkinson's, which is a progressive disease that usually goes with slowing down in movements, falling, tremors and gait problems, starts very insidiously at first and slowly increases with difficulty. When patients come to the doctor, the disease has started several years ago."

There are 2 important types of Parkinson's

Stating that there are two important types of Parkinson's, Specialist. Dr. Celal Şalçini continued his words as follows:

"One is Parkinson's progressing with slowing down and the other with tremors. Both can start at the same time; but it is rarer. Regardless of the type, both tremor and deceleration start on one side and progress to the other side after a while, becoming bilateral. Parkinson's with slowing down is slightly more responsive to treatment, but Parkinson's with tremor is more difficult to stop and requires higher doses of medication. In addition to Parkinson's, certain problems such as forgetfulness can occur in later stages.

What is Parkinson Plus?

There are also 'Parkinson's plus' or 'Parkinson's plus' syndromes. The general characteristic of these syndromes is that they are not as favorable as Parkinson's and their treatment is difficult. Patients are more unresponsive to medication and their prognosis is more severe than Parkinson's disease. They progress more rapidly and do not only present with Parkinson's symptoms. In addition to Parkinson's symptoms, there may be problems such as autonomic system disorder, upward gaze limitation, hand use problems, hand contractions, imbalance, shrinkage of the cerebellum, shrinkage of the shell layer in the brain in the early period."

Everyone with hand tremor should be examined

Neurology Specialist Dr. Celal Şalçini from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital said, "One of the prominent symptoms of Parkinson's disease is slowing down and the other is tremor. Everyone who has tremors in their hands should undergo an examination."

"The second is slowing down; the immobility of the arm while walking, which is noticed by the patient's relatives. When walking, the arm and leg go in parallel. Generally, families notice and say, 'You don't swing your arm anymore' and 'You have become heavier'. Based on this, patients may have shoulder pain or a slowdown in mental processes. Because the substance dopamine is not only responsible for movement, it also controls the speed of thought. In other words, there may also be a slowdown in the mind in these patients."

Decreased facial expressions, imbalance and tremors are observed

Neurology Specialist Dr. Celal Şalçini explained the striking features of Parkinson's patients as follows:

"When we see Parkinson's patients, there are some things that attract our attention. At first, their faces are dull and facial expressions are very reduced. The number of blinks has decreased, and the fat and crusting on the facial skin has increased. They usually walk with a forward lean and small steps. They are unsteady and may fall at any time, and of course there is trembling and/or slowing of the hand."

What are the treatment methods?

Celal Şalçini stated that Parkinson's treatment is not possible,

"But the drugs we give improve the patient's quality of life. At least by correcting the patient's tremor and slowing down to a certain level, it ensures that the patient's life proceeds normally for a long time."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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