Covid-19 exacerbates many neurological diseases

Covid-19 exacerbates many neurological diseases

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COVID-19'un kendi başına nörolojik hastalıklara neden olduğu henüz tespit edilmemiş olsa da, mevcut nörolojik hastalıkları kötüleştirdiği ve şiddetlendirdiği bilinmektedir. Uzmanlar, COVID-19'un epilepsi, ALS ve Parkinson hastalığı gibi durumları kötüleştirdiğini belirterek, nörolojik hastalığı olan bireylerin toplumun geliştirdiği duyarlılığın ötesinde ekstra bir duyarlılık göstermesi gerektiğini vurgulamaktadır. Özellikle yaşlı hastaların egzersizlerini, beslenmelerini ve doktor kontrollerini ihmal etmemesi, uzaktan da olsa bu konulara dikkat etmeleri önerilmektedir. COVID-19'un nörolojik etkileri henüz tam olarak açıklanamamış olsa da, koku kaybına neden olduğu bilinmektedir. COVID-19, özellikle solunum güçlüğü veya Amyotrofik Lateral Skleroz (ALS) gibi hastalıkları hızla kötüleştirmekte ve kronik hastalığı olan, yaşlı ve bakıma muhtaç hastaların genel durumunu olumsuz etkileyebilmektedir. COVID-19'un epilepsi, demans ve Parkinson hastalığını kötüleştirdiği de bilinmektedir. Nörolojik hastaları olan bireyler, kronik hastalıklarının ve yaşlılıklarının getirdiği ek riskler nedeniyle COVID-19'dan korunmak için ekstra önlem almalı, egzersizlerine, beslenmelerine ve doktor takiplerine dikkat etmelidirler. Uzmanlar, hastaların gerekmedikçe evden çıkmamaları ve uzaktan sağlık hizmetlerinden faydalanmaları için çeşitli yöntemler sunmaktadır.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital Neurology Specialist Dr. Celal Salçini evaluated the effects of Covid-19 on neurological diseases.

The coronavirus has not yet been found to cause neurological diseases on its own, but it is known to exacerbate and worsen existing neurological diseases. Stating that Covid-19 worsens conditions such as epilepsy, ALS and Parkinson's, experts state that individuals with neurological diseases should show extra sensitivity beyond the sensitivity developed by society. Experts recommend that especially elderly patients should not neglect their exercise, nutrition and doctor checks, even remotely.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurology Specialist Dr. Celal Salçini evaluated the effects of Covid-19 on neurological diseases.

Its neurological effect alone is not yet clear

Stating that Covid-19 is one of the new diseases, Neurology Specialist Dr. Celal Salçini said, "Therefore, although we seem to have information, the neurological effects of the disease are not yet clear. But now we know that it causes anosmia in medical language that causes loss of smell. Anosmia actually means loss of smell and has entered the diagnostic criteria. Therefore, patients are asked whether they have loss of smell. There are researches on which diseases it causes and triggers, but we cannot say that Covid-19 alone causes a neurological disease."

The condition of elderly patients is important

Stating that neurological diseases should be evaluated in a very wide range, Dr. Salçini said, "In this wide range, neurology covers all kinds of diseases from muscle diseases to herniated discs or numbness in the hand and arm. Therefore, our main problem is that it affects neurological diseases that are chronic, elderly, in need of care, in poor general condition, with problems that also include internal medicine in general. Pneumonia-like diseases in patients can impair the general condition."

Covid-19 affects ALS disease badly

Noting that Covid-19 worsens diseases such as breathing, respiratory weakness or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) very quickly, Dr. Celal Salçini continued his words as follows:

"Because these diseases are in groups we call muscle disease, nerve disease leading to muscle or muscle junction disease. Since these patients have low muscle power capacity and respiratory muscles are affected, they do not necessarily need pneumonia caused by Covid-19, it can be influenza or swine flu pneumonia, any pneumonia affects them badly. Therefore, we see the same situation in Covid-19 and we can say that it rapidly worsens patients. We know that coronavirus is a disease with two presentations. At first, pneumonia affects chronic patients. This is already an expected process since the losses are due to pneumonia due to many chronic diseases. But then there can be what we call stochin storms, which can also affect the healthy brain very easily. This is like an allergic reaction and as a result, we can lose patients."

It can worsen existing neurological diseases

Reminding that a 1.5-year-old girl with epilepsy deteriorated and died due to Covid-19, Salçini said, "Coronavirus can exacerbate or worsen many of the existing neurological diseases. It is known to deteriorate the general condition and coronavirus is known to cause brain involvement. We know that this virus worsens epilepsy, dementia and Parkinson's disease. Of course, some of these worsen due to general deterioration of the general condition, and some of them are pathological disorders that may occur when the nerve affects the brain cells. Although we are not completely sure, there are some hypotheses."

Neurological patients should be more sensitive

Stating that neurological patients need an extra sensitivity apart from the sensitivity developed by the society, Salçini said, "Because most of them are chronic patients, that is, they do not have temporary diseases. They are long-term diseases and most of our patients are elderly. Most of them are on medication, sometimes multiple medications. Therefore, the general condition of these patients is impaired, their livers are tired, they have kidney polymers, and they need to take more precautions against the transmission of coronavirus than normal individuals because of their advanced age."

They should pay attention to their exercise and nutrition

Salçini pointed out that especially elderly neurological patients should pay attention to their exercises, nutrition and doctor follow-ups while taking precautions and said, "We often see that many problems arise when they do not follow their doctor and remain inactive. Recently, we have been trying to help patients remotely, via digital platforms or video chat. In this way, it is ensured that they do not leave home when not necessary."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At14 January 2021
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