Articulation Disorders

Articulation Disorders

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Artikülasyon, ses, hece ve kelimeleri oluşturmak için ses tellerinden ve dil, çene, dişler, dil ve damaktan havanın işlenmesidir. Artikülasyon problemi olan kişiler sesleri, heceleri veya kelimeleri yanlış üretir; dinleyiciler söylenenleri anlayamaz veya sözcüklerin anlamından ziyade söylenenleri anlamaya daha fazla dikkat harcarlar. Bu sorunlar ses düşürme, ses değiştirme veya ses bozulması gibi hatalara yol açabilir ve serebral palsi, damak yarılması, işitme kaybı veya diğer oral sorunlar gibi fiziksel nedenlerden veya yanlış öğrenmeden kaynaklanabilir. Aksanlar bazı durumlarda bir sorun olabilir. Çocuklar konuşma seslerini erken yaşta öğrenir ve sık kulak problemleri öğrenmeyi etkileyebilir. Çocukların çoğu 8-9 yaşına kadar tüm sesleri doğru bir şekilde üretmelidir. Ebeveynler iyi bir model olarak davranarak, sürekli düzeltmeden kaçınarak ve yanlış telaffuzu doğru bir şekilde tekrarlayarak çocuklarına yardımcı olabilirler. Yetişkinlerde de artikülasyon problemleri tedavi edilebilir, ancak sorun ne kadar uzun sürerse değişmesi o kadar zorlaşır. Artikülasyon problemlerinin sosyal, duygusal, akademik ve/veya iş hayatını etkilemesi durumunda çözülmesi önemlidir.

What is articulation?

Articulation is the processing of air through the vocal cords and the tongue, jaw, teeth, tongue and palate into sounds, syllables and words.

What is an articulation problem?

A person with an articulation problem produces sounds, syllables or words incorrectly; listeners are unable to understand what is being said or spend more attention trying to understand what is being said than the meaning of the word.

Is a pronunciation problem like baby talk?

When young children misuse sounds, syllables and words, their speech may be perceived as "baby talk". However, the speech of older children and adults with severe pronunciation problems is quite different from baby talk.

What are some pronunciation errors?

The majority of pronunciation errors fall into one of three categories:

  • Sound or syllable dropping ("palm" instead of "carrot")
  • Substitute sound ("dog" for "dog")
  • Using distorted sound

What causes vocalization problems?

Pronunciation problems can be caused by physical causes such as cerebral palsy, cleft lip and palate, hearing loss or other oral problems (dental problems). However, many phonation problems occur without any obvious physical disability. Functional pronunciation problems can occur as a result of incorrect learning of speech sounds.

Is an accent a pronunciation problem?

For some people it can be. There are many accents within the country. It can be a problem if it affects the person's daily life goals.

Do ear problems in infancy affect voice development later on?

Children learn speech sounds by listening to the speech around them. This learning starts very early in life. If children have frequent ear problems during this important period, they may fail to learn some speech sounds.

Does the child have problems with functional vocalization?

A child's speech becomes more intelligible as he or she grows older, but some children need help to have intelligible pronunciation.

Are all sounds learned at the same time?

No. Sounds are learned in a sequential order. Some sounds, e.g. /p/, /m/, /b/, are learned around the age of three, while other sounds, e.g. /s/, /r/, /l/, are often not fully mastered until school age.

Until what age does a child produce all sounds correctly?

All sounds should be produced correctly by the age of 8-9 years. Many children produce them earlier.

How can I help my child to produce sounds correctly?

By being a good model. Do not interrupt or constantly correct his/her speech. Don't let anyone, including friends and relatives, make fun of the child. Instead, be a good model. Rephrase a mispronounced word in the correct form. If the child says, "Number sun", correct by repeating, "Yes, yellow sun, the big yellow sun warms us".

Can pronunciation problems in adults be helped?

Many pronunciation problems can be helped regardless of the age of the person. But the longer the problem persists, the more difficult it is to change the wrong sound. Some problems (such as problems with the nerves that stimulate the vocal muscles) take longer to help than functional vocalization problems. Various factors such as hearing loss, oral structure (teeth), how often the child receives help, intelligence and level of cooperation also affect this process.

Is it important to correct pronunciation problems?

If it is affecting social, emotional, academic and/or work life, it becomes more important to solve this problem. Our speech is a part of us. Our quality of life is affected by the adequacy of our speech. Therefore, speech problems should be addressed urgently.

For online speech and language disorders treatment:

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 July 2020
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