Why does our brain forget?

Why does our brain forget?

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Beyin hasarı yaşlanma veya travma sonucu meydana gelebilir ve unutkanlığa yol açabilir. Alzheimer, yavaş ilerleyen kronik bir hastalıktır ve başlangıcı belirsizdir. Günlük unutkanlık, beş dakika önceki konuşmaları unutma veya sorunlara uyum sağlamada zorluk, basit unutkanlıktan farklılaşmasını sağlar. Yeni bilgileri hatırlayamama ama eski bilgileri hatırlayabilme, yenilenme yetersizliğini, depresyon veya Alzheimer's hastalığını gösterebilir. İsim unutmak, basit unutkanlığın bir parçası olsa da hastalığa da işaret edebilir. Her gün kullanılan bir eşyayı unutmak ise demansın ilerlemiş bir evresini gösterebilir. Alzheimer's hastalığının ilk belirtileri arasında, yakın zamanlı olayları yaşanmamış gibi kabul etmek ve öğrenmede zorluk çekmek yer alır. Hastalık belirtileri gösteren kişilerde, sanki söylenenleri ilk kez duyuyormuş gibi tepki verme ve aynı kelimeleri tekrar tekrar kullanma gibi durumlar araştırılmalıdır. Demans, yavaş unutma, alışkanlıklarda değişiklikler ve günlük işlerde sorunlarla karakterizedir ve Alzheimer's hastalığı bunun 50 nedeninden biri, en yaygın olanıdır. Her demans hastasının Alzheimer's'ı yoktur, ancak her Alzheimer hastası demans hastasıdır. Alzheimer's hastalığının belirtileri, beyindeki bilgi işleme kapasitesinin bozulması, davranış, kişilik ve günlük yaşam aktivitelerindeki değişikliklerdir. Bunlar yavaş ilerleyici bir şekilde ortaya çıkarsa demansın bir işareti olabilir. Unutkanlık ve yeni öğrenmede zorluk ön plandaysa ve başka bir hastalık yoksa, Alzheimer hastalığına işaret edebilir. 60 yaşından sonra yavaş ilerleyen unutkanlık, yeni bilgi öğrenmede güçlük ve depresyon benzeri belirtiler hastalığın ilk belirtileri olabilir.

Why our brain forgets, it is normal for everyone to forget or remember information that is not used. This has nothing to do with a disease.

Why our brain forgets, simple forgetfulness is the categorization of the brain, which can be seen at any age and in both sexes, which occurs in line with the working principles of the brain, which is a requirement of carrying a purely physiological brain, and when the brain turns to new information, it pushes the previously learned ones back a little bit and makes a choice between them.

Our brain can be damaged by age and sometimes by trauma. As a result of this damage, it may have damaged a certain area of the brain, in which case the brain may forget.

DoesAlzheimer's disease come on suddenly?

Alzheimer's disease is a chronic disease. It is a process that progresses slowly and it is not clear when it starts. Alzheimer's is differentiated from simple forgetfulness if the person shows daily forgetfulness, forgets a conversation that took place five minutes ago, or cannot adapt to problem changes. The answer to why our brain forgets can play an important role in the diagnosis of diseases.

Why does our brain forget, if the person does not remember new information and can talk about old information all the time, what does this indicate?

It is the inability to renew oneself. This can be depression or Alzheimer's disease.

Why does our brain forget, at this point, we may often face problems with forgetting names. Forgetfulness of names is a phenomenon that is part of simple forgetfulness and also leads to disease. Names are symbolic. Forgetfulness likes things that have no substance. Why our brain forgets, if we forget an item we use every day, it may indicate dementia and may indicate that it is advanced. Why our brain forgets, name forgetfulness is a common thing. Because there is no evocative object.

What are the first signs of the disease?

Why our brain forgets, accepting recent events as if they did not happen and having difficulties in learning them.

At which symptoms should the individual and their relatives consult a doctor?

Why our brain forgets, people who behave as if they have never heard the words spoken to them and react as if they are hearing them for the first time when they are repeated and use the same words over and over again as if they have never said them, should be investigated when they show these behaviors.

Dementia and Alzheimer's

Dementia means dementia. Dementia is why our brain forgets, if a person slowly forgets, slowly changes his/her habits, slowly has problems in daily work, this is called dementia. Dementia is the result in three ways. It is the result of the relationship between knowledge and the brain, habits and behaviors, and the habits we do on a daily basis. Alzheimer's disease is the cause. Alzheimer's disease is one of the 50 causes of dementia. It is the most common cause. Not every person with dementia has Alzheimer's. But every Alzheimer is dementia.

There is no ethical, legal or social responsibility that a person with symptoms of Alzheimer's disease faces. Alzheimer's relatives should approach with this understanding. Since the boundaries of Alzheimer's patients are closed, getting into a discussion with such patients, getting into a discussion over information, getting into an emotional discussion destroys them. Measures will be taken, but not to the extent of discussion.

Living in the same house with an Alzheimer's patient requires treatment for depression in the relatives of the patient. Alzheimer's is not a disease that can be cared for at home.

What are the symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer's?

They are not two separate conditions. They are intertwined. Not all dementia is Alzheimer's. There are other causes of dementia. Every Alzheimer is a dementia. It is necessary to identify the symptoms of dementia before going to Alzheimer's. Affected information processing capacity of the brain in the center of forgetfulness, changes in our behavior, changes in our personality, changes in our daily life activities. If these occur in a person in a slowly progressive manner, they may be signs of dementia. However, if forgetfulness and new learning are at the forefront of these dementia symptoms and there is no other disease, it is a sign that it may be Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's disease is a slowly progressive brain disease. It has a genetic link. Why our brain forgets, slowly progressive forgetfulness from the age of 60, difficulty in learning new information and symptoms similar to depression may be the initial symptoms of the disease.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 February 2023
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