What should be done for liver health?

What should be done for liver health?

Content Summary

Karaciğer, karın boşluğunun sağ üst tarafında yer alan, pembe-kahverengi renkte, üçgen şeklinde ve 1,7 kg ağırlığa kadar ulaşabilen, vücuttaki ikinci büyük organdır. Kendini yenileme özelliğine sahip bir bezdir. Protein sentezi, yağ sentezi ve depolanması, karbonhidratların depolanması ve vücuda salınması, safra üretimi ve salınımı, demir, A, D, E, K vitaminleri ve bazı minerallerin depolanması ve vücuttan zararlı ilaç ve maddelerin uzaklaştırılması gibi birçok hayati işlevi yerine getirir. Karaciğer hastalıkları arasında alkol kaynaklı yağlı karaciğer hastalığı, alkolsüz yağlı karaciğer hastalığı, akut ve kronik viral hepatit, toksik hepatit, karaciğer kistleri, siroz ve karaciğer kanseri yer alır. Karaciğer sağlığını korumak için alkol tüketimi bırakılmalı, ideal kiloda kalınıp beslenme düzeltilmeli, besin değeri yüksek, doymuş ve trans yağlardan düşük kalorili bir diyet uygulanmalı, katkı maddeli gıdalardan kaçınılmalı, düzenli egzersiz yapılmalı, diyabet, insülin direnci ve kolesterol hastalıkları için tedavi ve diyet önerilerine uyulmalı, kültür mantarı dışında mantar tüketilmemeli, gereksiz antibiyotik, ağrı kesici ve bitkisel tedavi kullanılmamalı, hepatit B aşısı yaptırılmalı ve kan ve cinsel yolla bulaşan viral hepatit hastalıklarından korunmak için önlemler alınmalıdır.

The liver is an organ that plays an important role in our body and is responsible for the fulfillment of vital functions. Therefore, maintaining liver health is of great importance for the duration and quality of life.

The liver is located in the upper right side of the abdomen. It is pink-brown in color. It is triangular in shape and can weigh up to 1.7 kg. It is the second largest organ in the body. The liver, which has a self-renewal feature, is also a gland.

The liver undertakes many important vital functions. The main tasks of the liver can be listed as follows.

- Synthesizing protein

- Synthesizing and storing fats

- Storing and releasing carbohydrates into the body

- Production and release of bile

- Storing iron, vitamins A, D, E, E, K and some minerals

- To remove some harmful drugs and substances from the body

What are the most common liver diseases?

- Alcohol-related fatty liver disease

- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

- Acute and chronic viral hepatitis

- Toxic hepatitis

- Liver cysts

- Cirrhosis

- Liver cancer

What should be considered to maintain liver health?

- Alcohol consumption should be stopped.

- Since obesity causes fatty liver disease, one should maintain an ideal weight. Dietary changes should be made to lose weight.

- A nutrient-rich diet that does not contain excess calories and is low in saturated and trans fats should be eaten.

- Foods with additives such as salami, sausage, fatty fried foods, instant fruit juices and fast food should be avoided.

- Exercise for 30 minutes a day, at least four days a week

- If there is diabetes, insulin resistance and cholesterol disease, the diet and treatments given should be followed.

- Mushrooms should not be consumed except cultivated mushrooms.

- Unnecessary antibiotics, painkillers and herbal treatments should not be used.

- Hepatitis b vaccine is one of the vaccines given during childhood. Individuals who have not been vaccinated against hepatitis b should be vaccinated.

Since viral hepatitis diseases are transmitted through blood and sexual intercourse, common toothbrushes and razors should be avoided and unprotected sexual intercourse should be avoided.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At19 February 2021
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