What is vitamin B6, what are its benefits

What is vitamin B6, what are its benefits

Content Summary

B6 vitamini, ışık ve alkali ortamlara duyarlı, gıdalardan elde edilen, bağışıklık sistemi ve kan seviyelerinin düşürülmesi için önemli bir vitamindir. 60'tan fazla enzimin çalışması için gerekli olup, sağlıklı enzim salgılanmasını sağlar, hücre çoğalmasında rol oynayarak sağlıklı gebelik için önemlidir, normal enerji oluşumuna katkıda bulunur, yorgunluğu azaltır, normal homosistein metabolizmasını destekler, normal kırmızı kan hücresi oluşumuna ve bağışıklık sisteminin korunmasına yardımcı olur, böbreklerin sağlıklı çalışmasını destekler ve uykusuzluğu önler. Ek olarak, kas kasılmalarını ve krampları önler, yağ yakımını hızlandırarak kilo vermeye yardımcı olur, sinirleri ve stresi azaltır ve beyindeki kimyasal olaylar için önemlidir. Eksikliği yorgunluk, dil ve ciltte çatlaklar, kas erimesi, zihinsel yorgunluk, unutkanlık, depresyon, cilt kızarıklığı ve kaşıntı, sık sık grip ve soğuk algınlığı, huzursuzluk, anemi ve düşük enerji gibi belirtilerle kendini gösterebilir. Karaciğer, böbrek ve sindirim sistemi hastalıkları olan kişilerde, sigara içenlerde, obez kişilerde, alkoliklerde ve hamile kadınlarda eksiklik görülebilir. B6 vitamini kırmızı et, inek sütü, çeşitli baharatlar, patates, muz, avokado, ayçiçeği yağı, havuç, sarımsak, tavuk, yumurta, koyu yeşil yapraklı sebzeler, balık, baklagiller ve çeşitli kuruyemişlerde bulunur. Astım, otizm, kardiyovasküler hastalıklar, karpal tünel sendromu, diyabet, depresyon, epilepsi, böbrek taşı, gebelikle ilgili bulantı ve kusma ve osteoporoz gibi durumlarda kullanımı vardır.

What is VITAMIN B6?

What is vitamin B6, it is the vitamin we get from food that is sensitive to light and alkaline environment, which is important for the immune system and the decrease in blood levels.

Benefits of Vitamin B6

- It ensures healthy secretion of enzymes. It is necessary for the functioning of more than 60 enzymes.

- It is a necessary enzyme for a healthy pregnancy as it has a very important role in the proliferation of cells.

- Vitamin B6 helps normal energy formation in the body.

- Reducing fatigue and exhaustion

- Normal homocysteine metabolism

- Contributes to the formation of normal red blood cells and protection of the immune system.

- It strengthens the immune system. It protects our body from diseases.

- Provides healthy functioning of the kidneys as it supports blood production.

- Prevents insomnia problem.

- Prevents muscle contractions and cramps.

- It helps in weight loss as it accelerates the fat burning process.

- Reduces the effects of nerves and stress.

- Vitamin B6 is also important for chemical events in the brain.

What are the Symptoms of Vitamin B6 Deficiency?

Symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency usually reveal the following conditions, but it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor and apply a treatment accordingly.

- Vitamin B6 deficiency can manifest itself in people with many different symptoms.

- Long-term fatigue, weakness

- Cracks in the tongue and skin

- Muscle wasting

- Mental fatigue

- Forgetfulness and lack of concentration

- Feeling constantly depressed

- Skin redness and itching

- Frequent flu and colds and inability to get rid of these diseases immediately

- Restlessness

- Anemia

- Low energy and fatigue

Who is affected?

Vitamin B6 deficiency can be seen in people with liver, kidney and digestive tract diseases, smokers, obese people, alcoholics and pregnant women.

Which Foods Contain Vitamin B6?

- Red meat and cow's milk

- Various dry spices such as rosemary, thyme, chili powder

- Potatoes, bananas and avocados, which are known to be rich in potassium

- Foods such as sunflower oil, carrots

- Garlic (even just 1 clove of garlic helps to meet a significant portion of your daily requirement (about 2%)).

- Chicken and eggs

- Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach

- Fish varieties, especially salmon and tuna

- Almost all legumes, from beans to lentils

- Various nuts such as pistachios and hazelnuts.

Areas where Vitamin B6 is used

- Asthma

- Autism

- Cardiovascular diseases

- Carpal tunnel syndrome

- Diabetes

- Depression

- Epilepsy

- Kidney stones

- Pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting

- Osteoporosis

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At06 February 2020
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