What is the Pegan Diet? How is it Applied?

What is the Pegan Diet? How is it Applied?

Content Summary

Pegan diyeti, %75'i bitki bazlı, %25'i hayvansal kaynaklı besinlerden oluşan, dengeli bir beslenme planıdır. Bu diyet, işlenmiş gıdaları sınırlayarak taze meyve, sebze (özellikle düşük glisemik indeksli), glutensiz tahıllar, tohumlar, yumurta, kuruyemiş ve az miktarda şeker tüketimini önerir. Süt ürünleri ve gluten kesinlikle yasaktır. Pegan diyeti, kilo kontrolü ve kolesterolü düşürme gibi sağlık yararları sağlayabilir ancak hayvansal ürün tüketiminin azlığı bazı besin eksikliklerine yol açabilir. Örnek bir pegan diyeti kahvaltıda yumurta, kuruyemiş ve sebze salatası, ara öğünlerde kuruyemiş veya meyve, öğle yemeğinde bol yeşillikli sebze salatası (isteğe bağlı olarak az miktarda mercimek), akşam yemeğinde ise sebze yemekleri ve az miktarda tavuk veya köfte içerir. Herhangi bir diyet programına başlamadan önce mutlaka bir doktor ve diyetisyene danışılması önemlidir.

Pegan diet; 75% of the foods consumed daily consist of vegetables and fruits, that is, plant-based foods. The remaining nutrients consist of beneficial proteins and healthy fats. The Pegan diet takes its name from the combination of the paleo diet and the vegan diet and is a healthy eating-oriented lifestyle.

Approximately 75% of the diet consists of plant-based foods and the remaining 25% of the pegan diet consists of animal sources. It is a very rich diet in terms of food. In addition, this diet can be sustained for a long time and the consumption of fresh foods is very important. The diet also limits processed foods. Dairy products and gluten should not be consumed.

Which foods are consumed on the Pegan Diet?

The Pegan diet aims at the principle of healthy eating. Animal foods should definitely be consumed in this diet. The basic principle of this diet is that 75% of the plate should consist of vegetables, and the remaining 25% can be consumed in the remaining 25% of useful animal foods.

People who want to performthe Pegan diet program should first know the foods they can and cannot eat. It is a vegetable and fruit-based program. You can consume the following foods in moderation;

  • Fruit
  • Vegetables with a low glycemic index (broccoli, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes)
  • Gluten-free cereals
  • Seeds
  • Eggs
  • Nuts
  • A small amount of sugar
  • Plenty of water

Gluten and dairy products are among the foods that should not be included in this diet. In addition, some processed foods that contain additives for a longer shelf life should be excluded or limited. The foods that should be avoided on this diet are as follows;

  • Bread pasta, bakery products
  • Grain
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Preservatives
  • Sweeteners

Does the Pegan Diet Have Health Benefits?

In general, the vegan diet is easier to follow than the paleo diet. However, despite its simplicity, it has clear limits and can lead to a deficiency of certain nutrients. There are some advantages to this diet. One of them is that, when practiced regularly, it provides weight control and lowers cholesterol. One of the disadvantages of this diet is that meat and meat products are consumed very little. This can lead to vitamin deficiency.

Many people agree that a plant-based diet, which focuses on fruits and vegetables high in fiber and low in starch, is good for health and can reduce the risk of developing certain conditions. Research shows that plant-based diets can reduce body weight and lower bad cholesterol. Including whole grains and legumes in the daily diet is good for overall health.

Sample Pegan Diet List

2 eggs
2 walnuts
Vegetable-heavy salad
7-8 black olives
Bread containing whole grains

1 handful of walnuts or hazelnuts

A vegetable salad with plenty of greens. (Optionally, you can also add lentils, not exceeding 1/2 cup)

1 piece of fruit

Vegetable meal prepared with vegetables such as carrots and broccoli may be preferred. Chicken, grilled, meatballs with 70-80 gr. protein content.

Any diet, including this diet, should not be applied without consulting a physician and nutritionist. Diets should be individualized and require a certain discipline. A diet that is beneficial for one individual may not be beneficial for another, and may even lead to harmful consequences.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At24 January 2023
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