What is the Immune System and How to Strengthen It?

What is the Immune System and How to Strengthen It?

Content Summary

Bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmenin yollarını anlamak için öncelikle bağışıklık sisteminin ne olduğunun anlaşılması gerekir. Bağışıklık sistemi, enfeksiyon ve hastalıklara neden olan mikroplar, bakteriler ve patojenlerle savaşan organlar, hücreler, dokular ve proteinlerden oluşur. Bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmek için sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzı benimsemek çok önemlidir. Bu, sigarayı bırakmayı, düzenli egzersiz yapmayı, sağlıklı kiloyu korumayı, alkol kullanımını sınırlamayı, düzenli uyumayı, stresten uzak durmayı ve kişisel hijyene dikkat etmeyi içerir. Çocuklarda, yeterli uyku, D vitamini takviyesi, mevsime uygun giyinme, açık hava aktiviteleri, sağlıklı beslenme, düzenli kahvaltı, omega-3 tüketimi, taze meyve ve sebze tüketimi, aşılar, kişisel bakım ve özellikle iki yaşına kadar emzirme bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmeye yardımcı olur. Bağışıklığı destekleyen besinler arasında yeterli protein, omega-3 ve omega-9 yağ asitleri, yulaf, yaban mersini, turunçgiller, brokoli, kırmızı biber, ıspanak, sarımsak, yeşil çay, yoğurt, ayçiçeği çekirdeği, badem ve papaya bulunur. Ani diyetlerden kaçınmak ve günlük kalori ihtiyacını karşılamak da önemlidir.

Strengthening the body's immune system is very important for a healthy and fit life. The immune system, which has been challenged by a wide variety of viruses in recent years, can become stronger with additional nutrients and vitamin supplements and can make a great contribution to the body in the fight against diseases.

Before answering the question "How to strengthen the immune system?" , it is necessary to have information about the immune system . The immune system is made up of organs, cells, tissues and proteins in our body. All these elements make up the bodily continuum that fights microbes, bacteria and pathogens that cause infection or disease.
Whenthe immune system encounters a pathogen, it activates the immune response, releasing antibodies that attach to antigens on pathogens and kill them. Adding certain foods to the diet strengthens an individual's immune response.
Sincethe immune system functions in conjunction with all other body structures, it is essential to pay attention not only to diet, but also to all health recommendations and personal hygiene. The following lifestyle strategies can transform an individual's immune system into a stronger one;

  • Not smoking
  • Doing regular sports
  • Staying at a healthy weight
  • Abstaining from alcohol or not overusing it
  • Regular sleep
  • Staying as stress-free as possible
  • Paying attention to personal hygiene

How to Strengthen a Child's Immune System?

Children get sick more often than adults. The immune system of children is very important. Children should be prevented from getting sick intensively. Parents should follow some rules for their children's immune systems to be strong. If the rules are not taken care of, a weak immune system can cause different infections in young children. Here are some of the rules that need to be followed in order for the child's immune system to be strong;

  • Regular sleep
  • In addition, vitamin D should be consumed
  • Dress in clothes suitable for the season and weather conditions
  • Children should be taken outdoors in all seasons
  • Healthy and regular nutrition
  • Breakfast habit should be created
  • Intake of foods containing omega3
  • Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • All necessary vaccinations
  • Care should be taken for personal care
  • Children should be breastfed, especially until they are two years old
  • Should have sports habits according to age appropriateness

What Foods Boost the Immune System?

A consistent diet is very important for staying fit. The following foods can contribute to strengthening the immune system ;
Adequate protein intake: Protein-containing foods are among the foods that strengthen the immune system. Therefore, consume the amount of protein that should be consumed daily. Take care to consume eggs, meat and other protein-supported foods.
Consume Omega 9 and Omega 3: Omega helps to strengthen the immune system. Therefore, you should consume these 2 groups. Omega 9 is found in foods such as purslane, almond paste and olives. Omega 3 is present in all seafood.
Do not apply shock diets: Keeping the immune system strong is very important for disease prevention. Therefore, diets applied for a uniform diet do more harm than good. Daily carbohydrate and protein needs must be met.
Adequate calorie intake: Nutrition should be appropriate for body mass; it is harmful to eat less than the required calorie intake in 1 day. This increases body resistance, which in turn strengthens the immune system.
Blueberries: Blueberries contain a type of flavonoid called anthocyanin, which has antioxidant properties that contribute to strengthening an individual's immune system.
Citrus fruits: Consuming citrus fruits rich invitamin C contributes to the treatment of many seasonal transitional ailments such as colds, flu and flu infections. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C can contribute to increased body resistance and the body's resistance to germs.
Broccoli: Broccoli is a useful vitamin storehouse. It is one of the healthiest green vegetables due to its mineral content and vitamins A, C and E. It also contains powerful antioxidants such as sulforaphane, making it a powerful fuel for the body. The important point when consuming broccoli is to minimize the loss of these vitamins during cooking. For this reason, you can consume broccoli by cooking it as little as possible or by steaming it.
Red pepper: It is literally a storehouse of vitamins, containing a much higher amount of vitamin C than many citrus fruits. In addition, thanks to its rich beta carotene extract, it contributes to the body gaining the strength it needs.
Spinach: It can be consumed for strengthening the immune system from many essential food and antioxidant extracts, includingvitamin C, E . Apart from this, spinach contributes to cell division and DNA restoration with the nutrients it contains.
Garlic Garlic has been known since ancient times for the prevention of influenza and other ailments. A study was conducted to determine whether garlic is beneficial in flu infections. In the studies, one group used placebos that had no effect, while the other group consumed garlic supplements. As a result of the research, twice as many flu infections were observed in the group of participants using placebo than in the group taking garlic supplements. However, the researchers said that more research is needed to understand whether garlic contributes to preventing flu infections .
Green tea: Green tea contains only a small amount of caffeine, so it can be drunk as an alternative to black tea or coffee. Like blueberries, green tea may reduce the risk of flu infection. In addition, consuming green tea has a positive effect on blood lipids, raising good cholesterol and lowering bad cholesterol.
Yogurt: The benefits of yogurt are countless. Yogurt, especially fermented at home and without added sugar, can strengthen immunity against diseases thanks to the contribution of active cultures in its essence.
Kernels: Sunflower seeds contain vitamin B6, vitamin D, phosphorus, magnesium and rich vitamin E. It contributes to the correct and healthy functioning of the immune system . However, consuming sunflower seeds at high rates causes weight gain.
Almonds It contains high amounts of vitamin E . It is also a source of manganese, magnesium and fiber. It helps the skin to be healthy.
Papaya: Papaya fruit; It contains magnesium, vitamins and minerals. By choosing papaya, you can get vitamin support and contribute to the digestive enzymes you need for general health.
Oranges and acidic fruits: Acidic fruits such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, kiwi, etc. are vitamin C stores. Vitamin C contributes to the fight against respiratory diseases such as influenza. In addition, it has been observed that the level of vitamin C in the body drops significantly in colds. As a result, vitamin C can reduce the duration of cold symptoms and improve the function of the immune system.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 February 2023
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