What is Phytic Acid?

What is Phytic Acid?

Content Summary

Fitik asit, bitkilerde fosfor depolama biçimi olan bir inositol polifosfattır ve tahıllar, baklagiller, kuruyemişler ve tohumlar gibi birçok bitkisel gıdada bulunur. Faydalı bir antioksidan olmasına rağmen, fitik asit aynı zamanda çinko, kalsiyum ve demir gibi minerallerin emilimini azaltarak anemi, yorgunluk, kilo kaybı, hafıza kaybı ve zayıflamış bağışıklık sistemi gibi mineral eksikliği belirtilerine yol açabilir. Fitik asit oranı, gıdaları ıslatma, fermente etme veya pişirme gibi yöntemlerle azaltılabilir. Pişirme fitik asit seviyesini yaklaşık %80 oranında düşürür. Yüksek fitik asit içeren gıdaların tüketimi, besleyici ve çeşitli bir diyetle dengelenmelidir, özellikle de vejetaryen veya veganlar demir ve çinko eksikliğine karşı dikkatli olmalıdırlar. Fitik asit aynı zamanda cilt bakım ürünlerinde de kullanılır; antioksidan özellikleri sayesinde cildi yeniler, kolajen üretimini artırır ve kırışıklıkları azaltır.

Phytic acid, also known asphytate, is a substance that accumulates in the seeds and skin of plants. This substance is more abundant in legumes, oilseeds and nuts and has harmful as well as beneficial effects on the body. Therefore, it should be taken in a balanced way. Phytic acid prevents the absorption of important minerals such as calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper and iron. Therefore, it is also known as an anti-nutrient.

Phytic acid, also called inositol polyphosphate, is a phosphorus-containing form of the chemical molecule inositol. So phytic acid is a form of phosphorus storage in plant seeds and pods. When the seed germinates, phytic acid breaks down and releases the phosphorus the plant needs. This acid, which is present in many foods, can lead to a deficiency of minerals such as zinc, calcium and iron in the body. Therefore, phytic acid is considered to be a substance that is beneficial as well as harmful.

Due to its antioxidant properties, its benefits to the skin are very important. Thanks to this feature, it contributes to prevent the occurrence of various cancers, especially colon cancer, by reducing oxidative stress.

What are the Foods Containing Phytic Acid?

Phytic acid is a form of storage of phosphorus mineral and is therefore mostly found in the seeds and shell of plants. Therefore; oilseed, whole grains and seed parts are available in legumes that are consumed. When phytic acid is mentioned, whole grains, nuts, oil seeds come to mind first. However, it is also found at high levels in legumes.

How to Reduce the Phytic Acid Rate in Foods?

The rate of phytic acid present in plants turns into phosphorus during sprouting in the usual ways and starts to decrease. However, phytic acid is present in excess in foods that are consumed as seeds, such as legumes and some grains. With this situation, it is not appropriate to reduce the consumption of these foods because phytic acid affects mineral absorption badly. Because foods such as legumes and whole grain foods contain very important nutrients for the body.

Various techniques are used to reduce the phytic acid content in foods. For example, soaking legumes in water before cooking reduces the phytic acid content significantly. Other practices that reduce phytic acid content are fermentation and cooking. After cooking, the rate of phytic acid in foods decreases by about 80 percent.

What are the Benefits of Phytic Acid for the Skin?

Phytic acid; It is generally preferred in some dermocosmetic products such as masks, tonics, peeling materials due to its benefits to the skin. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it contributes to the composition of many skin care products. Phytic acid supports the reduction of dead skin formation by renewing the cells of the skin. However, since it contributes to regulating the skin's oil level, it increases collagen production, reduces aging symptoms such as wrinkles and fine line formation and provides an anti-aging effect.

What Health Problems Occur When Phytic Acid is Excessive?

Most of the problems that occur when phytic acid is excessive are problems caused by mineral deficiency. Along with this, phytic acid; It reduces the absorption of minerals that have important functions in the body such as zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron. Deprivation of minerals, which have an effect on many metabolisms in the body, primarily weakens the immune system and may cause a decrease in some bodily functions. When phytic acid is excessive in the body, the most common symptoms are as follows;

  • Anemia
  • Fatigue
  • Decrease in weight
  • Poor memory
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Hair loss
  • Weakening of the nails
  • Decreased appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Reduced bone mass
  • Sexual problems in men
  • Weakness in the immune system

What are the harms of phytic acid?

Phytic acid does not pose a significant health problem for people who follow a nutritious and intensive diet, but in cases of more intense nutritional needs, inadequate intake or mineral deficiencies, phytic acid foods should be consumed in limited quantities. In particular, a vegetarian or vegan diet with a plant-based diet increases the risk of dietary iron and zinc deficiency.

Iron, which is also found in all animal foods such as red meat and offal, is known as heme-iron and is not affected by phytic acid.

Zinc is adequate in some whole grains, but the phytic acid in these grains greatly affects the body's ability to absorb zinc. It is therefore necessary to use different sources of zinc and take supplements when necessary, but the malabsorption caused by phytic acid only applies to that particular meal. In other words, when a food containing phytic acid is consumed during a meal, it reduces the absorption of the mineral in the food eaten at that time and does not affect absorption at different meals throughout the day. Therefore, nuts eaten between meals do not have a negative effect on the nutrient and mineral intake taken in the main meal.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At17 March 2023
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