What is Night Eating Syndrome?

What is Night Eating Syndrome?

Content Summary

Gece yeme bozukluğu, sabahları tok uyanma, ilk öğünü geç saatlere bırakma ve akşamları aşırı yeme gibi belirtilerle karakterizedir. Bu bozukluk, normal kilodakilere göre obez veya aşırı kilolu kişilerde daha yaygındır. Belirtiler arasında gece uyanıp yemek yeme ihtiyacı, günlük kalori alımının çoğunu akşam ve gece saatlerinde alma, gündüz az yemek yeme ve iştah azlığı, gece yüksek kalorili yiyecekler tüketme, gece uyanıp kontrolsüz yemek yeme ve strese bağlı kontrol edilemeyen istekler yer almaktadır. Nedenleri arasında sirkadiyen ritim bozuklukları, genetik faktörler, depresyon ve anksiyete gibi psikolojik nedenler, uyku bozuklukları, hormonal dengesizlikler, obezite ve madde bağımlılığı sayılabilir. Teşhis için iç hastalıkları uzmanına başvurulmalı, hormonal testler ve muayene yapılmalı, psikolojik durum değerlendirilmelidir. Tedavi, diyetisyen desteğiyle beslenme programı düzenleme, bilişsel davranışçı terapi, antidepresan ilaçlar (örneğin SSRI’lar), ilerleyici kas gevşetme, fototerapi ve melatonin takviyeleri gibi yöntemleri içerebilir. Tedavi planı, bozukluğun altında yatan nedenlere göre kişiselleştirilir.

Night eating syndrome is an eating disorder characterized by frequent sleep interruptions. People may wake up at least several times a night, thinking that they cannot sleep without eating. They may also continue eating with snacks immediately after dinner. People who consume high-calorie foods and snacks after waking up at night may feel guilty after eating, and may be moody and tense.

Individuals with nocturnal eating disorder often wake up full in the morning and may leave their first meal until late. They may experience problems such as eating too much in the evening. They may also experience sleep interruptions that make them want to eat at night. It is more common in people who are overweight or have obesity problems than in normally healthy people. There may be many reasons underlying the occurrence of this condition, as well as psychological factors.

What are the Symptoms of Night Eating Syndrome?

Symptoms of night eating disorder can include many symptoms. There are symptoms such as waking up at night and needing to eat afterwards, taking most of the daily calories in the evening and night hours.
In addition, the symptoms of night eating syndrome can be listed as follows:

  • Inability to eat a lot during the day and decreased appetite
  • Consuming high-calorie foods at night
  • Waking up at night to eat and not being able to control it
  • Unstoppable cravings that occur when exposed to stress

What Causes Night Eating Syndrome?

The causes of night eating syndrome are not known exactly. However, it is thought that there are different factors that may cause this condition.
The factors among the causes of night eating habits are as follows:

Circadian Rhythm Disorders
The circadian rhythm is the natural human cycle of sleep, wakefulness and hunger. In people with eating disorders, the natural cycle does not work as it should. For this reason, hormones can be secreted by the body that cause the body to feel hungry and awake at night.

Genetic Factors
It is a syndrome that can also appear as an inherited problem. Experts believe that genes may be a factor in eating disorders.

Psychological Causes
Many people with night eating problems may be triggered by mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.
Other causes such as sleep disorders, hormonal imbalances, obesity and substance abuse can also lead to this condition.

How is Night Eating Syndrome Diagnosed?

For the diagnosis of night eating syndrome, you should first visit an internal medicine specialist. The underlying causes of this problem should be investigated with expert support. Hormone tests and different examinations are important in determining the underlying causes of this problem.
The specialist may ask a number of questions to determine how often you wake up at night and the factors that help you get back to sleep. An examination may be carried out to check physical health. The person may also be asked questions about their mental and emotional health, as this can be caused by their mood.
If it is thought to be caused by psychological reasons, it may be necessary to get support from a specialist psychologist or psychiatrist. The specialist may also refer the person to a dietician to change their eating habits. A personalized nutrition program prepared by a dietician can be prepared.
Experts may recommend the person to keep a sleep diary. Keeping track of when the person wakes up and what foods he/she consumes at night is useful for treatment planning by specialists.

How is Night Eating Syndrome Treated?

Night eating syndrome is treated with methods determined by a specialist doctor. It can be applied as a personalized treatment or a combination of different treatment combinations.
It is a syndrome that can often be linked to issues such as stress, anxiety, depression and lack of self-confidence. It is more likely to be seen in overweight people than in people with normal weight. For this reason, a nutrition program is prepared for people with weight problems with the help of a dietician and a study is prepared to change eating habits and to eat healthy.
In treatment, the underlying causes of the problem should be determined and a treatment plan should be made accordingly. There are some practices and methods among the treatment methods of night eating disorder.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is also known as a type of talk therapy aimed at changing behaviors that harm the person. The aim of this therapy is to try to guide the person towards a healthy diet and away from harmful habits. It contributes to eating more during the day and controlling hunger at night.
Some antidepressant medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may be prescribed by the specialist to improve the person's mental health and control their emotions.
To help the person calm down and fall back to sleep, he or she may recommend practices such as progressive muscle relaxation (PCR).
Phototherapy can be used to change the circadian rhythm by using a special light for about 15 to 30 minutes a day. This allows the person to sleep at night and prevent eating disorders.
The hormone melatonin, which regulates and controls the sleep-wake cycle, helps to fall asleep and stay asleep at night. For this reason, melatonin supplements may be recommended by the doctor.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At29 December 2022
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