What is Nail Biting Disease?

What is Nail Biting Disease?

Content Summary

Onykofaji olarak bilinen tırnak yeme, dürtüleri kontrol edemeyen bireylerde görülen bir alışkanlıktır. Psikolojik travmalar sonucu başlayabilen bu sorun, çocukların ebeveynlerini taklit etmeleriyle de alışkanlık haline gelebilir. Mükemmeliyetçilik, sabırsızlık, hayattan hayal kırıklığı ve stres gibi farklı altta yatan nedenleri vardır ve çocukluk ve ergenlik döneminde yaygındır. Yetişkinlerde genellikle çocuklukta başlar ve dudak ısırma, saçla oynama, burnunu çekme veya kalem ısırma gibi diğer alışkanlıklara dönüşebilir. Aile üyelerinin uyarıları durumu daha da kötüleştirebilir; bu nedenle, stresten uzak tutmak ve olumsuz eleştirilerden kaçınmak önemlidir. Tedavi, alışkanlığın altındaki nedenlerin belirlenmesini ve ortadan kaldırılmasını gerektirir. Tırnak yeme, tırnak ve çevre dokularda hasara, kötü görünüme, özgüven eksikliğine ve sosyal hayatı olumsuz etkileyen kaygıya yol açabilir. Ayrıca mide sorunlarına, enfeksiyonlara ve çene eklemi ile diş yapılarında hasara neden olabilir. Tedavi, el kullanımının başka yollarla yönlendirilmesini, olumlu bir yaklaşımı ve altta yatan duygusal faktörlerin ele alınmasını içerir. Bunların yetersiz kalması durumunda bilişsel ve davranışsal terapi uygulanabilir.

Nail biting is a common problem in adults and children and is one of the impulse control disorders. It can occur in situations where the person usually feels stressed and under pressure. This problem, which usually occurs at the ages of 3 and 4, can also be seen during teething periods in children with a nervous structure. This disorder, which can be seen in one in three children, may continue until adolescence or may occur during adolescence.

This disease, medically known as onychophagia, can also be seen as a habit in which the individual cannot control his or her impulses. This problem, which can often start as a result of psychological traumas, can also become a habit when the child imitates their parents. Different underlying causes of the habit may include perfectionism, impatience, life disappointment and stress. The habit, which can be acquired to respond and react to such situations, is common in children and adolescence.

Nail biting in children

This problem in adults usually starts in childhood. In some people, instead of this habit, it may turn into habits such as biting lips, playing with hair, sniffling, and biting pencils.
Nail biting in children can occur due to many reasons. The fact that family members often warn children about this issue may lead to an increase in the opposite behavior instead of stopping these behaviors. It is important that family members stay away from behaviors that may cause stress and anxiety for the child.
When this problem becomes a habit, the factors that cause this problem in the child should be identified and these reasons should be eliminated. It is important to keep children away from stress, fear, worry and anxiety.
Actions such as humiliating, scolding, scorning and punishing with critical attitudes should be avoided. Instead, the child should be told that this is a habit and that he/she can stop if he/she does not want to.

What are the Causes of Nail Biting?

There are many reasons. The exact cause of these habits, which started as the individual's reactions to mood changes, is not known exactly. However, studies on the factors that cause this condition continue and some situations are thought to be the cause.
The causes of nail biting disease are as follows:

  • This habit can be acquired with finger sucking during infancy
  • If the parents have this habit and the child imitates it, the child may acquire this disease.
  • It can occur with a number of psychological disorders such as mood disorders, anxiety disorders and anxiety.
  • It can also be caused by emotions such as nerves, stress, anxiety, anger and sadness.

What are the harms of nail biting?

Among the harms of nail biting ; deformities caused by damage to the nail and surrounding tissues, bad appearance of the tissues, bad feelings and anxiety, this situation, which causes lack of self-confidence, can also affect social life badly.
In the following periods, if the nail beds are damaged, nail loss may occur. Swallowing the nails of nail biters can lead to stomach problems. Fingers in constant contact with the mouth can cause many infections. Jaw joint and tooth structures may deteriorate.

How to Treat Nail Biting Disease?

For the treatment of nail biting, first of all, it is necessary to ignore the habits formed in children in the early periods and not to make any warnings.
In patients with onychophagia, which can start in the early stages, the use of hands in different jobs and habits in different areas should be gained. However, when this situation becomes a habit, the underlying causes of the behavior should be investigated.
This problem can be eliminated by removing the person's focus on their hands and by a constant positive approach.
In adults, the motivation process is important. By eliminating emotional and physical factors such as boredom, anxiety and stress, keeping the nails short and taking care of them is beneficial in terms of overcoming the habit.
If none of the above methods work, the person can be treated with cognitive and behavioral therapy methods.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At01 December 2022
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