What is Muscle Spasm, Why Do I Have Muscle Spasm?

What is Muscle Spasm, Why Do I Have Muscle Spasm?

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Kas spazmı veya halk arasında bilinen adıyla kramp, kasların istemsiz kasılması sonucu oluşan ağrılı bir durumdur. Normalde kaslar, beyinden gelen hareket komutlarına yanıt olarak kasılır; bir kas grubu kasılırken, karşı grup gevşer. Bu senkronize olay bozulursa veya gevşeme olmadan tekrar kasılma olursa kramp oluşur. Beynin gevşeme sinyali göndermemesi durumu şiddetlendirir ve kas grubu kasılı kalır. Krampların çeşitli nedenleri vardır; bunlar arasında vitamin (D, B1, B5, B6, potasyum, kalsiyum, magnezyum) eksikliği, diüretik ilaç kullanımı, MS hastalığı, aşırı terleme, sıvı kaybı (kusma, ishal vb.), yetersiz kan dolaşımı, sinir sıkışması, ısınmadan egzersiz, aşırı spor yapma ve duygusal stres yer alır. Her yaş grubunda görülebilen kas spazmlarını önlemek için bol su tüketimi, kalsiyum ve potasyum içeren besinler tüketimi, kas gevşemesi için kompres uygulaması, masaj ve ısınma egzersizleri yapılabilir. Kas spazmları yaşam konforunu olumsuz etkiler ve tedavi için doktor tavsiyelerine ek olarak destekleyici tedaviler de uygulanmalıdır. Stres ve yetersiz beslenme önemli nedenler arasındadır.

Muscle spasm, or cramp as it is commonly known, is a painful condition caused by involuntary contraction of the muscles.

Normally, our muscles contract in response to movement commands from the brain. While one group of muscles contracts, the opposite group of muscles relaxes. If this synchronized event is disrupted or if there is contraction again without relaxation, the condition we call cramp occurs.

The fact that the brain does not send the relaxation signal aggravates this situation and the muscle group that enters the vicious circle remains contracted. These can occur for different durations in different muscle groups.

What are the Causes of Cramping?

Muscle spasms can have certain causes. These reasons are examined in detail by the doctor and after the diagnosis, an appropriate treatment arrangement can be made to improve this condition.

  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Vitamin B1, B5 and B6 deficiency
  • Lack of vitamins such as potassium, calcium and magnesium
  • Use of diuretic medication
  • Ms disease
  • Excessive sweating
  • Low fluid intake, drinking less water
  • Loss of fluid from the body through vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
  • Inadequate blood circulation
  • Nerve compression
  • Exercise without warming up
  • Excessive sports involvement
  • Emotional stress

Muscle cramps that can be seen in every age group;

  • By consuming plenty of water
  • By consuming foods containing calcium and potassium,
  • By applying a compress to the area of contraction to relax the muscle,
  • By massaging the area where the contraction occurs with tropical creams for 20 minutes
  • We can prevent it by doing warm-up exercises before starting an activity that requires muscle strength.

Muscle spasms negatively affect the comfort of life. In this case, in addition to following the recommendations given by the doctor, additional treatments should be supported to improve the existing condition.

Muscle spasms have various causes. This may be due to the simplest of reasons, or it may be caused by serious underlying disorders. Stress is a major cause of muscle spasms. In cases where stress lasts for a long time and cannot be controlled, its effect on the body can manifest itself as muscle spasms. Stress management is very important at this point. Apart from this, attention should be paid to the diet. If the diet is not appropriate, this can also cause muscle spasms.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At09 February 2021
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