What is Ketogenic Nutrition? How is it done?

What is Ketogenic Nutrition? How is it done?

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Ketojenik diyet, yüksek yağ, düşük protein ve düşük karbonhidratlı bir diyettir ve günlük kalori ihtiyacının %80'ini karşılamak üzere kalori ve toplam sıvı içeriği kısıtlıdır. Ketojenik oran (KO), diyet yağının protein ve karbonhidrat toplamına oranı olarak hesaplanır ve tipik bir ketojenik diyet için 4:1'dir (3 veya 4 gr yağ : 1 gr protein + karbonhidrat). KO ne kadar yüksekse, ketozis o kadar fazla olur. Bebekler ve ergenler gibi yüksek protein ihtiyacı olan hastalarda veya yan etkiler nedeniyle diyeti iyi takip edemeyen hastalarda 3:1 veya 2:1 gibi daha düşük oranlar kullanılabilir. 4:1'lik bir KO'lu diyetle günlük kalorilerin %90'ı yağlardan, %7'si proteinden ve %3'ü karbonhidratlardan gelir. En sık kullanılan yağ kaynakları tereyağı, krema, yağlar ve mayonezdır. Diyet, tipik olarak bir oruç döneminden sonra başlar ve kan şekeri izlenir. Diyet, hastanın yağa toleransını artırmak için kademeli olarak uygulanır. Ketojenik diyet, ilaçlara dirençli epilepsi olan çocuklarda ek tedavi olarak önerilebilir, ancak yetişkin epilepsisi olan bireyler için önerilmez. Diyetin yan etkileri kabızlık, kemik erimesi, asidoz, yüksek kolesterol, böbrek taşı ve karnitin eksikliğini içerir. Diyetin başarılı olması için, ailelerin diyet planına sıkı sıkıya bağlı kalmaları, yiyecekleri tartmaları ve beslenme uzmanıyla görüşmeleri çok önemlidir. Diyette serbest yiyecekler arasında yüksek yağlı süt ürünleri, yeşil yapraklı sebzeler, yağlı tohumlar ve bazı meyveler bulunur. Serbest içecekler arasında su, şekersiz içecekler ve bazı şekersiz meyve suları bulunur.

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-protein and low-carbohydrate diet, with calories and total fluid content restricted to meet 80% of the daily requirement.

In ketogenic nutrition, the ketogenic ratio (RR) is calculated as the ratio of dietary fat to the sum of protein and carbohydrate and is 4:1 for a typical ketogenic diet (KD). The ratios are 3 or 4 g of fat to 1 g of protein plus carbohydrate (3:1 or 4:1).

In ketogenic nutrition, the higher the ketogenic ratio, the more ketosis occurs. Lower ratios such as 3:1 or 2:1 can be used in patients with high protein requirements such as infants and adolescents or in patients who cannot follow the diet well due to side effects. In a ketogenic diet with a ketogenic ratio of 4:1, 90% of daily calories come from fats, 7% from protein and 3% from carbohydrates. The most commonly used fat sources are butter, cream, oils and mayonnaise.

Initiation of Diet:

CD is traditionally started after a period of fasting, no carbohydrate (CH) containing fluids are given and blood glucose is monitored. Fasting can be extended from 12 hours to 48 hours until urinary ketones are sufficiently increased, but should not be extended to 72 hours in children. Since hypoglycemia, acidosis, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, dehydration, lethargy may develop, most centers hospitalize the patient so that family education can be more intensive (about calculating, weighing, organizing meals at home). In order for the patient to tolerate the increase in fat, the diet is made in 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 and 4:1 daily increments.

Ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-protein and low-carbohydrate diet in which calories and total fluid content are restricted to meet 80% of the daily requirement. The ketogenic ratio (RR) is calculated as the ratio of dietary fat to the sum of protein and carbohydrate and is 4:1 for a typical ketogenic diet (KD). The ratios are 3 or 4 g of fat to 1 g of protein plus carbohydrate (3:1 or 4:1). The higher the ketogenic ratio, the greater the ketosis. Lower ratios such as 3:1 or 2:1 can be used in patients with high protein requirements such as infants and adolescents or in patients who cannot follow the diet well due to side effects. In a diet with a ketogenic ratio of 4:1, 90% of daily calories are from fats, 7% from protein and 3% from carbohydrates. The most commonly used fat sources are butter, cream, oils and mayonnaise.

Who Can Follow a Ketogenic Diet?

Ketogenic diet is not recommended for individuals with adult epilepsy. In children with drug-resistant epilepsy, ketogenic diet may be recommended as an additional treatment.

In ketogenic nutrition, the diet is prepared in accordance with the age, height and weight of the child to meet the daily energy, protein and fluid requirements of each child. Epilepsies that are unresponsive to two or three drugs are defined as IDE. If there is an epileptic focus in the IDE that can be removed, epilepsy surgery is the best treatment, but for children without such a chance, CD may be the best treatment option. Before starting CD, the psychosocial readiness of the family should be determined. It should be ensured that the family understands their role in implementing a KD in their child.

What are the Types of Ketogenic Diet?

Among the types of ketogenic diet, elimination and ketogenic diet are practiced together. This diet is called functional ketogenic diet. The basis of the ketogenic diet is to increase the fat ratio and reduce the carbohydrate ratio.

What are the Health Benefits of Ketogenic Diet?

While vitamins and minerals are sufficient in a balanced diet, the ketogenic diet requires the addition of vitamins and minerals since fruits, vegetables, cereals and calcium-containing foods are restricted in KD. Calcium and vitamin D are low in CD and vitamin D levels are low in children with epilepsy, so both vitamin D and calcium should be added. Zinc, copper, selenium and phosphorus are added if they are found to be low; if they are normal, they are given as standard multivitamins. In ketogenic diet, multivitamins with no or small amounts of carbohydrates should be used.

Side Effects of Ketogenic Diet

- Constipation

- Bone resorption (osteoporosis)

- Acidosis (decrease in blood pH)

- High cholesterol

- Kidney stones

- Carnitine deficiency

Important Rules to Follow on a Ketogenic Diet

- No food should be consumed outside the diet menu.

- It is recommended to weigh the food to ensure correct adherence to the quantities on the menu.

- All food on the dinner plate should be scraped with a silicone spatula

- Meal times should be respected

- Care should be taken to consume the amount of fluid required daily.

- Family members should not eat other foods around the child.

- No medication should be consumed without consulting a doctor.

- Products consumed may contain hidden carbohydrates, the label information should be read carefully and a nutritionist should be consulted.

What are the Free Foods in Ketogenic Diet?

Free foods in ketogenic nutrition and diet are foods that do not contain calories and are given as snacks between meals.

  • Meat products can be added to eggs.
  • Dairy products with high fat content: milk and dairy products with high fat content are preferred. If you are on a ketogenic diet with elimination, dairy products are not included in the diet.
  • Green leafy vegetables: arugula, parsley, cress, etc.
  • Above ground vegetables
  • Oilseeds: Walnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts, hazelnuts, etc.
  • Berries: Raspberries, blueberries, açai berries, blackberries.
  • Healthy fats
  • Sweeteners: Erythritol is especially used.

What are Free Drinks on the Ketogenic Diet?

Give the recommended amount of drinks for your child.

-Water or ice cubes
-Water sweetened with the above sweeteners
-Cola Zero
-Soda (plain)
-Lipton Ice Tea Light peach lemon
-Camlıca Gazoz Light
-Uludag sugar-free lemonade
-Dimes lemonade sugar-free
-Fruitshoot (orange, apple, summer fruit, apple and currants)

NOTE: '' It has been researched and determined that the brands mentioned on this page do not contain hidden carbohydrates that would negate the beneficial effect provided by the ketogenic diet. The effect of similar brands in this respect has not been checked by us in any way, and we remind you that if these products are preferred, it should be checked whether they contain any hidden carbohydrates that would negate the beneficial effect provided by the ketogenic diet.'' (quotation from the literature)

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At16 November 2021
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