What is Hyperthermia (Heat Stroke)?

What is Hyperthermia (Heat Stroke)?

Content Summary

Isı çarpması (hipertermi), bulantı, baş ağrısı, şiddetli kusma, yüksek ateş, az terlemenin yanı sıra psikolojik bozukluklar ve bilinç kaybı gibi belirtilerle kendini gösterir. 40 derecenin üzerinde ateş, nemli veya kuru cilt, yoğun baş ağrısı, mide bulantısı, baş dönmesi, kusma, kemik ve kas ağrıları, kalp çarpıntısı, sürekli uyuşukluk ve ani bilinç kaybı da diğer belirtiler arasındadır. Isı çarpması genellikle öğlen güneş ışınlarının dik açıyla geldiği saatlerde, vücut ısısını düzenleme mekanizmasının dengesinin bozulması sonucu oluşur ve özellikle yaşlılar ve çocuklar risk altındadır. Uzun süre aşırı sıcağa maruz kalma ve vücudun normal ısısına dönmek için gerekli sıvı kaybını telafi edememesi de önemli nedenler arasındadır. Önlemek için, güneşin tepede olduğu saatlerde dışarı çıkmaktan kaçınılmalı, açık renkli ve bol giysiler giyilmeli, güneş gözlüğü ve şapka kullanılmalı, güneş kremi sürülmeli, bol sıvı tüketilmeli, hafif yiyecekler tercih edilmeli ve aşırı egzersizden kaçınılmalıdır. Isı çarpması durumunda, tuz dengesini sağlamak için kan tahlili yapılır ve sıvı takviyesi verilir. Böbrek yetmezliği gibi komplikasyonlar durumunda ise yaklaşık 1 ay süreyle takip edilir.

Heatstroke is caused by the effect of the sun' s rays, especially at noon. Although it is usually seen in children and infants when the weather is hot, the danger persists in all age groups. It has many symptoms such as intense headache, nausea, dizziness and vomiting, bone and muscle aches, heart palpitations, constant sleepiness and sudden loss of consciousness.

What are the Symptoms of Heat Stroke (Hyperthermia)?

The most common symptomsof heat stroke are nausea, headache, severe vomiting, high fever, low sweating, psychological disorders and loss of consciousness. If there is respiratory weakness, fever above 40 degrees Celsius and rashes on the body, the condition called 'heat coma' is experienced. It should be known that heat stroke, which can be risky when experienced at advanced times, has a high mortality rate. On the other hand, individuals treated after heat stroke may experience disorders in their nervous systems and mental states. For this reason, it is necessary to diagnose the first signs and symptoms and to intervene before the individual loses consciousness. The most prominent findings that occur as a result of heat stroke are listed as follows;

  • High (40+) fever
  • A moist, dry skin texture
  • Intense headache
  • Nausea, dizziness and vomiting
  • Bone and muscle pain
  • Heart palpitations
  • Constant sleepiness
  • Sudden loss of consciousness

What Causes Hyperthermia (Heat Stroke)?

Heat stroke usually occurs at noon, when the sun's rays come in steeply. Sunstroke, which occurs as a result of the loss of balance of the mechanism that controls body temperature when the air is too hot, is usually seen in children and infants, but the danger continues in all age groups.
It is important to remember that the danger of heat stroke increases in windless weather. Exposure to excessive heat for a long period of time and the body's inability to lose the necessary amount of fluid to return to its normal temperature causes heat stroke. The body temperature can rise to levels high enough to damage the person's organs. Heat stroke, which usually occurs at temperatures of 40 degrees and above, is frequently seen in the elderly and children.
The biggest causeof heat stroke is exposure to very hot weather. It occurs in vacation spots, especially when spent on the seashore and in months with temperatures above normal. Working under the sun is also one of the most important causes of heat stroke. When the weather is too hot; increasing alcohol consumption, wearing thick clothes, consuming too much junk food and jogging under the sun are among the substances that cause heatstroke. Individuals may experience weakness and heat stroke in the absence of sweating.

How to Avoid Heat Stroke?

In hot and sunny weather, it is necessary to protect the body against the damages of high heat. The things to be done to protect the body are listed as follows;

  • Unless there is a compulsory situation, you should not go out when the sun is overhead and at extremely hot hours
  • Thin, light-colored and oversized clothing that prevents sweating should be used
  • Accessories such as sunglasses and hats that shield against the harmful effects of the sun should be preferred
  • In sunny weather, sunscreen should be applied 1 hour before going out
  • At least 2-3 liters of liquid should be consumed during the day
  • Light foods should be consumed that will not be difficult for the body to digest
  • Take a warm, cold shower upside down
  • Long-term and intensive training exercises should be avoided.

How to Treat Heat Stroke?

If the condition worsens at the moment ofheat stroke , a blood test should be given to keep the salt level in balance. According to the results of the blood test, the sick person is given fluid supplements. In case of kidney failure due to symptoms that may occur as a result of heat stroke, the patient is followed up for about 1 month.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At28 July 2022
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