What is good for abdominal pain?

What is good for abdominal pain?

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Karın ağrısı genellikle bağırsak sorunlarından kaynaklanır ve genellikle ciddi değildir, ancak ciddi hastalıkların belirtilerinden biri olabilir. Şiddetli ve tekrarlayan ağrı, kalıcı şişlik, yanma hissi, ağrının vücudun diğer bölgelerine yayılması veya dışkıda kan varsa doktora danışılmalıdır. Karın ağrısı için bol su içmek, karnı ısıtmak, papatya veya nane gibi bitki çayları içmek, hafif egzersiz yapmak ve az yağlı yemekler yemek faydalıdır. Evde yapılabilecek doğal çözümler arasında papatya çayı, nane çayı, zencefil ve limon veya sirke karışık su bulunur. Ancak, mide problemi olanların bu çözümleri denemeden önce doktorlarına danışmaları önerilir. Günlük 1 saatlik yürüyüş metabolizmayı hızlandırarak fayda sağlar.

What Causes and Symptoms of Abdominal Pain?

Abdominal pain is usually caused by intestinal problems. Although it is mostly not serious, it can be one of the symptoms of serious diseases. Therefore, if you have recurrent and persistent pain and you experience the following conditions, you should definitely consult a doctor.

- Severe and recurrent abdominal pain

- Persistent swelling, pain and burning in the abdomen

- If abdominal pain spreads to different parts of the body and affects them as well

- In addition to pain, if there is blood in the stool, you should definitely consult a doctor.

What is good for abdominal pain?

What is good for abdominal pain, consuming plenty of water is one of the best things for abdominal pain. Consuming plenty of water will also be beneficial for abdominal pain.

What is good for abdominal pain,

- It is helpful to warm the abdomen to relieve the pain.

- Herbal teas will be good, so chamomile or mint teas can be consumed, these teas will relax the intestines.

- If abdominal pain is experienced frequently, doing light exercises and walks will benefit and relieve the person as it will run the metabolism.

- What is good for abdominal pain, in these cases, less fatty meals can be consumed as consuming light foods will reduce the pressure.

Recipes that can be used to relieve abdominal pain

The recipes given below are recipes that healthy individuals can make at home. You can consult your doctor.

Chamomile Tea

- 1 cup of drinking water

- A pinch of chamomile

Let's boil a glass of drinking water and put the chamomile in it and brew it. After 10 minutes, you can put your brewed tea in the cup and consume it.

Mint Tea

- 1 cup of drinking water

- A pinch of mint

Add mint into a glass of boiled water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Then you can put it in your cup and consume your tea.


You can consume fresh ginger by putting it in a glass of drinking water or by putting it in boiled water and brewing it.

Lemon and Vinegar Water

You can put a few drops of lemon or a few drops of vinegar in a glass of drinking water and consume it. Consumption of those with stomach problems may trigger stomach ailments, so it will be useful to consult your doctor again.


Walking for 1 hour during the day will speed up the metabolism. Walking is very beneficial for health and will be good for abdominal pain and other ailments.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At12 June 2020
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