What is Cushing's Syndrome?

What is Cushing's Syndrome?

Content Summary

Cushing sendromu, tedavi edilmediği takdirde adrenal bezlerde ciddi sorunlara yol açabilen bir hastalıktır. Belirtiler arasında kilo alımı (özellikle gövdede), hipertansiyon, hafıza sorunları, dikkat eksikliği ve konsantrasyon güçlüğü yer alır. Kadınlarda aşırı tüylenme ve adet düzensizliği veya yokluğu; erkeklerde ise libido azalması, erektil disfonksiyon ve fertilitenin azalması görülebilir. Diğer belirtiler arasında aşırı yorgunluk, kas güçsüzlüğü, depresyon, kaygı, sinirlilik, duygusal kontrol kaybı, bilişsel sorunlar, baş ağrısı, tekrarlayan enfeksiyonlar, cilt kararması, kemik kaybı ve çocuklarda büyüme geriliği yer alır. En yaygın neden, uzun süreli ve yüksek doz steroid ilaç kullanımıdır; ancak pituiter bezden aşırı ACTH hormonu salgılanması veya tümörler de neden olabilir. Teşhis, tıbbi öykü, fizik muayene ve idrar, kan ve tükürük testleri ile yapılır. Tedavi, temel nedene bağlı olarak değişir ve steroid ilaç kullanımının azaltılması, ameliyat, radyoterapi veya ilaç tedavisi içerebilir; bazı durumlarda adrenal bezlerin ameliyatla alınması gerekebilir. Tedavi edilmeyen Cushing sendromu, hipertansiyon, kırıklar, osteoporoz, tip 2 diyabet, tekrarlayan enfeksiyonlar ve önemli kas kaybına yol açabilir.

Cushing's syndrome is a hormonal disorder caused by too much production of the hormone cortisol in the body. Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands and is a hormone essential for life. This hormone enables the individual to react to stressful situations such as illness. It has an effect on almost all body tissues. It is mostly experienced by adults between the ages of 20 and 50. When it is diagnosed early, the recovery rate increases and success is achieved in its treatment.

If left untreated, it can cause serious problems in the adrenal glands. For this reason, if symptoms are experienced, examination and controls should be performed by a specialist doctor immediately.

What are the Symptoms of Cushing's Syndrome?

Symptoms of Cushing's syndrome vary from person to person. The most common symptom observed in adults is weight gain and it is especially evident in the trunk area. Other common symptoms include hypertension, memory problems, attention deficit and lack of concentration.

As a result of an excessive increase in the hormone cortisol, protein loss occurs in body tissues. In such cases, muscle weakening and fat deposits can be seen in different parts of the body. Fat accumulation can be seen especially on the face and shoulders. Other possible symptoms of this syndrome in women, men and in general can be listed as follows:

In women

  • Excessive hair growth
  • Menstrual irregularity or absence of menstruation

In men

  • Decreased sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decreased fertility

Other Possible Symptoms;

  • Feeling of extreme fatigue
  • Loss of strength in muscles
  • Depression, anxiety and irritability
  • Loss of emotional control
  • Cognitive challenges and problems
  • High blood pressure
  • Headache
  • Recurrent infections
  • Darkening of skin color
  • Bone loss leading to fractures over time
  • Growth retardation in children

What are the Causes of Cushing's Syndrome?

The most common cause of Cushing's syndrome is long-term and high-dose use of medications containing steroids. These drugs may need to be taken in high doses for the treatment of diseases such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, often after organ transplantation procedures.

Different causes of the syndrome may include the pituitary gland producing high amounts of the adrenal stimulating hormone Aarenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or certain tumors. These tumors are mostly benign and do not cause cancer. Some people may be predisposed to tumoral formations due to genetic factors.

Complications of Cushing's Syndrome

It is a disease that can cause some serious complications if left untreated. Therefore, it should be diagnosed early and treatment should be started as soon as possible. The complications that may occur if this syndrome is left untreated for a long period of time are as follows:

  • Hypertension
  • Rib fractures
  • Foot bone fractures
  • Bone loss (osteoporosis)
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Frequent recurrent infections
  • Significant loss of muscle mass and strength

Diagnosis of Cushing's Syndrome

For the diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome, the physician first asks some questions about the patient's medical history, past illnesses and complaints and tries to get detailed information. The patient is then physically examined. Since the syndrome is suspected after the examination, some tests and examinations may be requested.

Urine and Blood Tests
It is done to measure hormone levels and determine if excess cortisol is being produced by the body. For this test, it may be desirable to collect urine over a 24-hour period.

Saliva Test
It is a night-time test. Cortisol levels normally rise and fall throughout the day. In people who do not have this syndrome, cortisol levels drop significantly in the evening and at night. A saliva sample is taken to check cortisol levels.

If this condition is diagnosed as a result of tests and examinations, the adrenal gland is imaged to determine the cause. Imaging techniques are utilized.

Cushing's Syndrome Treatment

Treatment for Cushing's syndrome is planned to lower the high level of cortisol in the body. It may differ depending on the underlying cause of the disease. When it occurs due to long-term use of certain medications, these medications may need to be stopped for a certain period of time or the dosage may need to be reduced. If this condition has developed due to a tumor, surgical intervention may be required and the patient may be asked to undergo surgery. The doctor will inform the patient about this situation.

In cases where the tumor tissue is not completely removed by surgical intervention, radiotherapy may be applied. If radiotherapy is not sufficient, the doctor may prescribe certain medications to suppress cortisol production.

In cases where none of the treatment methods and procedures are effective, the doctor may recommend surgical removal of the adrenal glands. This procedure results in a cure, but requires the patient to take certain medications for the rest of their life.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At24 January 2023
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