What is Collagen? In Which Foods Is It Found?

What is Collagen? In Which Foods Is It Found?

Content Summary

Kolajen, vücuttaki dokuların, organların ve farklı yapıların işlevselliğine katkıda bulunan bir proteindir ve özellikle deri, saç, tırnak, kemik ve kıkırdak gibi dokularda bulunur. Kolajen seviyelerinin düşmesi, bu dokularda hasara ve olumsuzluklara yol açabilir. Kolajen üretimi, kemik iliği bulunan etler, kemik suyu, kırmızı etler, beyaz etler, süt ve süt ürünleri, yumurta akı, balık ve sakatat gibi birçok besin maddesi ve gıda ile artırılabilir. Ayrıca turunçgiller, bazı sebzeler (brokoli, domates, ıspanak, tatlı patates, lahana, sarımsak, kiraz, kereviz) ve meyveler (çilek, muz) de kolajen üretimine yardımcı olabilir. Kolajen, vücuttaki proteinin üçte birini oluşturur ve bağ dokularında, tendonlarda, eklemlerde, damar duvarlarında, gözlerde, dişlerde, saçta, tırnaklarda ve kemiklerde bulunur. Faydaları arasında yeni hücre büyümesine yardımcı olan fibroblast oluşumu, ölü deri ve cilt hücrelerinin yenilenmesi, organların korunması, kemik ve kasların bir arada tutulması, cildin yapısının onarımı, güçlendirilmesi ve esnekliğinin artırılması ve kan pıhtılaşmasına yardımcı olma sayılabilir. 19 farklı kolajen türü bulunmaktadır; en önemlileri ise 1., 2., 3. ve 4. tiptir. Kolajen eksikliğine, 20'li yaşlardan sonra doğal üretimde azalma, serbest radikallerin artışı (güneş ışığına maruz kalma, hava kirliliği, stres, sigara kullanımı, yüksek şekerli gıdalar), ve yaşlanma neden olur. Eksikliğin belirtileri arasında kırışıklıklar, kas erimesi, eklem ağrıları, hareket kısıtlılığı, kan akışı sorunları ve sindirim sistemi sorunları yer alır. Kolajen alımını artırmanın yolları arasında kolajen bakımından zengin gıdalar tüketmek, toz veya şurup takviyeleri almak ve kolajen içeren cilt bakım ürünleri kullanmak bulunur.

Collagen is a protein found in many organs in the body, especially skin, bones and tendons, and is essential for both the structural and functional properties of connective tissues. It is the most abundant protein in the human body and accounts for one-third of the body's protein levels. While it is known as one of the basic building blocks of the body, it also holds tissues together and shapes them. Many nutrients, foods and different supplements can be utilized to increase its production in the body.

This protein, which contributes to the functionality of tissues, organs and different structures in the body, is found especially in tissues such as skin, hair, nails, bone and cartilage. For this reason, some damage and negativity may occur in these tissues as a result of its decrease. Many foods and nutrients can be utilized to increase its production in the body.

Which Foods Contain Collagen?

Among the foods that support collagen production the most are meat with bones. The marrow in the bones contains amino acids that contribute to the production of this protein. For this reason, marrow bone broth can be added to meals to benefit. Foods containing collagen can be listed as follows:

  • Bone broth
  • Red meats
  • White meats
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Egg white
  • Fish
  • Offal

They are found in food and nutrients but are also produced by the skin and different parts of the body. Young skin contains more of these proteins. With the advancement of age, its production decreases. These reasons may need to be taken into the body through foods and supplements.

Different methods can be used to bring this type of protein into the body. These methods are as follows;

  • Regular consumption of foods with high content
  • Taking supplements in powder form
  • Syrup supplements in terms of nutrition,
  • Using care products containing this protein
  • Using or drinking bone broth in cooking

They are also found in some fruits, vegetables and some plants. These are as follows:

  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemon
  • Strawberry
  • Banana
  • Broccoli
  • Tomato
  • Spinach
  • Sweet potato
  • Cabbage
  • Garlic
  • Cherry
  • Celery

What Does Collagen Do? What are the Benefits?

It is known as the most protein in the human body. While it constitutes one third of the amount of protein in the body, except for the skin; It is found in all tissues and organs in the body, including connective tissues, tendons, joints, vessel walls, eyes, teeth, hair, nails and bones. It serves to ensure the structural integrity of the body.

Collagen benefits can be listed as follows:

  • Provides the formation of fibroblasts in the dermis (middle skin layer) that help new cells grow
  • Plays a role in the regeneration of dead skin and skin cells
  • Protects organs and holds bones and muscles together
  • Restores, strengthens and elasticizes the skin's structure
  • Helps in blood clotting

What are Collagen Types?

There are 19 types defined in terms of collagen types . The most important types seen in the human body are known as type 1, type 2, type 3 and type 4. These types, which are located in various parts and tissues of the body, are as follows:

Type 1: It is the most common type in the body. It is found in skin, bone and connective tissues.

Type 2: Found in joints and cartilages.

Type 3: Found in these areas to support the structure of muscles, arteries and organs.

Type 4: It is found in the layers of the skin.

Factors Causing Collagen Deficiency

Natural production in the body starts to decrease after the 20s. Free radicals that develop in the body cause this protein to break down faster. Prolonged and excessive exposure to the sun and sunlight, air pollution, stress, smoking and some environmental factors, such as poor lifestyle, consuming foods with high sugar content, cause collagen deficiency by increasing such free radicals. As the body experiences a decrease, the elasticity of the skin decreases and becomes wrinkled. In addition, while the pain in the joints increases, conditions such as muscle relaxation occur.

What are the Symptoms of Collagen Deficiency?

It is a condition that usually occurs as a result of aging. It can be determined whether there is a deficiency in some blood tests performed on the person. In addition, some differentiations are observed in the person's body in case of this situation. Symptoms of collagen deficiency are as follows:

  • Wrinkles or sagging of the skin and skin
  • Muscle shrinkage, weakness and muscle pain
  • Pain in the joints and stiffness of the joints
  • Loss of mobility
  • Problems with blood flow
  • Digestive system problems

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At02 February 2023
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