What is Breath Therapy?

What is Breath Therapy?

Content Summary

Solunum terapisi, stresi azaltmak, merkezi sinir sistemini düzenlemek ve genel sağlığı iyileştirmek için kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Hızlı ve sığ solunum, stres ve kaygıya yol açarken, derin ve ritmik solunum, parasempatik sinir sistemini aktive ederek sakinleşmeyi sağlar. Terapi, kişinin nefes alışkanlığının değerlendirilmesiyle başlar ve ardından diyafram nefesi, derin nefes, kutu nefesi, 4-7-8 nefesi ve aslan nefesi gibi çeşitli teknikler uygulanır. Bu teknikler, kalp atış hızını yavaşlatmaya, odaklanmayı iyileştirmeye ve uykuyu kolaylaştırmaya yardımcı olur. Solunum terapisi bireysel olarak veya bir terapistle birlikte yapılabilir, terapist rehberliği daha planlı bir uygulama ve daha doğru egzersiz performansı sağlar. Stres ve kaygı vücutta kalp atış hızında artış, solunum hızının değişmesi, tansiyon yükselmesi, mide bulantısı ve kusma gibi değişikliklere neden olur. Doğru nefes tekniklerini öğrenmek ve günlük hayata dahil etmek, bu olumsuz etkileri yönetmeye yardımcı olabilir.

Breathing therapy is the name given to breathing exercises that can be applied for various goals such as preventing stress and depression, providing better quality sleep, regulating the digestive system, and supporting normal body functions. Some breathing exercises have an immediate effect, while others show their effects over time, depending on the continuity.

Breathing exercises also have beneficial effects on the central nervous system. When a person feels angry, their breathing tends to be fast and shallow. This also restricts the oxygen coming into the bloodstream. The brain communicates to the body that there is a risk and the body reacts with fight or flight.
Breathing therapy or deep rhythmic breathing takes the person out of the fight-or-flight mindset and activates the parasympathetic, calming nervous system. The person lives how they breathe and their life is shaped in that direction.

How is Breath Therapy Done?

In order to regain quality of life and spread positive mental health, breathing therapy is recommended. Human breath provides oxygen to the body for development. Breathing is effective when people are under physical or bodily stress. Breath therapy reduces stress and allows to bring balance to the body. If people learn to use their breathing correctly, they begin to manage their nervous system.
Correct breathwork is an effective way of accessing the body's innate intelligence to keep oneself healthy. Breath therapy has been practiced for thousands of years, helping to consciously inhale and exhale the breath, and while there are many options, styles and descriptions, all types of breathing exercises offer the possibility of personal transformation through evolving mental, emotional, physical and spiritual pathways.

What changes does stress cause in the body?

Paying attention to breathing and using the right breathing techniques is beneficial for overall health. Many meditations include breathing techniques that allow the body to relax and the mind to be in balance. It is beneficial to find the right breathing technique for you and make it a part of your daily life. Stress and anxiety harm both body and soul. In order to manage stress and anxiety correctly, attention should be paid to breathing correctly. When this feeling of anxiety increases, the following changes are observed in the body;

  • The heart beats faster than usual.
  • Breathing rate changes and increases.
  • Blood pressure rises.
  • Pain and cramps in the stomach and abdomen may occur.
  • Sweating and trembling of the hands can be observed.
  • There may be a feeling of panic and breathlessness.
  • Nausea and vomiting may develop.

What are Breathing Therapy Application Techniques?

Stress and anxiety is a natural and unhealthy biological reaction to external threats. The correct breathing technique helps to focus, think and work more efficiently. In addition, in times of intense stress or for individuals with anxiety problems, the reaction to stress can be too much or too challenging. This is when breathing therapy can help. Before starting breathing therapy, the situation regarding breathing and breathing is determined, and then the different techniques applied for breathing therapy can be started;
Assessing breathing: To do this, simply breathe in and out normally for a few minutes with an electrode belt wrapped around the diaphragm area over your clothes.
Planning development exercises: Once the breathing habit has been determined, a planned program for more correct breathing is prepared. As a result of the exercises in which the person can control his/her breathing on his/her own and observe his/her development, an awareness of breathing is created in each lesson, the anxiety state in the individual decreases with breathing exercises, and anxiety symptoms disappear.
Diaphragm Breathing: Correct use of the diaphragm contributes to individuals suffering from problems such as stress and depression. Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as abdominal breathing, helps the lungs to be stronger and function healthier.
For diaphragmatic breathing, first, hands should be slightly above the abdomen and breathing should be done through the nose until the abdomen swells. Then the breath should be slowly released through the mouth for twice as long as the inhalation.
Deep breathing: This is a practice that individuals with depression and stress problems can do. Breathing deeply and slowly slows down the heartbeat, allowing the individual to remain normal in the face of a stressful situation.
For this breathing technique, a comfortable place should be chosen and the shoulders should be left free. Then, breathe in slowly so that the lungs are completely filled and release the breath slowly. Accompanying each breath by counting to 4 helps deep breathing.
Box breathing: It is an exercise that can be applied to reduce anxiety and help to concentrate. In box breathing, the individual should sit upright on a comfortable chair. Hands on the lap or knees with palms up also helps to relax.
In this breathing, the individual can count to 4 and breathe. The breath is counted up to 4 again and held in the lung. The person counts to 4, releases his/her breath heavily and counts to 4 to breathe again. Thus, breathing is taken under control.
4-7-8 breathing: It is a breathing exercise that helps to fall asleep. The 4-7-8 technique allows the individual to clear his/her mind before sleep. Focusing on breathing helps the individual to get away from stress and fear, making it easier to fall asleep.
Lion breathing It is a technique that allows to combat stress. The facial stretching techniques in this technique reduce stress and anxiety. In lion breathing, a deep breath is taken through the nose. In the inhalation; the mouth is wide and open, the tongue is out and the breath is exhaled back. As the breath is exhaled, the eyes are rolled upwards and in this way the face stretches.

How to Exercise with a Breath Therapist?

Breathing correctly keeps the person in balance both physically and mentally. A person can practice correct breathing techniques individually or with the help of a breathing therapist. If the person receives support in this regard, he/she both manages a more planned process and applies the exercises more accurately. The exercises applied with a breathing therapist are as follows;

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees slightly and place your head on a pillow in line with the instructions of the breathing therapist.
  • You may prefer a pillow under your knees to get help.
  • Try to feel the diaphragm movement by placing one hand on your chest and the other hand on the lower part of your rib cage.
  • Feel your abdomen pressing on your hand and try to breathe slowly through the nose.
  • Try not to move your other hand.
  • Keeping the upper hand completely still, support the tightening of the abdominal muscles and exhale by pursing the lips.

If you want to make the exercise more difficult, you can support the upper abdomen with a book. Once you have learned abdominal breathing in the lying position, you can increase the difficulty of the sessions by trying sitting on a chair. You can then use these exercises in your daily activities.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At06 October 2022
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