What is an Internal Shower?

What is an Internal Shower?

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İç Duş, ishal ve kabızlık gibi sindirim sorunları için faydalı olan bir içecektir. Ana maddesi chia tohumudur; yüksek lif içeriği sayesinde şişer ve jel kıvamına gelir, böylece bağırsak hareketlerini artırır ve sindirim sistemini temizler. Hazırlanması için 2 yemek kaşığı chia tohumu, yarım limon suyu ve bir bardak suya 10 dakika bekletilir. Sabah aç karnına tüketilmesi önerilir. 2 hafta kullanım, ardından 7 gün ara verilmesi tavsiye edilir. Chia tohumu tokluk hissi sağlar ve kilo kontrolüne yardımcı olur. Kabızlık, kilo verme veya gebelikte kabızlık sorunu yaşayanlar için günde bir kez tüketilebilir.

Internal shower , which has recently made a name for itself with its title that prevents constipation and is frequently searched as 'Constipation medicine that does not form a habit' in search engines; With 1 glass of water, 2 tablespoons of chia seeds and 1/2 lemon juice, it cleanses the intestines and contributes to digestion by acting as an 'internal organ shower' .

It helps cleanse the digestive system and activates it. Positive results can be achieved with this miraculous cure, which is very useful. By consuming it on an empty stomach in the morning, it helps to relax the whole digestive system starting from the stomach. One of the important ingredients here is chia seed and it appears in many healthy recipes such as delicious cookies. It is a complete fiber store and contributes to weight control and weight loss. Chia seed keeps you full for a long time thanks to the fibers in its essence. In addition to all these, it has a bowel cleansing effect, and by reappearing with the Internal shower, it contributed to us remembering a different aspect of health.

How Does Internal Shower Work?

Chia seed, which is added to the category of foods that contribute to weight loss such as apple cider vinegar, black cumin oil, safflower oil, swells when mixed with water and takes the consistency of gel. Due to its high fiber content, it is one of the most effective solutions for constipation and is generally preferred.

How to Prepare Internal Shower?

When the chia seed absorbs water and swells, it becomes a slippery structure, so it can be thought of as a sour water caused by lemon while consuming.

2 tablespoons chia seeds
1/2 lemon juice
1 glass of drinking water

You need to squeeze 2 tablespoons of chia seeds and 1/2 lemon juice into 1 glass of water and wait 10 minutes. You can drink the mixture kept. When you drink this mixture in the morning before breakfast, you can get the desired result within 2-3.
This mixture can be continued for 2 weeks and 7 days break. Chia seeds can hold a lot of water in it and 100 grams of 100 grams of 34 grams of high fiber. Thus, it increases bowel movement and helps the digestive system to work regularly.

When to consume Internal Shower?

Constipation is one of the most common bowel problems. However, if you eat little pulp during the day, if you are in the process of losing weight or if you have constipation problems during pregnancy, you can apply Internal shower once a day as a snack.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At24 January 2023
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