What Are the Ways to Deal with Road Rage?

What Are the Ways to Deal with Road Rage?

Content Summary

Yol öfkesi, hem sürücü hem de diğer yol kullanıcıları için tehlikeli olup her yıl birçok kazaya neden olmaktadır. Stresli bir günün sonucu olabilir ve diğer sürücülerle çok az ilgisi olabilir. Yol öfkesini azaltmanın yolları arasında yeterli dinlenme, stresin mümkün olduğunca önlenmesi, agresif davranışlara karşılık verilmemesi ve diğer öfke kontrolü adımları yer almaktadır. Öfke durumunda, vücut fiziksel olarak tepki verir (nefes alma hızlanır, kalp hızı ve tansiyon artar, vücut ısısı yükselir ve terleme başlar). Yol öfkesi, aslında tipik bir öfke kontrolü sorunudur. Genel olarak öfke kontrolü ve saldırganlık gösteren kişiler, yolda "engellendikleri" zaman öfkesini kontrol etmekte daha fazla zorluk çekerler. Yol öfkesiyle mücadele etmek için agresif davranış sergileyen bir sürücüye karşılık verilmemeli, göz teması kurulmamalı, sakinleştirici müzik dinlenmeli, yeterli yolculuk süresi planlanmalı ve güvenli sürüşe dikkat edilmelidir. Sorun sürekli tekrar ediyorsa ve kişi çevresindeki insanlardan uzaklaşıyorsa psikolojik yardım alınmalıdır.

Traffic is stressful for almost everyone. When the brain is stressed or perceives a different threat, it signals the body to release the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones put the person into 'fight or flight' mode and the whole body reacts. Cortisol blocks activity in the part of the brain that shows good judgment, and poor judgment can lead to road rage .
When a person experiences road rage, blood flows from the intestines to the muscles and prepares the person to fight or flee, so the person becomes tense. Regular bouts of anger can therefore cause tension headaches. People who get angry on the road are at higher risk of accidents and violence, and can exacerbate existing health problems. Therefore, ways to deal with road rage should be known and practiced.

Road rage can be very dangerous for oneself and others on the road and causes many accidents every year. It can be the result of a stressful day and may have little to do with the other people on the road. There are some ways to reduce road rage. These include getting enough rest, avoiding stress as much as possible, not responding to aggressive behavior and taking other anger management steps. When a person is angry, the body starts to react physically. Breathing speeds up, breathing faster is the body's way of carrying more oxygen to the arms and legs. Heart rate and blood pressure increase, which is dangerous for people with heart disease. Body temperature rises and sweating begins.

What are the ways to combat road rage?

Research on road rage shows that road rage is actually a typical anger management issue. People who tend to show anger control and aggression in general find it even more difficult to control their anger when they are "blocked" on the road. The conscious or unconscious "obstructive" actions of other drivers, such as failing to give way, pulling out in front, following too closely and continuously flashing their lights, create an opportunity for "irritable" drivers who expect these actions from others to direct their anger.
If the person's internal harmony is deteriorating, if his/her daily life is unsustainable due to problems of his/her own making, and if these are constantly recurring, if the people around him/her are decreasing, if people do not want to get into that person's car, there is a problem and the person should seek psychological help at this point. Along with these, the ways to combat road rage are as follows;

  • When encountering a person who exhibits aggressive behavior in traffic, no response should be given
  • Avoid eye contact with a driver in a tantrum
  • Before taking action, one should ask oneself, "Is this man more important than my life?"
  • Even if the other person is not polite, be polite yourself.
  • Try to empathize
  • Do not underestimate the power of the other person
  • Do not leave the road at the last minute, allow enough time for the journey because the rush to catch up causes stress.
  • Drive safely
  • Try to listen to calmer music while driving.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At02 February 2023
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