What are the Methods to Combat Stress?

What are the Methods to Combat Stress?

Content Summary

Dr. Yıldız Burkovik, stresin bulaşıcı olduğunu ve başa çıkma mekanizmaları öğrenilmezse, ardı ardına gelen olumsuz olayların bireyleri yıpratabileceğini, iletişim sorunlarına, iş verimliliğinde düşüşe ve hatta iş kayıplarına yol açabileceğini belirtiyor. Stresin, beyindeki sinaptik iletişimi bozarak öğrenmeyi olumsuz etkilediğini, öğrenme kapasitesini bloke ettiğini ve kalıcı öğrenmeyi engellediğini vurguluyor. Stresin fizyolojik etkileri arasında kalp atış hızının artması, kas ağrıları, baş dönmesi, sindirim sorunları gibi belirtiler yer alırken, uzun vadeli etkileri arasında migren, kalp hastalıkları, depresyon ve bağışıklık sistemi sorunları sayılabilir. Stresle mücadele için önerilen yöntemler arasında spor, müzik, terapi, dua, sosyal destek, stresin doğru analizi, sağlıklı beslenme ve boş zaman etkinlikleri yer alıyor.

Stress is defined as an individual's reaction to threatening environmental elements, and experts say that stress is contagious and leads to destructive effects when coping mechanisms are not learned. Emphasizing that stress also makes it difficult to learn, experts point out that effects such as accelerated heartbeat, nausea, trembling and dizziness are seen during stress, and recommend physical exercises, listening to music and getting support from family to reduce stress.

Stating that the individual's reaction to threatening environmental characteristics is defined as stress, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Yıldız Burkovik said, "Stress is contagious. If there is a situation that affects a working person, it spreads to other people. This situation is like dominoes. Unless you learn coping mechanisms, successive blows or things that are seen as blows destroy people, and the person sees himself as the unluckiest person and lets himself go. If coping with stress is not learned, communication with home and social environment deteriorates, productivity at work decreases, dismissals and resignations occur. If the employer does not apply a correct strategy, losses are inevitable."

How Do Fear and Stress Affect Learning?

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Yıldız Burkovik said that approximately 500 billion synapses are involved in the transmission and evaluation of the impulses coming to our brain between the cells and continued her words as follows:

"Only with their help is it possible to think, learn, recognize and remember in an organized way. In case of stress, the functioning of synapses is disrupted. The ratio of adrenaline and noradrenaline increases during stress. In such a situation, impulses reaching one cell cannot pass to another. This is the moment when we experience a lot of tension, when we are in a panic. No matter how well we have learned, the learning space is blocked, blockages in thinking occur along with bodily reactions. In addition, the organism goes into a state of alarm and therefore there is a series of negative hormonal reactions and the possibility of thinking and recording disappears. If learning takes place in a stress-free, peaceful and relaxed way, it will be more detailed and more permanent. Because fear and stress will ensure that what is learned is not fully perceived and understood, and of course there will be many disconnects. This result shows that a certain level of stress-induced anxiety is needed for learning, and that it is difficult to learn without any anxiety."

What are the effects during and after stress?

Stating that some reactions occur in people during stress, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Yıldız Burkovik said, "Heartbeat acceleration, palpitations, chest pain, muscle tension and pain, increased blood pressure, dizziness, fatigue, fainting, numbness, difficulty swallowing, chills, dilated pupils, chills, flushing, inability to breathe, nausea, frequent urination or feeling of tightness, menstrual problems, dry mouth, abdominal pain and diarrhea can be given as examples. There are also long-term effects of stress. These can be listed as headaches turning into migraines, heart disease, depression, memory disorders, diabetes, sleep disorders, immune diseases, psychosomatic diseases, panic attacks turning into disorders, cancer, fears and phobias."

How to Fight Stress?

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Yıldız Burkovik listed the actions and activities that will help reduce stress as follows:

  • Physical Exercises (Sports)
  • Music
  • Venting and Stress Counseling
  • Prayer
  • Family and Group Basis / Group Support
  • Good and Accurate Analysis of Stress (Problem Solving)
  • Not Staying Empty
  • Dietary Habits
CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At30 March 2023
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