What are the Foods that Make Milk? How to Increase Breast Milk?

What are the Foods that Make Milk? How to Increase Breast Milk?

Content Summary

Anne sütü, bebeğin beslenme ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan, %90 su, %4 yağ, %1 protein ve %5 laktozdan oluşan yüksek besleyici değerde doğal bir besindir. Prolaktin ve oksitosin hormonları süt üretiminde önemli rol oynar. Anne sütü, bebeğin bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirerek enfeksiyonlara karşı koruma sağlar ve zihinsel-bedensel gelişimine katkıda bulunur. Süt miktarını artırmak için bol sıvı tüketimi, protein açısından zengin dengeli beslenme, yeterli uyku, stres azaltma, sigara ve kafein tüketiminden kaçınma önerilir. Süt artırıcı yiyecekler arasında su, yeşil yapraklı sebzeler, yulaf, yüksek proteinli gıdalar (kırmızı et, tavuk, keçi sütü, kefir vb.), somon, tahin, çiğ kuruyemişler, sarımsak, esmer pirinç ve pancar bulunur. Ancak, bu yiyeceklerin aşırı tüketiminden kaçınılmalı ve doktor tavsiyesi alınmalıdır. Süt miktarını artırmanın diğer yolları arasında erken emzirme, farklı emzirme pozisyonları denemesi, göğüs pompası kullanımı ve stres azaltma bulunur.

For mothers before and after birth, the baby's nutrition is of great importance and breast milk is the baby's main source of nutrition. Sometimes breast milk may come immediately after birth or a few days after birth. This may vary depending on how the mother gave birth, the health of the mother or whether the baby was born earlier, later or at the right time. Mothers' daily lifestyles, diets and the foods they consume primarily play an important role in the faster production of breast milk, the amount of milk and the nutritional content of the milk. If mothers follow these recommendations, their milk will increase and they will be able to feed their babies in a healthy way.

Why is breast milk important?

Breast milk is 90% water, 4% fat, 1% protein and 5% lactose. It is a highly effective food source for the nutrients and other needs of the baby. The production of breast milk involves a complex process with hormonal, physical and psychological effects. A hormone called prolactin, popularly known as the "maternal hormone" or "milk hormone", reaches its peak after birth and plays an important role in the formation of breast milk. The hormone oxytocin, also known as the "love hormone", is responsible for bringing breast milk to the nipple.

Breast milk is an easily digestible, highly nutritious natural food. It is also a major factor in the completion of the baby's mental and physical development. Breast milk is effective in protecting the immune system due to the antibodies it contains. It acts as protection against infections that are common especially for newborn babies.

How Does Breast Milk Increase?

A healthy nutrition of the baby is important for both the mother and the baby. However, for some reasons, breast milk may be insufficient and this may have unhealthy consequences for both mother and baby. It is very important to consume breast milk for the baby's health, especially in the first 6 months. In addition, continuing breast milk with additional foods until the age of two is known to be the healthiest way of nutrition for the child. The mother should pay attention to her diet, lifestyle, regular medical check-ups and recommendations, and daily habits.

According to research, consuming plenty of fluids, a balanced diet rich in protein, getting enough sleep, giving place to liquid foods in nutrition, being away from stress, avoiding smoking and caffeine-containing foods can be explained as beneficial factors in increasing breast milk.

What are the foods that increase breast milk?

Lactogenics in the mother's body are substances that are active in producing milk and increasing milk production. These substances help the secretion of the hormone prolactin, which makes breast milk, and also have the effect of providing psychological relaxation. To list the foods that increase breast milk:


Water, an important substance for human health, is also an important element in the formation of breast milk. In order for milk to form in the body, mothers should definitely consume water frequently. Consuming at least 2-3 liters of water a day will be beneficial to increase breast milk.

Green leafy vegetables:

Green leafy vegetables, which contain plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber, provide the energy and calories that the mother needs. Vegetables such as spinach, kale, parsley, parsley, lettuce, arugula, arugula, basil help in the secretion of hormones that increase milk production.


Both high in iron and regulating blood pressure, oats also help reduce stress by calming the mother.
High protein foods: (H3) Red meat, chicken, goat's milk, kefir, eggs, yogurt, chickpeas, lentils, beans, raw nuts are high in protein. They provide energy.


Salmon is rich in omega-3. It plays an important role in activating the hormones that provide milk production.


Contains high amounts of calcium and beneficial fats. It is effective in increasing milk production and milk quality. Consuming a tablespoon of tahini every day will be beneficial for the body's milk production.

Raw nuts:

It is of great importance to consume nuts during pregnancy and after childbirth. Consumption of walnuts, dried figs, hazelnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, dried apricots both energizes the mother and contributes to milk production.


It will be beneficial for nursing mothers to consume garlic. Garlic, which is very effective for a strong immune system, is known as a very necessary food in the secretion of breast milk.

Brown rice:

It is a source of energy for the mother and stimulates the hormones that provide milk production.

Red beet:

With its blood purifying properties, this vegetable plays a role in increasing the quality of breast milk.

Warning: Excessive consumption of thefoods listed above,which are effective in increasing breast milk, should be avoided and should be consumed sufficiently under the supervision of a doctor. Mothers and expectant mothers should remember that they should consult their physicians immediately when they encounter an unexpected effect.

Other Recommendations for Mothers to Make and Increase Milk

Using a Breast Pump

Breast milk provides all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals the baby needs. It is important to increase breast milk, which is very precious for the baby, and not to waste it. For this reason, it is helpful to increase the amount of milk and to express milk with a breast pump when the baby cannot be breastfed. However, mothers who have had a cesarean section should use a pump to open the milk ducts after birth. Using a double breast pump can create a twin baby effect. This can increase the amount of milk and provide more milk for the baby.

Starting breastfeeding early

For mothers who have just given birth, breastfeeding their baby immediately after birth helps the milk glands in the breasts to activate more quickly. Moreover, in order for the mother's body to fully understand that the mother's body meets the baby, breastfeeding the baby by placing the baby on the chest immediately after birth will be supportive for milk formation. In this way, both the baby and the mother will have established an emotional bond and the baby will be effective in bringing more milk while developing the sucking reflex.

Trying Different Breastfeeding Positions

It is important for mothers to be aware of breastfeeding positions. Breastfeeding time, breastfeeding duration and breastfeeding position play a decisive role in terms of comfort and milk production for both mother and baby. Applying special breastfeeding positions for newborn babies can be effective in milk production. It will be appropriate for the mother to find the right and effective position for both herself and her baby by trying different methods.

Trying to Reduce Stress

Reducing postpartum stress as much as possible will be beneficial for milk production for mothers. It will be difficult for mothers to control stress and stay away from stress in life. Especially after giving birth... However, it will be good for the health of mother and baby to stay away from anxiety and stress in order not to reflect negatively on the breastfeeding process. In this process, it is recommended that the mother should live a more peaceful life by staying away from stress with the support of her environment and her own suggestion as much as possible. The mother should move away from things that worry her and turn to thoughts and activities that will make her psychologically better.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At26 January 2022
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