What are the Benefits of Saleb?

What are the Benefits of Saleb?

Content Summary

Salep, orkide familyasından elde edilen bir tozdan yapılan sıcak bir içecektir. Bir fincan yarım yağlı sütlü salep yaklaşık 100 kalori içerir ve hafif bir enerji değeri sağlar. Hazır salep yüksek şeker içeriği nedeniyle diyabet hastaları için uygun değildir; ancak, evde şekersiz olarak hazırlanabilir. Salep, glukomannan sayesinde tokluk hissi yaratır, kan şekerini dengeler, kolesterolü düşürür, kabızlığı önler ve süt tüketimini artırmaya yardımcı olur. Ancak, hazır salep yüksek enerji ve şeker içeriğine sahip olduğundan, evde hazırlanması önerilir. Ev yapımı salep tarifi, 1 litre diyet süt, 6 çay kaşığı salep tozu ve isteğe bağlı olarak tarçın ve tatlandırıcı içerir. Salepin lezzetini zenginleştirmek ve antioksidan özelliklerini artırmak için zencefil eklenebilir.

Salep, one of the indispensable beverages of cold winter days, increases body temperature and warms people with its pleasant smell. Since it is prepared with milk, it is a strong source of calcium and protein. One cup of salep can be drunk, provided that it is not every day.

In the summer we reach for cold water and drinks, and in the winter we think, "Let's have something hot to drink now" and we want to consume drinks such as tea and salep. Salep is a powder obtained from the tubers of varieties of the orchid family.

Salep has a pleasant smell and aroma, and when made with half-fat milk, one cup contains about 100 calories. It is light but has an energy value and should be consumed in a controlled manner. Another group that should not consume ready-made salep due to its sugar content is people with diabetes. People with diabetes can make their own salep instead of ready-made salep and consume it without sugar.

What are the Health Benefits of Saleb?

It keeps you full: Salep contributes to weight loss when prepared at home and is easily consumed as a snack. Calcium and protein are taken thanks to the milk used in its preparation. Especially the effect of calcium on weight loss is quite high. Easy hunger can be prevented while following a diet. However, since the sugar content in ready-made salep is intense, care should be taken and dieters should prepare their salep themselves.

Keeps blood sugar in balance: Thanks to the glucomannan it contains, it postpones the stomach emptying time. It allows blood sugar to rise and fall quite slowly. Cinnamon added to the top also balances blood sugar.

It helps protect the heart: Glucomannan binds cholesterol and bile acids in the intestines and contributes to lower blood cholesterol levels. Thus, it protects against cardiovascular diseases.

Provides a feeling of satiety: Glucomannan swells when combined with milk. This contributes to the feeling of satiety after consuming saleb. This drink consumed with cinnamon prevents hunger as it balances blood sugar.

Reason to drink milk: Those who do not consume enough milk and yogurt consume milk with salep. If the main purpose here is to increase milk consumption, salep made with milk at home should be consumed, not ready-made salep.

Prevents constipation: The mucilage in salep swells with water and prevents constipation by increasing the stool volume. However, to take advantage of this situation, you should drink enough water on the day you consume salep.

Salep was a harmless drink, but it has high energy and sugar content. Therefore, it is useful to make your own salep instead of consuming ready-made salep. You can add ginger to your salep to enrich the flavor of the salep. This gives it antioxidant properties and reduces the risk of catching colds and infections.

Diet Salep

Ingredients: 1lt. diet milk, 6 teaspoon tablespoon salep (powdered) cinnamon, powdered sweetener can be added if desired.

Preparation: Pour 1 lt. diet milk into a saucepan. Slowly add the powdered salep into it and stir constantly to avoid lumps. Stir the milk and powdered salep mixture over low heat for a short time until it boils and remove from the stove. You can add powdered sweetener and add plenty of cinnamon.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At08 February 2023
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