What are the Benefits of Raw Hazelnuts?

What are the Benefits of Raw Hazelnuts?

Content Summary

Çoğunlukla Karadeniz Bölgesinde yetişen fındık, Türk mutfağında yaygın olarak kullanılan ve ülkemizde hasat edilen, üretilen ve işlem gören bir kuruyemiştir. Fındığın faydaları tartışılmaz olsa da, kavrulmuş fındıktan ziyade çiğ fındığın daha yararlı olduğu önemli bir ayrıntıdır. Uzmanlar, içerdiği vitaminler ve antioksidanlar sayesinde birçok hastalığı önlediği için günde bir porsiyon çiğ fındık tüketilmesini önermektedir. Çiğ fındık, kavrulmuş fındığa göre iki kat daha fazla antioksidan içeren yüksek besin değerine sahip, doygunluk hissi veren ve sağlık açısından faydalı bir kuruyemiştir. Zengin yağ içeriği nedeniyle yüksek kalorili olan fındık, E vitamini, B vitamini, folik asit ve lif kaynağıdır; ayrıca magnezyum, bakır, potasyum, selenyum ve fosfor gibi mineraller açısından da zengindir. Kavurma işlemi fındıktaki yağların %15'inden fazlasının zarar görmesine neden olduğundan, çiğ tüketilmesi daha faydalıdır. Fındık kalp hastalıklarını ve kalp krizi riskini azaltır, bağırsak sorunlarını önler ve metabolik faaliyetleri düzenler. Diyet listeleri için ideal bir besindir çünkü küçük boyutuna rağmen yüksek besin değerine sahiptir. Metabolizmayı hızlandırarak ve bağırsak hareketlerini artırarak kilo vermeye yardımcı olur. Fındıktaki antioksidanlar bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir, kanseri önler, kalp sağlığını korur, doygunluk hissi sağlar ve cilt sağlığını iyileştirir. Ayrıca, diabet hastaları için de faydalıdır. Bununla birlikte, aşırı tüketiminin kilo alımına yol açabileceği unutulmamalıdır.

Benefits of raw hazelnuts; When it comes to raw hazelnuts, it comes to mind unroasted hazelnuts that are left in the sun and dried in their own state. Raw hazelnuts are very rich in vitamins and minerals. Raw hazelnut is also a very rich food in terms of healthy fats.

Hazelnut, which is mostly grown in the Black Sea region, is a type of nut that we are familiar to see on the tables and is widely used in Turkish cuisine and recipes as it is harvested, produced and traded in our country. It is an undeniable fact that hazelnuts are consumed fondly and how beneficial they are, but it is an important detail that raw hazelnuts are beneficial rather than roasted hazelnuts. It is recommended by experts to consume one serving of hazelnuts a day, especially because it prevents many diseases with the vitamins and antioxidants it contains.

The benefits of raw hazelnuts are a nut recommended by experts with both health benefits and satiety. The nutritional value of raw hazelnuts, which contain twice more antioxidants than roasted hazelnuts, is quite high. It is both a food and a source of energy and contains a high amount of calories because it contains a lot of healthy fats. Hazelnuts are a source of vitamin E, vitamin B, folic acid and fiber. It is also rich in minerals such as magnesium, copper, potassium, selenium and phosphorus. For this reason, it is good for many diseases. Hazelnuts are more beneficial when consumed in their unroasted raw form, because more than 15% of the oil in them is damaged during the roasting process.
Hazelnut prevents heart diseases and especially the risk of heart attack; It also prevents intestinal diseases and disruptions in metabolic activities. Hazelnuts are also an ideal food for diet meals. Because although it is a very small nutrient, it has very rich nutritional values. Hazelnuts, which a person takes enough on a daily basis, will help him lose weight faster because it activates his metabolism and accelerates bowel movements. The prolonged roasting time of hazelnuts causes the loss of nutritional values in hazelnuts. It causes the healthy fats in the hazelnut to be damaged and oxidized. This creates an effect that will negatively affect human health.

8 Important Benefits of Raw Hazelnuts;

  • Vitamin E, knownfor strengthening the immune system, is abundant in hazelnuts. For this reason, hazelnuts prevent the breakdown of red blood cells and reduce the risk of anemia. Proper blood circulation strengthens the immune system by reducing the risk of disease.
  • Hazelnut provides a feeling of satiety with its abundant fiber, protein and high fat. Especially in diet lists, a portion (about 6-7 pieces) of hazelnuts is recommended for snacks. While preventing the problem of overeating, it also prevents high calorie intake. However, it should be noted that excessive consumption of hazelnuts may cause weight gain by having the opposite effect.
  • Vitamin B6 is essential for the creation of myelin, which increases the speed and efficiency of electrical signals and ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin B6 is another important vitamin found in hazelnuts.
  • Diabetes patientswill benefit from adding hazelnuts to their daily diet. Because hazelnut causes improvement in glucose intolerance. Hazelnut is also a fiber food. The body needs fiber sources for the digestive system to work better. Thanks to the fiber sources taken, the grinding function in the stomach works more easily. As a result of the digestive system working better, it is possible to get rid of problems such as diarrhea and constipation.
  • Hazelnut oil contains fats that are beneficial for heart health. For example, while it helps to lower the level of bad cholesterol, it helps to increase the level of good cholesterol in the body. Scientific studies show that people who regularly consume hazelnuts have a significantly reduced risk of death from heart attack.
  • Hazelnut is also a powerful antioxidant. It regenerates cells in the body, plays a role in reducing the risk of cancer by repairing damaged DNA and tumor cells. Beta-sitosterol, a compound found in hazelnuts, also reduces the risk of breast and prostate cancer.
  • Hazelnut isa source of magnesium. Magnesium is good for the heart muscles. It prevents heart rhythm deterioration. It has a very important role in regulating the amount of calcium entering and leaving the body. The right amount of calcium creates muscle contractions and allows muscles to rest when they are not needed. Magnesium, in this way, reduces muscle tension and fights to prevent muscle fatigue, spasms, cramps and pain. High magnesium levels also increase muscle strength.
  • The antioxidants found in hazelnuts help the skin to look healthier. By eliminating dead cells through vitamin E, it provides the formation of fresh, healthier and younger looking skin.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At23 September 2021
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