What are the Benefits of Omega 3?

What are the Benefits of Omega 3?

Content Summary

Omega-3 yağ asitleri, vücuttaki birçok doku ve organın yapısını destekleyen ve işlevlerine katkıda bulunan temel besin maddeleridir. Bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir, kalp-damar hastalıklarını önler, anti-inflamatuar etkiye sahiptir, kanser hücrelerine karşı koruma sağlar, sindirim sistemini güçlendirir, göz hastalıklarından korur, erkek üreme sistemini destekler, ağrı kesici etkiye sahiptir, diyabet riskini azaltır, erken doğum riskini azaltır, hamilelik sırasında bebeğin gelişimini destekler, beyin hücrelerini yeniler ve artırır, obezite hastalıklarına fayda sağlar ve kilo verme sürecinde etkilidir, bazı psikolojik bozuklukların ortaya çıkmasını önler ve antioksidan özellikleriyle böbrekleri korur. Omega-3 açığı, kalp hastalıkları, zayıf bağışıklık sistemi, psikolojik rahatsızlıklar, göz hastalıkları, infertilite, kas ve eklem iltihabı ve cilt hastalıklarına yol açabilir. Omega-3, somon, ton balığı, alabalık ve keten tohumu yağı gibi besinlerde bulunur ve takviye olarak da alınabilir. Günlük 1-3 gram arasında tüketilmesi önerilir, ancak hamileler, diyabet hastaları, kan sulandırıcı kullananlar ve balık alerjisi olanlar doktor tavsiyesiyle kullanmalıdır. 1 yaşından küçük bebeklerde kullanımı önerilmez, çünkü anne sütü yeterli miktarda Omega-3 sağlar. Aşırı tüketim mide problemlerine neden olabilir.

Omega 3 is the name given to fatty acids that are important for human health and can be consumed externally. The acids contained in it have many health benefits. Some research and studies are being conducted on the benefits of fatty acids, which are usually obtained from fish oil but can be obtained from many foods other than fish oil. The number of people who attach importance to the consumption of foods with Omega 3 content is increasing day by day.

While it has an important place in terms of the development of babies in the womb and the bone structure and health of children in the developmental age, it is also important for women during pregnancy to consume it on the advice of a doctor, both for the health of the person and for the baby.

What is Omega 3?

Fats; It is one of the nutritional values that should be consumed daily. Approximately 30 percent of the calories taken daily should be taken from fats. This situation consists of two basic digestion products as fatty acids and glycerol.
Glycerol, along with a significant portion of fatty acids, can be produced spontaneously in the body and is used both to provide the energy needed for the functioning of cells and in the synthesis of products found in cell and tissue structures.
It is seen that all humanity has given importance to fatty acids, which have an important role in the functioning of many tissues and cells in the body, from past to present. Omega 3 benefits used for the treatment of many health problems and to support the cells in the body are as follows:

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Protects against cardiovascular diseases
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Protects against cancer cells
  • Strengthens the digestive system
  • Protects against eye diseases
  • Supports the male reproductive system
  • Has a pain relieving effect
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes
  • Reduces the risk of premature birth
  • Supports the development of the baby during pregnancy
  • Regenerates and increases brain cells
  • It benefits obesity diseases and is effective in weight loss process
  • Prevents the emergence of some psychological disorders
  • Protects the kidneys with its antioxidant properties

What is Omega 3 Used For?

ALA, EPA and DHA, which are among the fatty acids, support the structure of many tissues and organs in the body and contribute to their functions. It prevents the symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders in children. It can also be used to prevent high blood pressure and protect skin health. Fatty acids with many benefits are also known to reduce the risk of asthma.

Which Foods Contain Omega 3?

Fish such as salmon, tuna, trout, trout, tuna and mackerel are among the foods rich in omega 3 content. In addition, walnuts, flaxseed oil and canola oil are also rich in this respect. Flax oil contains about 60 percent of it. It can also be taken as a supplement.

Are There Any Harm and Side Effects of Omega 3 Supplements?

Regular consumption is beneficial for human health. It can also be taken from dietary supplements. Daily consumption does not cause any negative effects when done in moderation. Some people may experience some stomach problems because they are uncomfortable with its odor.
It can also cause indigestion, gas compression and abdominal pain. Daily consumption should be between 1 and 3 grams. Diabetes patients and people with different diseases are recommended to consume on the advice and recommendation of a doctor.

Which Diseases Does Omega 3 Deficiency Cause?

Fatty acids, which have many benefits for human health, can cause some problems if they are not consumed. If not taken and consumed in sufficient amounts, it can lead to some heart diseases.
In cases of deficiency, the immune system weakens and the body is vulnerable to diseases. Some research and studies show that individuals with a deficiency of fatty acids may experience some psychological discomfort.
Deficiency of fatty acids in the body can lead to a number of health problems. There are a number of health problems and diseases that may occur in the deficiency of fatty acids that provide benefits if consumed regularly and in moderation daily. These situations can be listed as follows:

  • Mental function problems
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Risk of clotting in the vessel
  • Eye diseases
  • Weakening of the immune system
  • Infertility
  • Inflammation of muscles and joints
  • Skin diseases and skin problems

How should Omega 3 be used in children?

The use of fatty acids is very important for the mental and physical development of children. Fatty acids also found in breast milk meet the needs of babies. Until the age of 1, fatty acids should not be given to babies with any external food. Babies meet this need from breast milk.
Mothers who consume enough fish or fish oil do not need an extra supplement for their babies. The amount that babies should consume and need daily is approximately between 250 and 500 mg. In children, this situation is different and this measure varies between approximately 500 and 1000 mg.

Which Diseases Does Excess Omega 3 Cause?

When taken at the rates that should be consumed daily, there are no side effects in the person. While excessive consumption can cause some stomach problems, the person may experience effects such as indigestion or diarrhea.
It is also recommended that high blood pressure and diabetics consult a specialist before use and use it on the advice of a doctor. It poses a risk of cerebral hemorrhage if consumed by people taking blood thinners.

Who Cannot Use Omega 3 Supplements?

While fatty acids that can be used by everyone have many benefits for the body and health, it is not recommended to be used by some people. People with fish allergies, people who use blood thinners, people with some chronic conditions should use it on the advice of a doctor. While the use of these people may pose a risk, it should be consumed on the advice of a doctor during pregnancy.
It is also not recommended for infants before the age of 1 year due to the risk of food allergy. These babies receive the necessary supplement from breast milk.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At11 January 2023
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