What are the Benefits of Linden?

What are the Benefits of Linden?

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Ihlamur, ılıman iklimlerde yetişen, ıhlamur ailesine ait ağaç şeklinde bir bitkidir. 30 metreye kadar boylanabilen, uzun ömürlü bir bitkidir. Haziran ve Ağustos aylarında beyazımsı sarı çiçekler ve yapraklar açar, sonbaharda olgunlaşır ve sezon sonunda toplanır. Toplanan yaprak ve çiçeklerin kurutulmasıyla elde edilen ürün, içindeki uçucu yağlar sayesinde hoş bir kokuya sahiptir. Bitki, ayrıca çeşitli sağlık sorunlarının tedavisini destekleyebilen aktif maddeler içerir. Kurutulmuş yaprak ve çiçekler siyah çay gibi demlenip içilebilir. Sakinleştirici, ateş düşürücü, bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirici, antispasmodik, balgam söktürücü ve solunum yollarını rahatlatıcı etkileri vardır. Soğuk algınlığı ve grip enfeksiyonlarında bireyin rahatlamasına katkıda bulunur. Antioksidan, diüretik etkiye sahiptir, terlemeye yardımcı olur, ayrıca toksin ve iltihap giderici etki gösterir. Ihlamur çayı, vücut ve zihni rahatlatır, bazı cilt hastalıklarının iyileşmesine yardımcı olur, öksürüğü azaltır, sindirim sorunlarını giderir, bağışıklık sistemini destekler, uykuyu kolaylaştırır, ödemi ve toksinleri atar ve cildin temizlenmesine yardımcı olur. Ihlamur çayı göz altı morluklarını giderir ve göz çevresindeki bakterileri azaltır. Hazırlanması oldukça kolay olup kaynar suda demlenerek tüketilir. Ancak ihlamur çayı tıbbi bir ilaç olmadığı için hastalıkların tedavisinde tek başına kullanılmamalıdır ve ilaçlarla etkileşime girebileceği için uzman görüşü alınması önerilir.

The linden tree, which has about 40 different species around the world, grows in temperate and semi-tropical parts. It can also be defined as the Tilia species of the Linden family or Malvaceae family. It can be seen in tree or shrub form. The flowers and leaves of the linden tree, which is grown in many regions due to its beautiful scent, can be consumed in the form of tea. Before the benefits of linden, it is necessary to find an answer to the question "What is linden?" which is usually asked.

Linden is a tree-shaped plant belonging to the Linden family, which grows in temperate climates. Linden is a very long-lived plant and can grow up to 30 meters in length. It has white to yellow flowers and leaves in June and August, matures in autumn and is collected towards the end of the season. The product, which is obtained by drying the collected leaves and flowers, contains a pleasant scent due to the essential oils contained in it. In addition, there are active substances in the plant. These effective substances can support the treatment of many different health problems.
It is quite common to dry the collected leaves and flowers and then brew and drink them like black tea. It has many different benefits such as calming, antipyretic, immune system strengthening and antispasmodic. In addition, linden tea can also be consumed due to its strong expectorant properties and relief of the respiratory tract. It contributes to the relief of the individual in colds and flu infections. This plant has antioxidant properties, diuretic and helps sweating. Along with these properties, linden has a toxin and anti-inflammatory effect.

What are the Benefits of Linden?

It can be obtained by drying the leaves, flowers and bark of the linden tree. However, it can also be preferred in dried form from the herbalist or in the form of tea bags from the markets. People who want to dry linden can pluck the flowers and leaves of the linden from the place where it is combined with the branch. The plucked leaves and flowers can be left on a cloth in a shady area and dried. The dried plant should be consumed within 1 year at the latest. Linden has a wide range of benefits. Linden tea benefits are as follows;

  • It contributes to the relaxation of the body and mind of the individual with the effect of essential oils in its essence.
  • It contributes to the healing of some skin diseases such as acne and psoriasis caused by stress.
  • Helps soften the throat discharge that occurs in respiratory tract infection.
  • It is effective in reducing cough.
  • It helps to eliminate indigestion and bloating.
  • If consumed with lemon, it contributes to the support of the immune system.
  • If individuals with insomnia consume linden tea in the evening, they fall asleep more easily.
  • It provides the removal of edema and toxins out of the body.
  • It helps to remove blemishes on the skin.
  • Linden tea applied to the scalp makes the hair look shiny.

If thelinden tea is cooled and then placed on the eyelids with the help of a cotton ball, it provides the removal of bruises under the eyes. Therefore, cotton soaked in linden tea should be kept on the eyelid for about 15 minutes. This process also helps to reduce the bacteria that develop around the eyes.

How to Prepare Linden Tea?

Linden tea has long been traditionally known to protect against flu and colds and has been used to reduce the effects of these ailments on the body. However, this tea is not used as a medical drug. Therefore, it is not applied alone for the treatment of ailments. Linden tea can serve as a support in the treatment of some diseases.
Linden has a very nice fragrance and a soft drink. It can be prepared in a teapot, coffee pot or french press. When preparing linden tea, it should not be boiled directly with water, on the contrary, boiling water, such as black tea, should be poured over the linden. After adding a pinch of dried linden into these, boiling water can be put on it. It should be infused for about 10-15 minutes. The linden flower leaves its yellow-white color in the water, indicating that it is ready to be consumed as tea. It is poured into the tea glass or mug glass with the help of a strainer and made ready for service.
If it will be consumed as a support in the treatment of diseases such as flu, honey and lemon juice can be added to the linden. Thus, when consumed, linden tea contributes to the relief of the individual's throat. Along with the classic linden, products in the form of teapot tea sold in the markets can also be consumed.
This tea alone is not enough to treat ailments. Intensive consumption of linden tea may cause unexpected effects. Like all herbal teas, if linden is consumed with medicines, it may cause interaction with the drug. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that the individual should consult a specialist about consuming herbal tea during medical treatment.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At06 January 2023
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