What are the Benefits of Eggs?

What are the Benefits of Eggs?

Content Summary

Yumurtalar, protein, mineral ve çeşitli vitaminler bakımından zengin, besleyici bir besindir. Günlük tüketimi vücudu hastalıklara karşı dirençli tutmaya yardımcı olur, kas ve kemik gelişimini destekler, göz sağlığını korur, hafızayı güçlendirir ve beyin sağlığını iyileştirir. Ancak, çiğ veya az pişmiş yumurtalar salmonella gibi bakteriler içerebileceğinden, tüketimde dikkatli olmak gerekir. Sağlıklı bireyler ve büyüme çağındaki çocuklar günde bir yumurta tüketebilirler. Yüksek kolesterolü olan kişiler ise haftada 3-4 yumurta ile sınırlandırılmalıdır. Günde en fazla 3 yumurta tüketilmesi önerilir. Yumurtanın besin değerini en yüksek seviyede tutmak için haşlanmış olarak tüketilmesi ve düşük kalorili pişirme yöntemlerinin tercih edilmesi önemlidir. Ayrıca, yumurtayı sebzelerle birlikte pişirmek ve iyi kalitede yağlar kullanmak da önerilir.

Eggs are one of the few foods that are considered a 'superfood'. Both the white and yellow parts of an egg are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Especially the indispensable flavor of the breakfast tables, the benefits of eggs do not end with counting. It is quite safe to eat up to 3 eggs a day. Eggs raise good cholesterol and protect against heart disease.

Almost everyone in the world consumes eggs. Consumption is quite common because it is both delicious and healthy. Consuming eggs can sometimes be too much. Such situations can be quite dangerous. Therefore, it is useful to eat a maximum of 3 eggs daily. Egg yolk contains cholesterol, fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids . It is good for eye health and is a very healthy protein. It is especially healthier to boil the egg and consume it, because this way the nutritional value is higher.

What are the Benefits of Eggs?

Eggs have multiple benefits and are rich in proteins and minerals. Consuming eggs keeps the body more resistant to ailments. We can list the other benefits of eggs as follows;

  • It nourishes the body with the amino acid it contains.
  • Eggs contain more than one vitamin and mineral.
  • Increases good cholesterol and protects heart health.
  • Consuming eggs at a certain rate strengthens the immune system.
  • It provides the development of muscles and bones.
  • Eye health is protected.
  • Strengthens memory.
  • It is very useful for brain health.
  • Increases the iron content of the body.
  • Meets the body's protein requirement.
  • Protects children from infections.
  • It reduces the risk ofobesity.

What are the Harms of Eggs?

Raw or undercooked eggs may contain bacteria that enter through the pores in the shells. Raw eggs may especially contain salmonella germs. Do not buy eggs with cracked shells, pay attention to expiration dates. Eggs are one of the 8 food types that are seen as food allergens. In individuals allergic to this food, eggs or foods containing eggs can cause life-threatening reactions.

How Many Eggs Should We Eat a Day?

It is recommended to eat 1 egg every day for healthy people and growing children. People with cholesterol restriction should take a maximum of 300 mg of cholesterol daily. Therefore, people with high blood cholesterol levels should eat eggs 3-4 days a week.

How to Consume Eggs in the Healthiest Way?

When consuming foods, it is necessary to know their benefits and how they should be consumed. Especially eggs consumed in boiled form are very high in nutritional value. We can list the methods of consuming eggs in the healthiest way as follows;

Choose a low-calorie cooking method: It is very healthy to boil and consume eggs, this is the lightest calorie cooking method.

Cook the egg with vegetables: You can consume it as a vegetable omelette to add fiber and vitamins to the meal.

Use non-oxidizing oil: In general, the best choice is avocado oil or sunflower oil. If extra virgin olive oil is used, it can be cooked at a temperature below 210°C.

Choose the most nutritious eggs: The way the chicken is raised and fed affects the nutritional quality of the egg. Generally, choose eggs from pasture-raised and naturally fed hens.

Do not overcook eggs: Eggs that are boiled for too long are not good. If you cook eggs in a skillet, do not fry them too much.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At16 November 2022
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