What are the Benefits of Dark Chocolate?

What are the Benefits of Dark Chocolate?

Content Summary

Çeşitli türleri olan çikolata, kakao içeriğine göre sütlü çikolata, bitter çikolata ve beyaz çikolata olarak sınıflandırılır. Araştırmalar, %60-70 kakao içeren bitter çikolatanın orta düzeyde tüketildiğinde sağlık açısından faydalı olduğunu göstermiştir. Faydaları arasında güçlü antioksidan etkisi, kalp sağlığının korunması ve yüksek kolesterolün düşürülmesi (nitrik oksit üretimi sayesinde), beyin fonksiyonlarının iyileştirilmesi (hafıza ve konsantrasyon artışı), endorfin salgılanması ve stres azaltımı, kan basıncının dengelenmesi, kilo kontrolü ve obezite riskini azaltma, insülin direncinin dengelenmesi, bağırsak sağlığının korunması, cilt sağlığının iyileştirilmesi ve anti-inflamatuar etki bulunur. Ancak, aşırı tüketim obezite, diyabet, yüksek tansiyon, yüksek kolesterol ve kalp-damar hastalıkları gibi sorunlara yol açabilir. Alerjik reaksiyon riski de vardır. Günlük tüketim 20-30 gram arasında, %60 kakao oranına sahip bitter çikolata ile sınırlı tutulmalıdır. Bitter çikolata B vitaminleri, E vitamini, kalsiyum, magnezyum, potasyum, çinko, demir, manganez, bakır ve kükürt gibi vitamin ve mineraller bakımından zengindir.

Among the benefits of dark chocolate , which supports the elimination of toxins in the body with its strong antioxidant properties and has many health benefits; It improves brain function, supports heart health, increases endorphin hormone, prevents obesity, reduces stress and balances blood pressure. In addition to these, dark chocolate, which provides many benefits to human health, should be consumed in moderation due to the high sugar content.

There are many different types of chocolate. These can be classified as milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate. The main reason for this classification is the cocoa content. White chocolate contains only sugar and cocoa butter, but no cocoa. Milk chocolate contains milk or milk powder, cocoa butter, cocoa and sugar. Dark chocolate contains only cocoa butter, cocoa and sugar. The benefits and quality of dark chocolate may vary depending on the cocoa content.
There are many researches on chocolate. As a result of these researches, it is observed that dark chocolate containing at least 60 and 70 percent cocoa and consumed in moderation provides health benefits. The benefits of dark chocolate can be listed as follows:

It is a Powerful Antioxidant
Dark chocolate contains a strong antioxidant content. The higher the cocoa content of dark chocolate, the higher both its benefits and antioxidant content. It lowers high cholesterol levels and removes toxins from the body.

Protects Heart Health and Lowers High Cholesterol
It protects heart health and lowers high blood pressure and high blood pressure, which are risk factors for heart diseases. Thanks to its flavanols, it increases nitric oxide production in the body. Nitric oxide helps dilate blood vessels, accelerate blood flow and lower blood pressure.

Improves Brain Functions
With its high cocoa content, dark chocolate helps to expand the brain vessels and provide faster blood flow to the brain. This contributes to the development of memory, allowing information to stay in the mind longer. It also increases focus and improves concentration with the caffeine content.

Secretes Endorphin Hormone and Reduces Stress
In case of exposure to situations such as stress, dark chocolate benefits by supporting the secretion of the endorphin hormone, the hormone of happiness in the body. It is especially recommended for people with psychological problems such as depression. However, excessive consumption should be avoided and consumed in moderate amounts. Endorphin hormone; It makes people happy and feel good by secreting dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin.

Balances Blood Pressure and Reduces High Blood Pressure
With the increase in nitric oxide, the blood vessels dilate and the pressure in the blood decreases. In this case, it provides a decrease in blood pressure. Dark chocolate, which is seen as important in vascular health, is effective in reducing high blood pressure and the possibility of diseases that may occur due to this condition.

Provides Weight Control and Reduces the Risk of Obesity
Cocoa consumption supports digestive enzymes. Dark chocolate provides weight control by reducing fat formation and weight gain with the components and substances it contains. In this case, it also has a lowering effect on the risk of obesity that may occur.

Can Balance Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance may also be among the benefits of dark chocolate. However, it should be consumed in very small amounts and regularly. Otherwise, it may lead to the risk of type 2 diabetes and weight gain with the amount of sugar it contains. Therefore, great care should be taken about consumption.

Protects Bowel Health
Dark chocolate contributes to increasing the number of bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, known as beneficial bacteria in the intestines. In addition, thanks to the properties of cocoa, it has the effect of reducing the risk of serious diseases such as intestinal tumors.

Keeps the Skin Alive
The polyphenols in its content benefit skin health by increasing skin elasticity. It also accelerates blood flow in the veins on the skin surface and keeps the skin alive.

Has Anti-inflammatory Effect
Inflammation is a natural response of the body's immune system to protect itself against diseases and harmful substances. Dark chocolate contains properties and substances linked to reducing inflammation. According to research, dark chocolate with high cocoa content is known to have positive effects on the immune system.
In addition, it reduces the risk of stroke with its high cocoa content. In order to provide all these benefits, it should be consumed regularly in measured amounts.

What are the Harms of Dark Chocolate?

As with every food and food, it is important to consume this food as deadly. If consumed too much during the day, some health problems may occur. When consumed too much, dark chocolate can cause some harm to the person instead of its benefits. In the following periods after excessive consumption; Problems such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases are seen in individuals.
In addition, allergic reactions may occur in some cases. People who are allergic to chocolate or cocoa and whose body reacts should pay attention. If any allergy is observed, consumption should be stopped and a specialist should be seen immediately.

What Vitamins are in Dark Chocolate?

Dark chocolate is rich in vitamins and minerals. The vitamins and minerals in its content provide many benefits from heart health to muscle contractions. The vitamins and minerals found in dark chocolate are as follows:

  • B group Vitamins
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Copper
  • Sulfur

Dark chocolate also helps the body to take in different minerals with its rich and powerful mineral properties.

How Much Dark Chocolate Should Be Consumed Daily?

In order to see the benefits of dark chocolate in the body, one should pay attention to daily consumption and some points. Dark chocolate with high cocoa content should be preferred and consumption should be done regularly and in moderation. Excessive consumption of dark chocolate can cause some problems such as diabetes, obesity and dental problems with the sugar content.
In order to avoid such problems, it should be consumed between 20 to 30 grams per day and at least 60% cocoa. When consumed regularly within this range, dark chocolate provides many benefits to human health and the body.
In addition, some people may be allergic to dark chocolate. In order to avoid these situations and to prevent the body from having an allergic reaction to this food, professional support can be obtained beforehand and it may be necessary to see a specialist.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At11 January 2023
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