What are the Benefits of Artichoke?

What are the Benefits of Artichoke?

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Enginar, papatyagiller familyasından bir diken türü olan ve sebze olarak bilinen bir bitkidir. Akdeniz ve Ege mutfağının sağlıklı sebzeleri arasında yer alır ve düşük kalorili ve sağlıklı beslenmek isteyenler için zengin bir besindir. Genellikle ilkbahar ve ılıman bölgelerde yetişen bu bitki mavi ve mor renklerdedir. Düşük karbonhidrat ve yüksek protein içeriğine sahiptir. Özellikle zeytinyağıyla popüler olan enginar, lif açısından zengin bir besindir. Fosfor, kalsiyum, demir, sodyum, potasyum, magnezyum, çinko, A, B1, B2, B6 ve C vitaminleri içerir. Yüksek lif içeriği nedeniyle sindirim sistemi için oldukça faydalıdır. Bu faydalardan yararlanmak için ara sıra tüketmek yerine haftada bir kez düzenli olarak tüketmek faydalıdır. Enginarın faydaları arasında kilo vermeyi hızlandırması, karaciğeri temizlemesi, mideyi koruması, kalp kasını güçlendirmesi, demir eksikliği anemisine iyi gelmesi, antioksidan özelliğe sahip olması, kan basıncını düzenlemesi, kansere karşı koruma sağlaması, kötü kolesterolü düşürmesi, kan şekerini dengelemesi, kanı temizlemesi, bağırsak hareketlerini düzenlemesi, mide asiditesini dengelemesi, şişkinliği önlemesi, kan hücrelerini güçlendirmesi, hücre sağlığını koruması ve cilt yaşlanmasını geciktirmesi yer alır. Ancak aşırı tüketildiğinde ishal, gaz ve karın şişkinliğine neden olabilir, ayrıca idrar söktürücü özelliğe sahiptir ve hamilelik veya emzirme döneminde doktor gözetiminde tüketilmelidir. Zeytinyağlı enginar tarifi için, soğanı zeytinyağında pembeleştirip, sebze garnitürünü ekleyip, limonlu enginarları tencereye yerleştirerek ve tüm malzemeleri ekleyerek orta ateşte yumuşayana kadar pişirmek yeterlidir.

Artichoke, which is not very familiar in Turkish tables and eating habits, is actually a healthy vegetable that should be consumed frequently and should definitely be included in your diet. There are many vitamins and minerals contained in artichoke, which is generally preferred in olive oil. Artichoke is a rich and healing food that should be consumed by every person who cares about their health and attaches importance to diversity in their diet.

What is Artichoke?

Artichoke, which is known as a vegetable but is actually a thistle species, is a plant belonging to the daisy family. Artichoke, which is among the healthy vegetables of Mediterranean and Aegean cuisine, is a rich food that should be consumed by those who want to eat a low-calorie and healthy diet. This plant, which usually grows in spring and in temperate regions, grows in blue and purple colors. It has low carbohydrate and high protein content. Artichoke, which is especially popular with olive oil, is a fiber-rich food.

Artichoke contains phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C. It is very beneficial for the digestive system due to its high fiber content. In order to benefit from these benefits, it will be beneficial to consume it regularly once a week rather than consuming it once in a while.

What are the Benefits of Artichoke?

  • Artichoke, which is especially preferred by individuals who want to lose weight, is among the healthy foods with its low calories. There are 100 calories in 55 grams of a cooked artichoke. Artichoke, which accelerates the weight loss process, cleanses the liver and protects the stomach.
  • Due to the high protein it contains, it strengthens the heart muscle and allows the heart to work comfortably.
  • In iron deficiency anemia, it will be beneficial to consume it due to the rich iron mineral it contains.
  • It has antioxidant properties. For this reason, it removes toxins from the body and supports liver health.
  • It regulates blood pressure by regulating the sodium-potassium balance in the body due to the potassium in its structure.
  • Protects the body against cancer.
  • The "cynarin" in its content reduces bad cholesterol. It keeps good cholesterol in balance.
  • Its high fiber content balances blood sugar. It cleanses the blood in the body and reduces the nicotine level in the blood of smokers. At the same time, its high fiber content regulates stomach and bowel movements.
  • Artichoke is also rich in amino acids. Therefore, it keeps the acidity of the stomach in balance. Artichoke prevents bloating by cleansing the stomach and intestines.
  • When blood cells are strong, blood flow in the body also proceeds at a balanced level. In order to strengthen blood cells, it is necessary to consume foods rich in sodium, potassium, calcium, iron and copper. In this respect, consuming artichokes is a good option. The antioxidant properties of artichokes are not only important for blood, but also for cleaning the internal organs in the body and increasing their functions.
  • Artichokes are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which is important for maintaining cell health and cell functionality. Thanks to the renewal of cells, it also delays skin aging.
  • Thanks to the consumption of one serving of artichoke, you will meet your daily need for vitamin K. Regular artichoke consumption strengthens bones. It is especially recommended that developing children and older individuals consume it regularly.

What are the Harms of Artichoke?

  • Artichoke can cause problems such as diarrhea, gas and abdominal distension if consumed too much.
  • Artichoke has diuretic properties. Therefore, it is recommended not to consume if intestinal problems such as diarrhea are experienced.
  • Consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding is done under the supervision of a physician. In rare cases, artichoke can cause side effects.

How to Make Artichoke Recipe with Olive Oil?

Artichoke, which you can blend with vegetables, spices and serve with garnish, is a valuable vegetable that should not be missing from the tables. We shared with you the artichoke recipe with olive oil, especially since it is very popular and preferred with olive oil.

Artichoke Recipe with Olive Oil

  • 4 artichokes
  • One jar of garnish (carrots, potatoes, peas)
  • One onion
  • Half a tea glass of olive oil
  • Half a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Half a teaspoon of salt
  • 1 glass of water

Cut the onions into crescent-shaped pieces and sauté in half a cup of olive oil until the onions turn pink. Mix the vegetable garnish with the onions and fry for a few minutes. Put the artichokes in a bowl, rub them well with half a lemon and place them in a pot. Divide the garnishes in the center of the artichokes. Add the olive oil, juice of half a lemon, sugar, salt, water, cover the pot and let the dish simmer for a while. After the water boils, cook over medium heat until the artichokes are soft. This may take up to 20-25 minutes. Once the artichokes are cooked, remove from the stove and place on a serving plate to cool. You can garnish with dill and serve. Enjoy your meal.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At01 February 2022
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