What are the benefits and harms of sage tea?

What are the benefits and harms of sage tea?

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Adaçayı çayı (Salvia officinalis), yüzyıllardır çeşitli rahatsızlıkların tedavisinde ve korunmasında kullanılan tıbbi bir bitkidir. Anksiyete ve stresi azaltır, toksinlerin atılmasına yardımcı olur, beyin fonksiyonlarını iyileştirir, diş hastalıklarına iyi gelir, ciltteki kusurları azaltır, menopoz semptomlarını hafifletir ve terlemeyi önler. Ancak aşırı tüketim karaciğer fonksiyonlarını olumsuz etkileyebilir, hormon dengesini bozabilir ve hem kadınlarda hem de erkeklerde hormonal değişikliklere yol açabilir. Hamile ve emziren kadınlar için tavsiye edilmez. Adaçayı çayının faydalarından yararlanmak için günde 1-2 bardak tüketilmesi önerilir, kaynatma yerine demleme yöntemi tercih edilmeli ve 60 saniyeden fazla kaynatılmamalıdır. Düşük tansiyonu olanlar, sürekli ilaç kullananlar ve diyabet hastaları adaçayı çayını tüketmekten kaçınmalıdır. Adaçayı çayı, Salvia türlerine alerjisi olan kişilerde alerjik reaksiyonlara neden olabilir.

Sage tea is an aromatic plant species from the honeydew family. There are more than a thousand varieties in the world. It grows in the Middle East and Mediterranean region. For many years, people have used sage tea for the treatment of pain, digestive system problems, flu and mental problems. According to research, sage tea reduces symptoms such as irritable mood and hot flashes, which are symptoms of menopause, as well as; It reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels and contains plenty of antioxidants. It is also thought to be protective against brain diseases such as Alzheimer's. Together with these, sage tea is also effective against upper respiratory tract infections.

Sage tea is defined as Salvia officinalis in Latin. This medicinal plant has been considered as a healing plant throughout life. It has been prepared and consumed in the form of spices, tea and oil to protect and treat various ailments. Sage tea has an aromatic scent. Therefore, it was also used in perfume and soap making. In addition, the leaves of this medicinal plant are also used to make medicine. It is also effective in improving menstrual problems such as menstrual irregularities.

What are the Benefits of Sage Tea?

Sage tea was first brought to the Istanbul region from Marmara Island. Therefore, it was named sage. This medicinal plant is also known as bitter apple in the Aegean. When the leaves of this aromatic plant are boiled, it can be consumed in the form of tea or used as an essence. We can list the other benefits of sage tea as follows;

  • It reduces anxiety and is good for stress.
  • It contributes to the removal of harmful toxins from the body.
  • Contributes to the improvement of brain functions.
  • It is effective in the treatment of dental diseases.
  • Reduces skin blemishes.
  • Relieves symptoms after menopause.
  • Helps protect the discount system.
  • Prevents too much sweating.

What are the Harms of Sage Tea?

It is not healthy to consume too much sage tea. It is necessary to consume sage tea in the form of 1-2 glasses daily. Especially for nursing mothers, consuming too much poses a danger. Consuming large amounts of sage can reduce the quality of breast milk. Therefore, it is not recommended during breastfeeding. We can list the other harms of sage tea as follows;

  • Intensive consumption negatively affects the function of the liver.
  • Some types contain thujone substance. If this substance enters the body for a long time, it can disrupt the liver and nervous system.
  • Intensive consumption of sage tea disrupts the balance of female and male hormones.
  • It contains excessive amounts of estrogen hormone. Therefore, it causes women to have a pear-type body.
  • It causes breast enlargement in men.
  • Excessive consumption reduces the sperm quality of men.

How to Brew Sage Tea?

Although sage tea is generally boiled and drunk, it is healthier to consume it by brewing. Thus, the nutritional value is preserved much healthier and more sage tea flavor is provided. When brewing this aromatic plant, it should not be kept in boiling water for too long. This causes the beneficial effects of the plant to disappear and the taste of the tea may deteriorate. If sage tea is boiled for longer than 60 seconds, toxic compounds are produced and the tea can become harmful. Approximately 2 gr. 200-250 ml of boiled water is added to the sage tea and left to infuse for 10 minutes. After the leaves are filtered, they can be filled into the cup and served.

Who Should Not Consume Sage Tea?

It is not healthy to consume sage tea in large quantities. Consumption of sage tea by people who are allergic to plants belonging to the Salvia species may cause allergic reactions. Sage tea is very useful in digestive problem diseases such as nausea, but when consumed excessively, it can cause burning and pain in the stomach. Side effects may vary from individual to individual. It is healthy to consume 3 cups of sage tea during the day and it is not recommended to drink more. We can list the risk groups that should not consume sage tea as follows;

  • Those with low blood pressure
  • People who take medication continuously
  • Diabetes patients

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At08 December 2022
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