Weight loss misconceptions

Weight loss misconceptions

Content Summary

Bu metin, yaygın kilo verme yanlış anlamalarını ele almaktadır. "Hafif" ürünlerin sıfır kalori içermediği, zeytinyağının sınırsız tüketilemeyeceği, meyve tüketiminin diyet yaparken gerekli olduğu, kahvaltının atlanmaması gerektiği, bitki çaylarının zayıflatıcı etkisi olmadığı, aç karnına spor yapılmaması gerektiği, karbonhidratların diyetten tamamen çıkarılmaması gerektiği, yüksek proteinli diyetlerin sağlık riskleri taşıdığı, meyvelerin yemekten iki saat sonra yenmesi gerektiği gibi yaygın inanışların yanlış olduğunu açıklamaktadır. Ayrıca, maydanoz suyu, sauna ve limonlu suyun zayıflatıcı etkilerinin olmadığı, akşam yemeğinden sonra yemek yemenin kilo aldırmadığı, kan şekeri düşüklüğü durumunda tatlı tüketiminin uygun olmadığı vurgulanmaktadır. Sağlıklı kilo verme için önemli olanın, günde ne kadar yendiği ve ne kadar fiziksel aktivite yapıldığı, yemek aralarının en az 3-5 saat olması gerektiği belirtilmektedir.


I should consume light products! Diet products have no calories. FALSE

Diet products do not have zero calories, only reduced calories. In other words, even if it is lower in calories than normal, it is necessary to consume it on a diet by paying attention to the portion. In addition, sometimes the use of additives and artificial sweeteners in diet products increases, so it is necessary to consume by reading the label carefully.

In addition, do not consume light products while dieting, these products are processed and harmful to your health. The 5-10 grams of fat you will get from there will not break your diet, but the 5-10 grams of carbohydrates with high GI will break your diet. Therefore, the real enemy is not FAT, but CARBS.

Olive oil is calorie-free and can be consumed unlimitedly. FALSE

As with all fats, 1 teaspoon of olive oil has 45 calories and if consumed in excess, it causes weight gain. I can lose weight faster if I skip meals.

I should not consume fruit while dieting! FALSE

When you are on a diet, the foods you should consume the most are, firstly, VEGETABLES and secondly, FRUITS. You should know very well that you cannot be healthy without consuming vegetables and fruits every day. When dieting, fruit consumption is essential to a certain extent. Fruit sugar does not break your diet as you think. The important thing here is to consume it in moderation (portion control). Otherwise, you will be deprived of essential vitamins and minerals and your body will suffer during this diet period. Another issue here is that fruits should be eaten. Juice should not be squeezed and drunk. The fruit sugar, separated from the fiber, is then largely useless for you. Make sure you eat fruit every day. Eat fruit whether you are on a diet or not.

Skipping breakfast. FALSE

Breakfast has a huge impact on appetite management and weight control. Do not think that you will lose more weight by eating fewer meals. You don't have to have a classic breakfast of cheese, bread, olives and eggs. You can have breakfast with a glass of milk or coffee with milk and a serving of fruit. You can have breakfast with a glass of coffee with milk and 10 nuts or almonds. The important thing is that your metabolism is activated from the moment you wake up rather than the content of your breakfast. By not skipping your breakfast, you will both run your metabolism and keep your blood sugar at a stable level, ensuring that you do not sit down to lunch in a frenzy.

Skipping meals in the diet causes the metabolism to slow down. In addition, since there is a drop in blood sugar when skipping meals, food consumption will increase in the next meal and the body will store fat.

Herbal teas are slimming. FALSE

Herbal teas only have the effect of helping to speed up metabolism, but no herbal tea will help you lose weight without a healthy diet and physical activity.

Wholemeal bread has no calories. In wholemeal bread and normal bread, 25 grams (1 slice) is 70 calories. Only the glycemic index, the rate at which they affect blood sugar, is different. Excessive consumption of both leads to weight gain.

I will lose weight faster if I exercise when I am hungry. FALSE

Insulin release increases during sports and when sports are done on an empty stomach, blood sugar will drop and discomfort will occur, the best sports to be done no later than 2 hours and no earlier than half an hour after meals.

Carbohydrates such as pasta, rice and bread should be completely eliminated from the diet: FALSE.

The human body uses carbohydrates as its main source of energy. Cutting out bread and rice to lose weight and not consuming these foods at all means not giving the body the right energy. In this case, the body uses glycogen stores in the muscles and liver to obtain energy. In other words, you lose weight from water, but the fat tissue, which is the cause of your obesity, remains in place. When you switch to a normal diet, you gain twice as much weight.

Eating more protein promotes healthy weight loss: FALSE.

In a protein-heavy diet, the body spends a lot of energy to digest proteins and weight loss may occur. However, since too much fat will enter the body along with proteins, blood fats may increase and coronary heart diseases may occur. Gout can develop. Also, proteins require calcium sugars from the bones to be excreted from the body, which can lead to osteoporosis. In this case, even if you lose weight, you will spend the rest of your life as a sick person.

Fruit should be eaten 2 hours after a meal, otherwise all that is eaten turns into fat: FALSE.

If you are not full, eating 1 fruit instead of a second plate of fruit will result in less energy intake, i.e. you will eat less. Therefore, if you are not full, it is a better approach to eat 1-2 fruits instead of a second plate.

Parsley juice is slimming: FALSE.

Parsley has a diuretic effect. Due to the loss of urine, a person feels lighter. It has no benefit for weight loss and fat tissue reduction.

Sweating in hot environments such as saunas is debilitating: FALSE.

It is water, not fat, that is lost by sweating in hot environments such as saunas. Such hot environments help to detoxify the body, relax the muscles, and relieve the body of malaise, but they do not make you lose weight. In terms of weight loss, cold is more effective than heat.

Drinking lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach slims you down: FALSE.

Lemon has an intestinal stimulant. However, cold or warm water or water with lemon has no slimming effect.

"My blood sugar is low, I should eat sweets": FALSE.

If your blood sugar is low and you are shaking, never eat sweets. Cheese and bread is a better choice. The only people who can eat sweets are diabetics on insulin.
If I eat anything after 7 pm I will get fat!

The basic rule for healthy weight loss is not when you eat, but how much you eat during the day and how much physical activity you do. Studies show that individuals do not get fat and lose weight more easily when they eat after 7 p.m. when the amounts of meals are adjusted according to hunger.

I will gain weight if I consume anything after 6 pm.

The interval between night and morning is the longest meal interval, and not consuming anything after 18.00 will extend this period even further and lead to low blood sugar and slow metabolism.

Our suggestion: Starting with breakfast, the first meal of the day, instead of the time of eating, it is necessary to leave a gap of at least 3-5 hours between meals. Thus, it does not matter when the last meal is eaten.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At20 August 2018
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