Today is World Handwashing Day... We should wash our hands frequently to protect the health of ourselves and our environment. But pay attention to these! Don't let it turn into an obsession!
Expert Psychologist Selvinaz Çınar Parlak from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital told...
- If your hand washing takes longer than 2 minutes
- No feeling of cleanliness after washing
- Frequent hand washing with the thought of dirt and germs
- If there is counting while washing hands
- Difficulty stopping hand washing
- If the urge to wash is uncontrollable...
You may be obsessed with cleaning...
Expert Psychologist Selvinaz Çınar Parlak stated that Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, also known as cleaning disease among the people, negatively affects both the person and the person's family and social environment, and stated that this disease must be treated.
What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), an anxiety-type disorder, is a disease that restricts people by trapping them in a cycle of repeated thoughts and behaviors. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder are troubled by recurring and stressful thoughts, fears or images (obsessions) that they cannot control. The anxiety caused by these thoughts leads to an urgent need to perform certain rituals or routines (compulsions). Rituals are performed in an attempt to prevent or distract from obsessive thoughts. The ritual temporarily stops the anxiety, and when the obsessive thoughts return, the person needs to repeat the ritual immediately. This OCD cycle can take hours out of a person's day, preventing them from doing normal daily tasks. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder may be aware that their obsessions and compulsions are unrealistic or pointless, but they cannot stop themselves.

Wash your hands constantly
Dünya El Yıkama Günü'nde sık sık el yıkamamızın hem kendi sağlığımız hem de çevremiz için önemli olduğu vurgulanırken, aşırıya kaçmamak gerektiği hatırlatılıyor. Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi'nden uzman psikolog Selvinaz Çınar Parlak, el yıkamaya takıntılı olmanın belirtilerini; 2 dakikadan uzun süreli el yıkama, yıkamadan sonra temizlik hissi olmaması, kir ve mikrop düşüncesiyle sık sık el yıkama, el yıkarım sayma, el yıkamayı durdurmakta zorlanma ve kontrol edilemeyen yıkama isteği olarak sıralıyor. Bu belirtiler Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk (OKB) yani halk arasında temizlik hastalığı olarak bilinen bir anksiyete bozukluğuna işaret ediyor. OKB, tekrarlayan düşünce ve davranışların döngüsüne hapsolmaya yol açan ve hem bireyi hem de çevresini olumsuz etkileyen bir hastalık olup, tedavi gerektiğini vurgulanıyor.