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Vitaminler, sağlıklı bir yaşam için gerekli olan ve vücut tarafından üretilemeyen organik bileşiklerdir. Yağda (A, D, E, K) ve suda (C ve B grubu) eriyen olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılırlar. Büyüme, hücre yenilenmesi ve enerji üretimi için olmazsa olmazdırlar. Vitaminler enerji üretmezler ancak vücuttaki biyokimyasal olaylarda rol oynarlar. Besinlerden veya takviyelerden alınmaları gerekir. A vitamini yeşil yapraklı sebzelerde, D vitamini süt ve balıkta, C vitamini turunçgillerde, E vitamini kuruyemişlerde ve sağlıklı yağlarda bulunur. B vitaminleri ise yumurta, et, tahıllar, baklagiller ve ciğer gibi çeşitli besinlerde bulunur. Her vitaminin eksikliği farklı sağlık sorunlarına yol açabilir; örneğin B1 vitamini eksikliği sinir ve deri hastalıklarına sebep olabilirken, folik asit eksikliği anemiye yol açar. Vitaminlerin vücut tarafından emilimi, birlikte tüketilen besinler tarafından da etkilenir.

Vitamins are vital for people to continue their lives in a healthy way. Vitamin should be taken and used in a balanced way.

What Vitamin Does

Vitamins are divided into two groups: fat and water soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and water-soluble vitamins (Group C and Group B) are vitamins. Vitamins are very important for a person to live healthy and be healthy. Vitamins are necessary for growth, cell renewal and energy production and must be present in the body.



Vitamins cannot be synthesized in the human body. Even if vitamins are synthesized in the human body, they are usually not sufficient and must be taken in certain ratios with external supplements. Vitamins are organic substances. It is necessary to ensure that vitamins are taken from food or vitamin preparations to be taken additionally. Vitamins do not produce energy, but are important in terms of taking part in biochemical events in the human body.

In Which Foods Vitamins Are Found

Vitamins are found in different foods. However, in order to benefit from the vitamins in these foods, the foods you consume together are important for the absorption of vitamins by the body.

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- Vitamin A: It is found in green leafy vegetables. It is found in fruits and vegetables such as carrots, spinach, celery, parsley, plums. It is especially important for eyes, hair, skin and nails.
- Vitamin D: Found in milk and dairy products, sunlight and fish. It is very important for bones and bone health.
- Vitamin C: It is especially found in orange fruits. Potatoes are a healthy vegetable in terms of vitamin C. It is very important for skin and gum health.
- Vitamin E: Found in nuts and healthy fats.
- Vitamin B1: Eggs contain a lot of vitamin B1. When not taken enough, it increases the likelihood of nervous and skin diseases.
- Vitamin B2: Found in cereals, meat and meat products.
- Vitamin B3 is abundant in meat, fish and nuts.
- Vitamin B5: It is abundant in eggs and legume species.
- Vitamin B6: Found in meat and grain products.
- Vitamin B12: It is abundant in liver and red meat products. It is one of the most important vitamins of the body.
- Folic acid is a type of B vitamin. It is abundant in brewer's yeast, green vegetables and eggs. If it is low, anemia is seen.
CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At28 January 2019
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