Things to Consider Before Consuming Packaged Products

Things to Consider Before Consuming Packaged Products

Content Summary

Hazır tüketime uygun gıdalardaki zararlı maddelerin farkında olmak çok önemlidir. Satın alınan ürünlerde kullanılan boyalar ve parlatıcılar gibi zararlı maddeler insan sağlığını ciddi şekilde tehdit etmektedir. Paketli ürünleri tüketmeden önce dikkat edilmesi gerekenler iyi bilinmelidir. Araştırmalar, astım, kanser ve felç gibi hastalıklar için faydalı olarak gösterilen ve satılan hazır tüketime uygun gıdalarda glikoz şurubu bulunduğunu, çocuklara satılan sütlü tatlılarda ise hiperaktivite ve dikkat eksikliği bozukluğuna neden olan bazı maddelerin bulunduğunu ortaya koymuştur. İçeriğine bakılmadan tüketilen bazı hazır gıdalar da sağlığı büyük ölçüde tehdit etmektedir. Hiperaktivite ve dikkat eksikliği bozukluğuna neden olan boyalar çocuk sağlığını olumsuz etkiler. Yaygın olarak tüketilen hazır gıdalarda lezzet arttırıcılar bulunur. Bu lezzet arttırıcıların zararı, tüketilen ürünü damak tadına daha hoş hale getirmesi ve kişinin daha fazla yemek istemesidir. Paketli gıdaları tüketmeden önce etiketleri dikkatlice okumak ve faydalı olanları zararlı olanlardan ayırmak gerekir. Porsiyon miktarını hesaplamak, kalori kontrolü yapmak ve doymuş yağ, trans yağ ve katkı maddelerine dikkat etmek önemlidir. Hazır gıdalardaki tatlandırıcılar gibi katkı maddeleri sağlığı olumsuz etkilemektedir. Doğal olmayan tatlandırıcılar diyabet riskini artırır. Mümkün olduğunca işlenmiş gıdalardan uzak durulmalı ve doğal, ev yapımı yiyecekler tercih edilmelidir.

In recent years, with the differentiation of lifestyles, more packaged ready-to-eat foods are consumed, but the health effects of these ready-to-eat foods have always been a matter of debate and some products contain substances that cause hyperactivity and attention deficit. Although the content of products that cause some diseases is consumed without knowing, the way to be a conscious food consumer is to read food labels correctly. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention before consuming packaged products .

It is necessary to be aware of the harmful substances contained in ready-to-eat foods. Harmful substances such as colorants and brightening products used in the content of the purchased product seriously threaten human health. The things to be considered before consuming packaged products should be well known. According to the researches, glucose syrup has been found in ready-to-eat products that are shown and sold as beneficial for diseases such as asthma, cancer and stroke, and some substances that cause hyperactivity and attention deficit disease have been found in milk desserts sold for children, and some ready-to-eat foods taken without looking at the content threaten health to a great extent.
Colorants that cause hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder negatively affect children's health. There are flavor enhancers in ready-to-eat foods that are widely consumed. The harm of these flavor enhancers is that they make the consumed product more pleasant to the palate and make the person want to eat more.

What should be considered before consuming packaged foods?

The mixed labels on the back of ready-to-eat foods actually provide information about the product content. It is very important to read these labels carefully and determine what is beneficial and what is harmful for the person in order to eat in accordance with the body balance. Although some people think of junk food when they think of packaged food, in fact, tomato paste, margarine, mortar and sauces used for meals are all included in the packaged food group. Therefore, it is beneficial for health to read the labels of ready-to-eat foods and be a conscious consumer. First of all, it protects against health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity that may occur in the future. Secondly, it provides individuals with health problems to get away from a dietary habit that will adversely affect their ailments. The important thing here is to evaluate the labels, to realize the harmful substances that may be present in the content and to understand the content of the product. Thus, it is easier to understand which foods should be avoided. Here are some things to consider before consuming packaged products ;

Portion amount should be calculated: In general, many food labels contain the expressions "100 grams" and "1 serving". Therefore, the number of servings of the product to be consumed should be known and consumed accordingly, because the equality of the amount given on the food label and the amount consumed by the person is the most important way to analyze the label correctly.

Check calories: Studies show that people who check calories when buying foods have fewer calories per day and tend to eat more healthy foods. Calorie control when purchasing the product protects the individual against many chronic diseases such as obesity , but care should be taken to match the rate to be consumed when applying this control. Light products also contain calories, and foods that are not consumed in a controlled manner lead to unnecessary energy intake.

Reduce-duplicate-balance: The third of the points that covers the analysis of the information about the content on the food label is "reduction,duplication and balance".
A high int ake ofsaturated fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and cancer. Therefore, a packet of food should contain less than 1 gram of saturated fat.
Asthe rate of trans fat increases, the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases increases. Therefore, it should be ensured that the products purchased do not contain trans fat or that there is at most 0.5 grams of trans fat in a package.

Attention to additives: Additives in the content of ready-to-eat foods are very important. It is necessary to stay away from ready-to-eat food additives such as sweeteners, thickeners and thickeners that adversely affect health.

How Harmful Are Food Additives in Ready-to-Eat Foods?

Foods sold under the name of long-lasting on the shelves in the markets negatively affect the health of many people, especially children. In general, these foods significantly affect metabolism, immune system and genetics. In the field of food, there are millions of additives in thousands of different products within 1 year. Today, ready-to-eat foods are preferred by many people because they are consumed too much.
Sincesweeteners are not natural, they predispose to diabetes. These substances cause headaches, swelling of the hands and feet and inhibit the development of children. Therefore, it is necessary to stay away from processed foods as much as possible. Instead, homemade foods produced naturally are much healthier. Purchased products should not be evaluated only in terms of calories.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At22 December 2022
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