These facts about vitamins will surprise you too

These facts about vitamins will surprise you too

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Uzmanlar, vücudumuzun ihtiyaç duyduğu vitaminlerin dengeli bir beslenmeyle alınabileceğini belirterek, vitaminler hakkındaki yaygın yanlış anlamlara dikkat çekiyorlar. C vitamini nezleyi önler düşüncesinin doğru olmadığı, en iyi C vitamini kaynağının ise tatlı kırmızı biber olduğu belirtiliyor. Aşırı vitamin tüketiminin vücuda zarar verdiği konusunda uyarıda bulunuluyor. Vücut gelişimi, sindirim ve sinir fonksiyonları için vitaminlerin gerekliliğinin altı çizilirken, minerallerin hücreleri desteklediği ve vücudun farklı bölgelerinin görevlerini yapmasına yardımcı olduğu vurgulanıyor. B12 vitamininin enerji vermediği, bunun yanlış bir inanış olduğu, aşırı A vitamini alımının bulantı, kusma ve karaciğer hasarına; aşırı D vitamini alımının ise halsizlik, kalp ritm bozuklukları ve baş dönmesine yol açabileceği belirtiliyor. Kemik sağlığı için kalsiyum, D ve K vitaminleri, potasyum ve magnezyumun önemi vurgulanırken, göz sağlığı için lutein, zeaxanthin, çinko, C ve E vitaminlerinin tüketilmesi gerektiği belirtiliyor. Son olarak, hamilelik döneminde folik asitin önemi ve doğum kusurlarını önlemedeki rolü vurgulanıyor.

Stating that the vitamins our body needs can be obtained from a balanced diet, experts draw attention to the common misconceptions about vitamins. According to experts, the information that vitamin C prevents colds does not reflect the truth; sweet red pepper is the best source of vitamin C. Experts warn that excess vitamin consumption harms the body.

Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım, Internal Medicine Specialist at Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital, gave information about the vitamins necessary for our body.

Stating that the word vitamin is a combination of the words "Vital + amine", Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım said, "Scientists first thought that vitamins were amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Today, we know 13 types that are essential for health. You can usually get the vitamins you need from a balanced diet. But some people, especially those who limit certain foods, can benefit from supplements."


What is the difference between vitamins and minerals?

Stating that the body needs vitamins for growth, digestion and nerve function, Dr. Yıldırım said, "Minerals support cells and help different parts of your body do their job. Vitamins are known by the letters A, B, C, D, E and K. Examples of minerals include calcium, which forms bone and helps blood clot, and iron, which helps blood carry oxygen."

Attention to common misconceptions

Stating that misinformation about some vitamins is very common, Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım pointed out that one of them is the information that "Vitamin C prevents colds". Yıldırım said, "When researchers examined more than 10 years of findings, they found that mega doses of vitamin C did not prevent colds for most people. Some studies suggest that it may help you get over the symptoms a little faster."

Sweet red pepper, the best source of vitamin C

Stating that the best source of vitamin C is sweet red pepper, Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım said, "Citrus fruits may be the best known source of vitamin C, but it is also found in many other fruits and vegetables. Most adults should get between 75 and 90 milligrams a day. A half cup of sweet red pepper contains the same amount of vitamin C as about 180 cl of orange juice."

Vitamin B 12 does not give energy

Noting that the information that "Vitamin B12 gives energy" is also wrong, Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım said, "This is a false belief. It is absolutely important to get enough B12. Too little can cause pain in your limbs, anemia, memory loss, dizziness and tingling in your body. But there is little evidence that taking it makes you fitter or gives you more energy. You can get enough B12 from a diet that includes meat, fish or dairy products."


Too many vitamins can cause harm

Pointing out that taking as many vitamins as desired can damage the body, Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım said:
"Supplements can be a good way to make sure you get enough nutrients, but many vitamins and minerals can be toxic if you take too much. Too much vitamin A can cause nausea, vomiting and liver damage. Too much vitamin D can cause weakness, heart rhythm problems and dizziness. As the body stores vitamins A, D, E, K and iron, excess can build up in your organs and tissues and damage the kidneys, liver, heart and brain."

These vitamins are important for bone health

Stating that calcium, vitamins D and K, potassium and magnesium play an important role in maintaining bone health, Dr. Yıldırım said, "We all know the importance ofvitamin D and calcium, but recent studies have emphasized that magnesium, potassium and vitamin K are also very important. In particular, if you have a risk of brittle, thinning bones called osteoporosis, your doctor may recommend calcium and vitamin D supplements."

Eat vegetables and fruits for your eye health

Noting that Lutein, Zeaxhantin, Zinc, Vitamins C and E protect the eyes, Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım said, "You can protect your eyes by eating enough vegetables and fruits, especially after the age of 65, provided that you do not smoke."

Why is folic acid important during pregnancy?

Stating that folic acid helps prevent birth defects, especially problems in the brain and spinal cord that may develop in the baby, Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım said, "Since it is very important during pregnancy, we say that pregnant women and those who want to have a baby should take a supplement to make sure that folic acid is sufficient."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 October 2018
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