The child imitates the behavior of the family

The child imitates the behavior of the family

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Holidays, which are a part of our culture and values, are important in terms of solidarity, solidarity, unity and solidarity. Stating that children grow up by taking a model and that values are transferred from person to person, experts state that children should go to holiday visits with their families and learn the culture of feasting.

Aynur Sayım, Child Adolescent Specialist Clinical Psychologist at Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center, made evaluations on the effects of holidays on children

The child imitates the behavior of the family

Stating that the child grows up by taking a model and that values survive by being carried from person to person, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Aynur Sayım said, "The child grows up by taking a model, imitating the behavior of the family. Holidays are very meaningful in terms of sharing love, experiencing feelings of unity, solidarity and enthusiasm, being a model for children, adopting the socio-cultural values of the family and transferring values. Values survive by being carried from person to person."

Values education starts in the family

Stating that the education of values starts in the family and is passed down from generation to generation, Aynur Sayım said, "These are our values such as love, respect, responsibility, courage, benevolence, honesty, trust, tolerance, humility, empathy, contentment, industriousness, patience, joy, hope, diligence, patience, hospitality, morality (good-bad-includes conscience), patriotism, sense of justice. Children begin to model their parents from the earliest periods, learning begins in the early periods. Learning through observation and imitation can be observed especially from 6 months onwards. Of course, in this period, they learn through imitation."

Values are internalized between the ages of 7-11

Stating that the concept of internalization, assimilation and acquisition of the mentioned values comes into play as the ability to perceive abstract concepts begins to form between the ages of 7 and 11, Aynur Sayım said:

"There are customs practiced in societies. For example, in our society, kissing the hands of elders, giving holiday allowance to the little ones, going to buy a bride, henna nights. These are rules that belong to a society and are not valid for every society. These rules change over time and vary from one society to another. Values, on the other hand, are defined as items that are accepted in every society and which, if not practiced, can harm the individual and society. Concepts such as a sense of responsibility and being honest can be examples. Economic problems, parents coming home late, not giving enough attention and time to the child, psychological conditions of parents, presence of domestic problems, increase in divorces, excessive use of technological devices, decrease in meetings with relatives and neighbors, reasons such as migration, decrease in communication and modeling can cause weakening of values."

Eid visit should be kept alive

Stating that holidays are sometimes considered as a vacation, Aynur Sayım said, "Values education covers all areas of life. The relationship style and modeling of the child with his/her family determines this. Reasons such as parents working and limited vacation opportunities reduce family visits, yes, but it is also necessary not to spend every holiday on vacation, but to visit the holiday and to show the importance and meaning of it to the child. Visits not only on holidays, but also as a part of life will ensure the acquisition of values."

Listen to these recommendations

Expert clinical psychologist Aynur Sayım listed her advice to families on the transfer of values as follows:

- Values education should start at home. It is important that parents set an example for their children and give examples by explaining when the time comes.

- Giving information to children with simple definitions, teaching the value studied in the game, poems, songs, pictures, activities, stories, drama activities related to the subject will be the most effective and permanent methods.

- Spending time with their children, playing games, chatting, encouraging them to read books, being in different environments and places, meeting with other people, providing rich stimuli such as trips and exhibitions will both strengthen communication and provide them with different experiences.

- Ensuring that the child does not spend too much time in front of the television and computer and that time can be allocated for various activities.

- Parents should be able to establish the right communication based on empathy with their children and teach them to empathize. In this way, the child will establish good relationships with his/her friends, will be loved at school, at home and in his/her environment, and will be successful in his/her relationships.

- Parents need to teach their children to take responsibility by giving them responsibility.

- They should encourage their children to make their own decisions when necessary, teach them to look at things optimistically, enable them to participate in social services, emphasize the importance of helping other people, cooperation and honesty, teach them how to deal with problems when they encounter any problems, chat with their children a lot to develop their speaking skills and set an example with their behavior. It should not be forgotten that children grow up imitating their parents.

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At22 August 2019
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