Take your headaches seriously!

Take your headaches seriously!

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Beyin sağlığı, yaşam tarzından insan ilişkilerine, beslenmeden uyku düzenine kadar birçok faktöre bağlıdır. Uzmanlar, düzenli sağlık kontrollerinin önemini vurgulamakta ve özellikle baş ağrısı gibi şikayetlerin dikkate alınması gerektiğini belirtmektedir. Zihinsel ve fiziksel fonksiyonlarda bozulma olması durumunda gecikmeden bir uzmana danışmanın, beyin sağlığı ve erken teşhis açısından değerli olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. Beyin, tüm insan değerlerinin, ilişkilerin, düşüncelerin, kararların, eylemlerin, davranışların, duyguların, sevinçlerin ve kederlerin kaynağıdır. Vasküler sorunlar, diyabet gibi metabolik değişiklikler ve çeşitli beyin hastalıkları beyin sağlığını olumsuz etkiler. Sağlıklı bir beyin için aktif bir yaşam tarzı, stres kontrolü, dengeli beslenme, toksik maddelerden uzak durma ve kaliteli uyku önemlidir. İnsan vücudunun kendini iyileştirme mekanizması olan homeostazı korumak için dengeli bir yaşam tarzı sürdürmek gerekmektedir. Baş ağrıları ve zihinsel-fiziksel fonksiyon bozukluklarında zaman kaybetmeden doktora başvurmak önemlidir.

All factors from lifestyle to human relations, from nutrition to sleep patterns can be determinant for brain health. Stating that it is important to have periodic health checks regularly, experts say that complaints, especially headaches, should be taken into consideration. According to experts, consulting a physician without delay in case of disruption of mental and physical functions is valuable in terms of brain health and early diagnosis.


Since 2008, Brain Awareness Week has been celebrated in March every year under the leadership of international organizations related to neuroscience, including the Society for Neuroscience and the Dana Foundation. The aim is to better promote neuroscience in the world, to explain its importance and to raise awareness in the society about new developments in the field.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurosurgery Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa emphasized the importance of brain health by stating that the brain is the source of all human values, relationships, thoughts and decisions, actions and behaviors, emotions, joys and sorrows.

Brain and body health is a whole

Stating that all structures, tissues, organs and systems in the human organism are important for a healthy life, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa stated that attention should be paid to brain health in order for all these structures to work together and in harmony in communication with each other.

These diseases damage the brain

Emphasizing that the brain or the nervous system is affected by everything that happens in the body, whether positive or negative, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa stated that some diseases that are not directly brain diseases also damage the brain. Prof. Dr. Bozbuğa said the following:

"Vascular problems can be counted as diseases in which the brain is affected and damaged. These are often diseases such as hypertension and vascular narrowing. Metabolic changes such as diabetes are also serious threats to brain health. Diseases that directly affect the brain include congenital structural disorders, degenerative diseases that cause deterioration of brain tissue, cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebral artery bubbles/aneurysms, vascular tangles, vascular blockages, cerebral hemorrhages. Approximately 130 different types of brain tumors that can be benign or malignant or metastatic, brain infections and abscesses, skull - brain traumas caused by traffic accidents, beatings and falls can be listed as the most common diseases."

Everything from human relations to sleep affects brain health

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa emphasized that everything that negatively affects the harmony and integrity of the multifaceted being structure of human beings actually threatens human health and especially brain health. "In this sense, in reality, all situations, processes, actions, thoughts and emotions that the individual faces have a positive or negative effect on brain health," he said.

Active lifestyle and stress control are important

Stating that all factors from lifestyle to human relations can be decisive for brain health, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa said: "Being able to create human meaning and values in terms of spirituality, and being able to apply them to one's life, and being able to have positive and desired human relations at different levels such as family, friendship, work environment. Mustafa Bozbuğa said, "Being able to create human meaning and values in terms of spirituality and being able to apply them to one's life, being able to develop human relations on different planes, including family, friends and work environment in a positive and desired direction, cultural environment, natural - adequate and moderate nutrition, avoiding toxic substances, a restful sleep pattern, an active lifestyle, a systemic disease (hypertension, diabetes, ...), stress control, environmental and collective hygiene, which increase sanitogenesis and enable people to realize themselves, will affect and damage the health of the whole body, especially brain health."


Listen to these tips to protect brain health

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa said, "The human organism has a well-functioning mechanism of repair, adaptation, flexibility, regulation and regeneration, which we call "homeostasis", as if corresponding to Hippocrates' statement that "nature heals itself"."

"Normally, problems may arise continuously in the functioning of the human body and these are corrected by "homeostasis" and the process is prevented from harming the body; beyond that, diseases or problems may not show signs and symptoms, at least until a certain stage, or they may even be eliminated from the body - they can be corrected. This enormous power of the human body, homeostasis, can be maintained to a large extent by leading the right way of life, a way of life that is characterized by mental, physical and social balance and harmony."

Take headache into account

Stating that it is important to have periodic health checks regularly, Prof. Dr. Bozbuğa said, "In case of any complaint, it can be said that the most important and common one is headache. Consulting a physician without delay when mental - physical functions are disrupted is valuable in terms of brain health and early diagnosis."

Eat in moderation, stay away from toxic substances

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa stated that the health status of human beings in general is a whole and listed his recommendations as follows:

"In other words, in order to be called a healthy person, it is expected and considered that the human being, who is a biopsychosocial (physical, mental, spiritual and social) being, should be in a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being. Here, brain health is of course central and hierarchically of the highest importance. From this perspective, in order to maintain brain health, a person must also be physically, mentally, spiritually and socially healthy. For this, a mentally and physically active lifestyle, a life with meaning, purpose and values are the primary conditions. Natural and proper - measured nutrition, a clean environment, avoiding toxic (= poisonous) substances (tobacco, alcohol, narcotics), quality and adequate sleep, controlling stress, controlling and treating systemic diseases (hypertension, diabetes, metabolic disorders), if any, can be said to be the most important factors to be considered for general body health and brain health."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At22 December 2020
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