Swallowing Disorders

Swallowing Disorders

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Yutma bozuklukları, ağız yoluyla alınan su veya katı yiyeceklerin yutma işlemi sırasında özofagusa gönderilmesinde kas veya sinir sistemi eksikliklerinden kaynaklanan bozukluklardır. Bozukluklar, oral (çiğneme ve gıdayı boğaza aktarma zorluğu), faringeal (yutmayı başlatma, gıdayı boğaza ve özofagusa itme ve hava yolunu kapatma zorluğu) ve özofageal (boğaz ve midedeki deliklerin açılıp kapanmasında ve gıdayı özofagustan itmede zorluk) olmak üzere üç aşamada sınıflandırılır. Yutma bozukluklarına, inme, travma, Parkinson hastalığı, MS, ALS, kas distrofi, serebral palsi, Alzheimer hastalığı gibi nörolojik rahatsızlıklar; ağız, boğaz veya özofagus kanseri, kafa ve boyun yaralanmaları veya ameliyatları; diş eksikliği veya protez uygunsuzluğu neden olabilir. Belirtiler arasında yemek yerken veya sonrasında öksürme, nemli ses, çiğneme veya yutmada aşırı güç harcama, ağızdan gıda kaçağı, göğüs tıkanıklığı ve kilo kaybı yer alır. Yutma bozukluğu olan kişilerde yetersiz beslenme, aspirasyon riski, yeme-içme zevkinin azalması ve sosyal yemek etkinliklerinde rahatsızlık yaşanabilir. Tedavi, konuşma ve dil terapistinin önerdiği egzersizler, duruşlar, güvenli gıdalar ve VitalStim Terapisi (elektriksel uyaranlarla yutma kaslarını güçlendiren ve motor kontrolünü sağlayan bir yöntem) gibi farklı yaklaşımları içerebilir. Aile bireyleri veya bakım verenler, tedavi planına uyum sağlama, egzersizlere yardımcı olma ve uygun yiyecek ve içecekleri hazırlama gibi konularda destek sağlayabilir. Tanı ve tedavi için bir konuşma ve dil terapistine başvurulması önerilir.

Swallowing disorders are disorders caused by muscular or nervous system deficiencies when water or solid food taken into the mouth during the swallowing process is sent to the esophagus.

Oral Phase: Difficultychewing and moving solid or liquid food into the throat

Pharyngeal phase: Difficulty initiating swallowing, pushing solid or liquid food into the throat and esophagus, and closing the airway to prevent food from going the wrong way.

Esophageal phase: Difficulty opening and closing holes in the throat and stomach and pushing food through the esophagus.

Nervous System Damage
  • Stroke, brain trauma, spinal cord injury
  • Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Muscular Dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy
  • Alzheimer's

Problems Affecting the Head and Neck

  • Cancer of the mouth, throat or esophagus
  • Head and neck injury or surgery
  • Lack of teeth or unsuitability of dentures

Many other diseases, conditions or surgical interventions can cause swallowing problems.

  • Malnutrition or dryness
  • Aspiration risk
  • Decreased pleasure in eating and drinking
  • Being uncomfortable at social events related to food
  • Coughing during or after eating or drinking
  • Wet voice during or after eating or drinking
  • Requiring more effort or time than necessary for chewing or swallowing
  • Solid or liquid food leaking from the mouth or sticking to the inside of the mouth
  • Chest congestion after eating
  • Weight loss due to not eating enough food

You can consult a speech and language therapist who is an expert in the field.

  • They take the patient's medical history and a history of symptoms.
  • Checks the movement and strength of muscles involved in swallowing, such as the lips, tongue, jaw and hard palate.
  • Perform tests to evaluate swallowing problems affecting the mouth and throat.

Treatment usually depends on the cause, symptoms and type of swallowing problem. Speech and language therapist;

  • Exercises, postures and methods to help you swallow more effectively,
  • It recommends specific solid and liquid foods for safer, easier swallowing.

VitalStim Therapy Method for the Treatment of Swallowing Disorders

VitalStim Therapy method is known as the most effective treatment method used in the treatment of dysphagia (swallowing disorder). Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), VitalStim Therapy applications are used to strengthen the swallowing muscles with Neuromuscular Electrical Stimuli (NMES) and to provide motor control of swallowing. Many literature studies on swallowing therapy reveal that the VitalStim therapy method is effective and that significant success is achieved in the acquisition of swallowing skills as a result of the stimulus.
It is a non-invasive method that aims to activate the weak swallowing muscles in the pharyngeal and laryngeal regions with low electrical currents and has been developed especially for the treatment of oral and pharyngeal swallowing disorders. VitalStim Therapy applications aim to help restore motor control by strengthening and re-coordinating weak muscles.It ensures that the muscle group required to provide pharyngeal movement, which is a precursor in the swallowing process, is activated synchronously with electrical stimulation on the muscle group and the swallowing function is performed. VitalStim is used as an auxiliary tool during swallowing therapy. It helps to shorten the rehabilitation process and provide patient comfort.

Swallowing Disorders Can Be Treated...

VitalStim can be used in all individuals with swallowing problems and swallowing difficulties and without paralysis of any of the nerves involved in swallowing anatomy. It can be safely applied in the rehabilitation of all swallowing difficulties caused by neurological and mechanical problems.
Before applying VitalStim Therapy, swallowing processes are evaluated and as a result of the evaluation, the placement of electrodes specific to the weak muscle group is decided. After the electrodes are placed on the patient, the most appropriate current intensity and stimulation type required for swallowing are determined. After the device is connected to the patient, the clinician administers swallowing therapy. During the therapy, the electrical stimulation lasts between 20 minutes and 45 minutes. Each step of the VitalStim therapy process consists of approximately 10-12 sessions. After the therapy sessions, the effectiveness of the therapy is evaluated with various imaging studies.

  • Ask questions about the proposed treatment and understand the problem.
  • Help to maintain the treatment plan.
  • Help with exercises.
  • Prepare the recommended food and drinks.
  • They keep track of how much of the food the patient has consumed.

*The Speech and Language Therapist is the professional responsible for case management as a team member.


For online speech and language disorders treatment: https://cdn.npistanbul.com/online-dil-ve-konusma-terapisi

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CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At13 August 2020
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