Smart system for emergency services!

Smart system for emergency services!

Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi öğrencileri Mehmed Burhan Topsöğüt ve Hasan Kutlu, "Sağlıkta Parlak Fikirler Arıyoruz" sloganıyla düzenlenen Geleceğin Sağlık Yöneticileri Yarışması'nda, acil servislerin aşırı yoğunluğunu tespit edip azaltmaya yönelik stratejiler ve çözümler geliştiren "ASRI Acil Servis Yeniden Şarj İşleyişi" projeleriyle birincilik ödülünü kazandı. Uzun süredir acil servislerde hemşirelik yapan ikili, acil servislerin aşırı yoğunluğunun sebep olduğu sorunları gözlemleyerek, acil servisin maksimum kapasiteye ulaşmak üzere olduğunu tespit eden ve hizmetin işlevsizleşmesine izin vermeden hastane yönetimini uyaran bir sistem geliştirdi. Trafik lambalarındaki ışık sisteminden esinlenilen ASRI sistemi, acil servisin durumunu yeşil (normal), sarı (uyarı) ve kırmızı (alarm) renklerle göstererek, 112 ambulanslarının daha az yoğun olan acil servisleri yönlendirilmesini sağlıyor. Sistem, yoğunluk bilgisi akışını hastane yönetiminden İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü ve İl Afet Koordinasyon Birimi'ne, nihayetinde Sağlık Bakanlığı'na kadar ileterek istatistiksel bir bilgi havuzu oluşturuyor. Projenin amacı, acil servislerin verimliliğini artırmak, bekleme sürelerini azaltmak ve hastanelerin mali kayıplarını en aza indirmektir. Hedef kitle, Türkiye genelindeki tüm kamu ve özel acil servisler ve 112 komuta merkezleridir.

Üsküdar University students Mehmed Burhan Topsöğüt and Hasan Kutlu, who participated in the Future Health Managers Competition organized with the slogan "Looking for Bright Ideas in Health", won first place.

The project they named 'Determining Emergency Room Overcrowding, Developing Strategies and Solutions to Reduce it, ASRI Emergency Room Recharge Functioning' won first place as the most creative project.

The winners of the competition organized by LİV Hospital were announced at the 5th National Congress of the Health and Insurance Managers Association (SASDER) held in Antalya on May 11-14. Mehmed Burhan Topsöğüt and Hasan Kutlu, who came first in the project, received their awards at the congress.

The project, born out of their professional experiences

The duo of Burhan Topsöğüt and Hasan Kutlu, who have been working as nurses in emergency services for a long time, observed the problems experienced in emergency services due to overcrowding. Topsöğüt and Kutlu determined that this problem causes very serious consequences and developed a system that detects when the emergency room is about to reach maximum capacity and alerts the hospital management without allowing the service to become dysfunctional.

The main goal is to make emergency services more efficient

To measure the density of emergency services,
The project aimed to determine the relationship between the excessive density of the emergency department and negative patient care outcomes, to establish an early warning system and a gradual central control system with the density prediction tool, to direct 112 ambulances to appropriate emergency departments, and to minimize the financial loss of hospitals and institutions and to reduce the loss of services and materials applied in billing processes. The project basically aimed to make emergency services more efficient.

Density is expressed in colors

Inspired by the light system in traffic lights, Mehmed Burhan Topsöğüt and Hasan Kutlu's ASRI System, the color green represents the emergency service in a normal functional state, yellow represents the emergency service in a warning state and red represents the emergency service in an alarm state. The system is especially vital for 112 ambulances that transport emergency patients to the emergency wards of hospitals; thanks to this system, ambulances are directed to the less busy emergency wards instead of the busy emergency wards.

Step-by-step information and statistics

The system also provides regular information on intensity to the management levels in the health system. The system provides information flow first to the hospital management, then to the Provincial Health Directorate and Provincial Disaster Coordination Unit, and finally to the Ministry of Health. ASRI is also a source of reference for future decisions and practices as a statistical information memory.

"We wanted to put our hand under the stone"

Mehmed Burhan Topsöğüt and Hasan Kutlu, who made observations and research for a long time before the ASRI System, said that they benefited from their professional experience while developing this system.

Mehmed Burhan Topsöğüt; "As healthcare professionals who have been in this sector for a long time, we wanted to take matters into our own hands. We are experiencing very serious problems in this regard. We wanted to find a solution and we have achieved a very important success. Thanks to ASRI, we aimed to minimize many problems arising from the density problem."

The target is all emergency services!

The main target audience of this project is all public and private emergency departments and 112 command centers in Turkey.

ASRI proposes a set of proactive policies to effectively manage emergency department admissions by identifying potential patient admissions early, while reducing waiting times for patients to receive treatment. In this way, instead of the standard practice of waiting for a rush to occur before patients present to emergency departments, it is possible to identify when the rush is likely to increase and, as a precaution, achieve predictions that direct patients to emergency departments before they become crowded, resulting in shorter delays while serving the same number of patients.

Mehmed Burhan Topsöğüt and Hasan Kutlu, students of Üsküdar University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Department of Health Management, won scholarships and cash prizes as the first prize.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 January 2021
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