Simple adjustments increase success in distance education!

Simple adjustments increase success in distance education!

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Uzmanlar, pandemi nedeniyle uzaktan eğitim sisteminde dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu (DEHB) olan çocukların zorluk yaşayabileceğini belirterek, alınabilecek bazı önlemlerle olası sorunların azaltılabileceğini vurguluyor. Tedavinin bu süreçte kesintiye uğramaması gerektiğini belirten uzmanlar, çocukların çalışma ortamının sade ve dikkat dağıtıcı unsurlardan arındırılmış olması gerektiğini öneriyor. Ayrıca uzmanlara göre, çocuğun egzersiz yapması, oyun oynaması, teknoloji kullanımını sınırlaması ve fiziksel mesafeye dikkat ederek arkadaşlarıyla sosyalleşmesi son derece önemlidir. DEHB'li çocukların uzaktan eğitime uyum sağlamada daha fazla sorun yaşadığı, motivasyonlarını daha hızlı kaybettikleri ve düzenli çalışmadan daha çabuk uzaklaşabilecekleri belirtiliyor. Bu çocukların günlük yaşamlarını organize etmekte, evde aşırı hareketli olup enerjilerini atamakta zorlanabilecekleri, eğlence amaçlı teknoloji bağımlılığı riskinin daha yüksek olduğu ve arkadaşlık ilişkilerinde uyum sorunları yaşama olasılıklarının daha fazla olduğu biliniyor. Yüz yüze eğitimin disiplininden uzaklaşmanın dezavantajlarına değinilerek, DEHB'li çocukların okul hayatından uzaklaşma, akademik başarı düşüklüğü, günlük yaşamda zaman yönetimi ve organizasyon sorunları, sosyal hayattan uzaklaşma, akran iletişimi azalması, aşırı hareketlilik ve ekran bağımlılığı geliştirme riskleri açısından yaşıtlarına göre daha yatkın oldukları belirtiliyor. Bu riskleri göz önünde bulundurarak, DEHB'li çocukların bu süreçten en az düzeyde etkilenmelerini sağlamak için bazı önlemler alınabileceği belirtiliyor. Bu önlemler arasında; çocuğa virüs ve önleme yöntemlerini anlayabileceği bir dille açıklamak, tedavisinin düzenli olarak devam etmesini sağlamak, günlük rutinleri korumak, dersler sırasında dikkat dağıtıcı unsurları uzak tutmak, ders aralarında ekran kullanımından kaçınmak, düzenli egzersiz ve sosyal etkileşimi sağlamak, çalışma programını birlikte belirlemek ve teknoloji kullanımını kontrol etmek yer alıyor. Ayrıca, çocuğun dikkatini dağıtmayı önlemek için oturma düzeninde değişiklikler yapmak, uygun aydınlatma ve ses düzenlemesi sağlamak, sık sık ara vermek, kısa ama etkili odaklanma süreleri oluşturmak, alarm ve kronometre kullanmak, cep telefonunu uçuş moduna almak gibi düzenlemeler yapılabileceği belirtiliyor.

Simple adjustments increase success in distance education!

Stating that children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may have difficulties in the distance education system due to the pandemic, experts point out that possible problems can be reduced with some precautions that can be taken. Stating that the treatment should not be interrupted in this process, experts recommend that the environment to study should be simple and distracting elements should be eliminated. According to experts, it is also extremely important for the child to exercise, play games, limit the use of technology and socialize with friends by paying attention to physical distance.

Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neriman Kilit said that children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may experience problems in distance education.

They experience more adaptation problems

Dr. Neriman Kilit noted that these children lose their motivation faster and can move away from the idea of regular studying more quickly, and said, "It is a known fact that these children may have difficulties in organizing and organizing their daily lives, overacting at home and not being able to release their energy, and that they have a higher risk of technology addiction for entertainment purposes and may experience adaptation problems in their friendships more frequently."

Disadvantage of moving away from face-to-face education

Stating that children with ADHD may experience some problems when they move away from face-to-face education discipline and are involved in distance education, Dr. Neriman Kilit said, "It is obvious that these children are more prone than their peers in terms of the risks of distancing from school life, decreasing academic achievement, time management and organization in daily life, distancing from social life, decreasing peer communication, being overactive and developing screen addiction."

Listen to these recommendations

Considering all these risks, Dr. Neriman Kilit stated that some measures can be taken to ensure that children with ADHD are minimally affected by this process and listed her recommendations as follows:

"First of all, the virus and prevention methods should be explained to the child in a language they can understand and prevention methods should be explained and explained. It should also not be forgotten that it is very important that the child's treatment continues during this process. The child should take his/her medication regularly and should not neglect psychiatric examinations.
Care should be taken to maintain daily routines

First of all, it is very important to maintain children's daily routines. The child should wake up at the same time in the morning as if he/she was attending face-to-face education, have breakfast, change clothes (if possible in school uniform) and be at the remote education center at the exact time.

Materials that may distract him/her in class should be kept away

While distance education classes are in progress, children should not be allowed to keep distracting materials such as toys and cell phones, which are prohibited in face-to-face education.

Conversation between lessons

Again, children should not be allowed to use screen devices for entertainment purposes, such as television, between lessons; instead, they can have short conversations with the child or have a snack if they are hungry.

The education room should be well organized

If the child is very active, it is useful for him/her to move around the house during these breaks and to be directed to activities that will release his/her energy. At the same time, the room in which the child will watch the online lessons should be well organized, quiet and free of external distractions.

A stopwatch can be used

It is also important to guide the child to plan the rest of his/her time and insist on his/her routine after the end of the lesson, just like when the child comes home from school during the face-to-face education period. You can delay the risk of distraction by using stopwatches and reminders."

To prevent distraction

Noting that some arrangements can be made to prevent distraction, Dr. Neriman Kilit said Neriman Kilit said, "Changes in seating arrangements (e.g. not sitting in front of a window, removing distractions from view), changes to appropriate lighting and noise (e.g. using headphones), taking frequent breaks to make the child's education efficient, providing short but effective focusing periods (creating "I need a break" cards, Using alarms and stopwatches to remind you of the time to take a break and start the lesson), putting the mobile phone in flight mode or turning down the volume and keeping it in a place where you can agree between you, ensuring that the use of screens for entertainment purposes such as television and computer is turned off during the working period are some of the changes that can be made."

Determine the work schedule together

Prof. Dr. Neriman Kilit also noted that the child should be helped to determine his/her work schedule and said, "He/she can hang signs on his/her door stating that he/she does not want to be disturbed, he/she can tell his/her friends the times when you can visit him/her, when they can call him/her, he/she can set alarms. He will need a lot of guidance on these issues."

Technology use should be controlled

Dr. Neriman Kilit underlined that it is necessary to pay close attention to the use of technology, especially for entertainment purposes, in children with ADHD in this process and said the following:

"It should not be forgotten that it is important for your child to avoid unproductive hyperfocus (hyperfocus). Hyperfocus is a common symptom of ADHD. A hyperfocused activity may cause loss of time and energy related to more important and prioritized lessons and homework. In this regard, be sure to include games and activities that you can do and play together in your child's recreational activities. For example, learn to play a musical instrument together, paint, do sports activities, play indoor games and limit the use of technology for entertainment purposes."

Social interaction and exercise are necessary

Noting that exercise is beneficial and necessary for both the child's physical health and ADHD symptoms, Dr. Neriman Kilit said, "Exercise increases focus. It will be useful to ventilate the room where the child listens and works, to allow sunlight to enter, to spend time in the garden or balcony without disturbing the physical isolation, to provide an environment that will allow sports activities at home, on the balcony or in the garden, if possible, and to ensure regular movement. Make sure your child spends time with friends (from a safe distance!). It is very important to continue social interaction, chatting and staying socially connected to the community. Chat and spend time with your child. It is very important to continue social interaction, chat and stay socially connected to the community."

The process can be challenging for all children

"Finally, it should not be forgotten that we are going through a difficult process, our children are facing a distance education process that they are not used to," said Dr. Neriman Kilit and concluded her words as follows:

"Whether they have ADHD or not, this process can cause children not to get out of the holiday mood, not to get serious about school, to move away from sociability because they spend too much time at home, to use excessive technology and cause our children to need our support and motivation. Of course, distance learning and the pandemic period alone is not a factor that can cause ADHD in children, but it can increase the symptoms of children with ADHD or cause ADHD-like symptoms in children without an ADHD diagnosis. In this respect, I think it would be useful to apply these suggestions above for children who do not have ADHD."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At15 September 2020
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