Proper nutrition and sports are essential against heart attack at an early age!

Proper nutrition and sports are essential against heart attack at an early age!

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Dünya Kalp Federasyonu tarafından ilan edilen ve kalp hastalıkları ve inmeyle küresel bir savaşı yürüten Dünya Kalp Günü, 29 Eylül'de kalp sağlığının önemine dikkat çekmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı, genç yaşta kalp krizi nedenlerini ve korunma yollarını açıklayarak, aile öyküsünde erken yaşta kalp krizi geçirenlerin ve sigara içenlerin yüksek risk altında olduğunu belirtmiştir. Erkeklerde 40, kadınlarda ise 65 yaşından sonra daha sık görülen kalp krizlerinin, gençlerde de aile öyküsü ve sigara kullanımı nedeniyle ortaya çıkabileceğini vurgulamıştır. 20 yaşından itibaren düzenli sağlık kontrolleri, kolesterol kontrolü, sigarayı bırakma ve sağlıklı beslenme (Akdeniz diyeti, işlenmiş gıdalardan uzak durma) ile düzenli spor (yüzme, bisiklet, yürüyüş gibi) önerilmiştir. Gençler için kolesterolün ilaç veya yaşam tarzı değişiklikleriyle düşürülmesi gerektiği ve haftada üç günden fazla balık tüketilmemesi gerektiği belirtilmiştir.

Heart attacks are more commonly known as a disease of the elderly, but in recent years they can also be seen at a young age. Experts warn that a history of heart attack among first-degree relatives at a young age, death due to heart attack and smoking can lead to heart attack at an early age. Experts draw attention to the effect of proper nutrition, a life free from smoking and regular sports in preventing heart attacks.

World Heart Day, declared by the World Heart Federation, which wages a global war against heart disease and stroke, aims to draw attention to the importance of heart health on September 29.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Cardiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı shared information on how to protect heart health, factors that cause heart attacks at a young age and extremely important recommendations.

Pay attention to family history and smoking!

Pointing out that there are two important reasons for heart attacks that occur at an early age, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı said, "The first one is the presence of people in the family and first-degree relatives who had a heart attack at a young age, and the second one is smoking. We see these two reasons more in young people. In other words, those who are most at risk are those who have a first-degree relative who had a heart attack at an early age, those who have had a sudden death in the family or those who have died of a heart attack, and smokers. Especially children should stay away from smoking because it is a very serious risk for them. We have applied stents to many young patients and witnessed that they had heart attacks at a young age. Factors such as diabetes, blood pressure, high cholesterol are also effective, but these are the most prominent factors."

Heart attacks are seen earlier in men

Pointing out that heart attacks are more common after the age of 40 in men and 65 in women, Baltalı said, "However, it is also possible to prevent and predict possible heart attacks that will occur at a young age. If there are people in the family who have had a heart attack at an early age, they should have a general check-up when they are 20 years old, have their blood values measured, have their cholesterol under control, not smoke and pay attention to other risk factors such as blood pressure. These measures are really important and must be taken."

Young people should pay attention to food and sports

Pointing out that cholesterol should be lowered with medication or lifestyle changes to prevent possible heart attacks in young people, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı said, "Attention should be paid to the foods consumed. They should avoid processed and fatty meat and foods such as kebabs. If possible, they can eat mainly chicken and fish. It is not beneficial to consume fish more than three days a week. They should mostly stick to the Mediterranean diet. Diets such as prolonged starvation have no proven benefit. They should focus on olive oil, vegetables and fruits. Sports for 20-30 minutes a day should also be a part of daily life. However, we are not talking about lifting weights and building muscle, as these activities pose a risk. In any case, it would be beneficial to practice activities such as swimming, cycling and walking at least 4 days a week for a healthy life."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At22 December 2020
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