Pay attention to the amount when consuming chocolate

Pay attention to the amount when consuming chocolate

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Çikolata, yüksek miktarda kakao antioksidanı, karbonhidrat, bitkisel protein, potasyum ve magnezyum içeren besleyici bir gıda kaynağıdır. Çikolatadaki feniletilamin maddesinin mutluluk ve özgüven hissi verdiğini belirten uzmanlar, yüksek kalorili olduğu için tüketiminin sınırlı olması gerektiğini vurguluyor. Haftada 20 gram bitter çikolata, ara öğün olarak tüketilebilir. Çikolata, beyne daha fazla oksijen sağlayarak hafıza sorunlarını azaltır, yorgunluğu giderir ve enerji verir. Ayrıca kakao yağının cilt bakımındaki faydaları bilinmektedir. Ancak, çikolatanın yüksek kalorili olduğunu unutmamak ve serotonin üretimini sağlayan diğer düşük kalorili yiyecekleri de tercih etmek önemlidir. Serotonin ve melatonin, merkezi sinir sistemi, psikoloji, uyku, bağışıklık sistemi gibi birçok fonksiyonun düzenlenmesinde önemli rol oynar ve eksikliği agresif davranışlara yol açabilir. Serotonin seviyelerini artırmak için güneş ışığına maruz kalmak, spor yapmak ve yaşam koşullarını iyileştirmek gibi yöntemler de kullanılabilir.

Chocolate, which is a highly nutritious food source due to its strong cocoa antioxidants, carbohydrates, high amounts of vegetable protein, potassium and magnesium, is loved by everyone, big and small. Stating that the Phenylethylamine substance in chocolate makes the person feel good by giving a sense of confidence, experts recommend that consumption should be limited due to its high calories. According to experts, 20 grams of dark chocolate can be consumed as a snack per week.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü gave information about the health benefits of chocolate, which is loved by everyone and is the symbol of holidays.

Chocolate has a nutritious content

Stating that chocolate is a great source of energy despite being small in quantity, Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü said, "Chocolate contains strong cocoa antioxidants, carbohydrates, high amounts of vegetable protein, potassium and magnesium, small amounts of calcium and salt, iron particles, vitamin A, vitamin B1 thiamine, B2 riboflavin, vitamins D, E and caffeine. We can say that many of them are nutrients that make chocolate beneficial for health." He said.

Good for memory and skin

Özden Örkçü stated that chocolate gives a sense of confidence and makes the person feel good because it contains phenylethylamine and said, "The flavanol substance in the bean provides more oxygen to the brain, reduces memory problems, relieves fatigue and energizes. In addition, the skin nourishing and protective properties of cocoa butter are known by everyone. Almost no one says no to chocolate, even the word chocolate makes you feel happy and activates the feeling of pleasure in the brain and thus the hormone serotonin." He said.

Pay attention to the calories of chocolate!

Örkçü said that chocolate has always had a special place because of the reward-punishment functioning in our lives:

"Chocolate is mostly consumed with pleasure, but the calorie part of the source of happiness that concerns us comes to the fore here. While the recommended dose actually varies in proportion to the amount of cocoa in the chocolate, an average of 1 piece of chocolate of 5 grams can vary between 25-30 calories. It is necessary to ensure the necessary energy burning after eating this cute but not so innocent food that arouses a sense of pleasure and happiness in the individual, because it should not be forgotten that chocolate is not the only food that releases serotonin. Other foods with fewer calories can also be used for serotonin supplementation."

20 grams can be consumed per week

Özden Örkçü stated that 20 grams of dark chocolate can be consumed as a snack per week and said, "Chocolate with high cocoa content (dark) chocolate can be consumed 5-10 g (1-2 squares) with sugar-free and cream-free coffees as a snack." He said.

Serotonin and melatonin are essential for health!

Stating that various foods such as strawberries, grapes, olive oil, walnuts, tomatoes, oranges, pineapples, bananas, avocados contain serotonin and melatonin, Örkçü said, "Cancer These hormones, known as inhibitors, provide antioxidant effects and have important effects in the regulation of functions such as the central nervous system, psychology, sleep, body temperature, immune system, couple relationships, blood pressure balance, rhythm, nutrition and autism. Serotonin is also found in various foods such as tomatoes, oranges, pineapples, bananas, avocados, plums, nuts and coffee. One study found that serotonin levels in the brain can be increased by social and individual factors such as contact with sunlight, sports activities, improving income and living conditions, without the use of medication." He said.

Serotonin deficiency makes you aggressive

Stating that serotonin deficiency can cause emotional and behavioral disorders, Özden Örkçü said, "In addition, serotonin is also associated with problems such as emotional and cognitive aspects of anxiety, depression, addiction, obsessive-compulsive disorder and aggression. A meta-analysis of 20 different studies showed that low serotonin levels had a significant effect on aggressive behavior, regardless of mental problems and the level of crime committed." He said.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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