Obesity Treatment in Children

Obesity Treatment in Children

Content Summary

Çocuklukta başlayıp erişkinliğe kadar devam eden obezitenin en riskli obezite türü olduğuna dikkat çeken uzmanlar, obeziteye müdahale edilmesi gerektiğini vurguluyor. Çocuklukta başlayan obeziteye müdahale edilmesi gerektiğini belirten Dr. Gizem Köse, önemli uyarılarda bulunuyor. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün obezite tanımını referans alan Köse, obezitenin önlenebilir kronik bir hastalık olduğunu belirtiyor. Vücut Kitle İndeksi (VKİ)'nin yanı sıra bel çevresinin de önemine değinen Köse, çocukluk çağı obezitesinin, erişkinlikte obezite riskini ciddi şekilde artırdığını ve bu nedenle erken müdahalenin şart olduğunu söylüyor. Sağlıklı ve dengeli beslenmenin, düzenli fiziksel aktivitenin ve bazı beslenme alışkanlıklarını değiştirmenin (örneğin, yavaş yemek, az yemek) obeziteyi önlemede büyük rol oynadığını vurguluyor. Köse, özellikle çocuklukta yeterli ve dengeli beslenmenin, gerekli enerji ve besin öğelerinin alınmasını sağlamak için önemli olduğunu ve hazır gıdalardan uzak durulması gerektiğini ekliyor.

Drawing attention to the fact that obesity starting in childhood and continuing into adulthood is the most risky type of obesity, experts emphasize that obesity must be intervened. Saying that obesity that starts in childhood must be intervened, Köse gives important warnings.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Dr. Gizem Köse said that obesity is a chronic disease that is prevented.

Stating that the World Health Organization defines obesity and obesity as "abnormal or excessive fat storage that poses a risk to health", Dr. Gizem Köse drew attention to the importance of preventing obesity on May 22, European Obesity Day.

Stating that the World Health Organization's obesity classification is used to determine obesity and that the Body Mass Index (BMI) is generally based on, Köse said, "BMI is a value obtained by dividing body weight (kg) by the square of height (m) (BMI = kg / m2 ). The BMI value should be between 18.5 and 24.9 in adults. BMI is an indicator that evaluates body weight according to height and does not provide information about body fat distribution. Therefore, waist circumference has gained more importance in recent studies."

Beware of childhood obesity!

Stating that obesity that starts with childhood obesity and continues in adulthood is the most risky group, Dr. Gizem Köse said that for this reason, obesity that starts in childhood must be intervened.

Dr. Gizem Köse said the following: "The process of increasing the number of fat cells takes place in childhood and if there is no intervention in adulthood, it may have to continue its life as an obese individual. Therefore, obesity is a disease that should be prevented in childhood. Childhood is a period when growth and development is rapid and lifelong behaviors are largely acquired. The increase in body weight continues until approximately 20 years of age. Growth in height usually stops after the age of 17 in girls, but continues, albeit slowly, in boys. This growth process requires a considerable amount of energy and a greater amount of protein, vitamins and minerals for the construction of new tissues. In order to ensure that all energy and nutrients are adequately and balanced, it is important that the foods children consume are of high quality and in sufficient quantities. The point to be considered here is the content of the food. While ready-to-eat nutrition provides sufficient energy, it causes obesity with its poor quality."

Adequate and balanced nutrition prevents obesity

"The biggest step to be taken to prevent obesity is to make adequate and balanced nutrition a way of life," said Dr. Gizem Köse and added: "When we look at the definition of adequate and balanced nutrition; it is to take sufficient amounts of each of the nutrients necessary for growth, development, healthy and productive living for a long time. The nutrition program to be applied both in childhood and adulthood should be applied regularly and frequently for at least 5 meals a day. All 4 food groups should be consumed at main meals. When we look at the food groups divided into meat, milk, cereals and fruit and vegetable groups, a small amount of each food group should be consumed at a meal. For example, eggs from the meat group, cheese from the dairy group, whole grain bread from the cereal group and tomatoes and greens from the fruit and vegetable group for breakfast. Vegetables should be consumed at every meal. Fruits can be consumed in snacks."

Looking at the studies, Dr. Gizem Köse pointed out that regular exercise / walking every day reduces the risk of obesity and said, "30-60 minutes of walking a day is enough. The important thing is that the activity you will do is regularly practiced 4 days a week. Increasing your daily physical activity will provide a positive return for your body health."

Listen to these suggestions

Dr. Gizem Köse made the following suggestions to prevent obesity:
"Not having food in front of your eyes,
Not spending too much time in the kitchen, finishing as soon as possible and walking away,
Not keeping high-energy foods and foods that should not be eaten at home,
Using a small ladle for serving,
Getting up from the table as soon as the meal is over,
Removing the serving bowl from the table after serving,
Putting down the fork and spoon between bites,
Eating slowly, chewing as well as possible."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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