Lose weight and say goodbye to salt in the fight against hypertension

Lose weight and say goodbye to salt in the fight against hypertension

Content Summary

Hipertansiyon, çoğu zaman belirti vermeden ortaya çıkan ciddi ve ömür boyu süren bir hastalıktır. Obezite, yüksek tuz tüketimi, alkol ve sigara kullanımı hipertansiyona neden olan başlıca faktörlerdir. Düzenli egzersiz (yürüme, koşu gibi), tuz alımının azaltılması, alkol tüketiminin sınırlandırılması ve sigarayı bırakma hipertansiyonun önlenmesi ve kontrolü için önemli yaşam tarzı değişiklikleridir. Hipertansiyon tanısı konulmuş ve ilaç tedavisine başlanmış kişilerin, doktor tavsiyesi olmadan ilaçlarını bırakmamaları gerekir. Kan basıncı düzenli aralıklarla kontrol edilmeli ve yüksek olması durumunda mutlaka doktora başvurulmalıdır. Aşırı egzersiz özellikle sıcak veya soğuk havalarda sakıncalıdır. Hipertansiyon, kalp krizi, felç, böbrek yetmezliği ve görme bozukluğuna yol açabilir.

Stating that hypertension is a serious and lifelong disease, experts point out that it can be prevented with important changes in lifestyle.

Experts recommend avoiding obesity, reducing salt consumption, avoiding alcohol and smoking and doing plenty of exercise.

Hypertension is a chronic disease that occurs when blood pressure is measured higher than normal limits. On May 17, which is recognized as World Hypertension Day every year, it is aimed to draw attention to high blood pressure and the stroke (stroke), heart, eye and kidney diseases caused by it.

Cardiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital said that hypertension is a serious and lifelong disease.


Stating that hypertension occurs in both sexes in middle age, mostly without any disease, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı made the following evaluations:

"Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure that occurs in 95 percent of patients, the cause of which is not known exactly, not due to any other disease. This increase in blood pressure is not noticed by most people. Those who notice it occasionally come to the doctor with complaints such as headache, chest pain, darkening in the eyes, but most people do not realize that their blood pressure is high. High blood pressure is a trigger for many events. In particular, it is a very serious risk factor for coronary artery disease, which is the formation of plaque in the heart vessels and the resulting heart attack, which can be fatal. Stroke and cerebral hemorrhage also stand out as serious diseases caused by hypertension. Beyond that, it can cause kidney failure and visual impairment leading to blindness."


Pointing out that there are many factors leading to hypertension, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı emphasized that obesity is one of the most important causes. Prof. Dr. Baltalı said, "Research shows that there is a very close relationship between high blood pressure and overweight. Hypertension is also related to excessive salt intake. Under normal conditions, the normal amount of salt a person needs is between 2.8 and 3 grams per day, while salt intake in our Turkish tables is up to 18 grams. Apart from this, smoking and alcohol use are among the factors that trigger high blood pressure."


Pointing out the importance of life change in preventing hypertension, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalıı recommended reducing salt consumption and regular exercise and made the following recommendations:

"First of all, the amount of salt intake should be significantly reduced. Hypertension patients should not add extra salt to their meals and reduce the amount of salt they consume daily. Secondly, they should definitely exercise. Exercises should not be in the form of muscle building, but rather exercises such as walking, running, tennis, aerobics and swimming. These should be done for 20 to 30 minutes at least 3-4 times a week. We also recommend limiting alcohol intake and quitting smoking. All these are important factors that will increase blood pressure. Avoiding obesity, taking care not to gain weight, the biggest problem of today's people is that they move less and eat more calories. This causes high blood pressure. Hypertension patients should avoid obesity, quit smoking and reduce alcohol. Salt should be reduced and plenty of movement should be done."


Emphasizing that if high blood pressure has appeared and the doctor has started medication, that medication should not be discontinued in any way, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı said, "You need to lower your blood pressure somehow. How does blood pressure decrease? It decreases with lifestyle changes and plus the use of medication. It is necessary to use the medication for a lifetime with the doctor's advice without ever stopping the medication."


Emphasizing that high blood pressure must be reduced, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı said, "It is necessary to ensure that blood pressure is constantly normal. It is important to follow blood pressure control for life. Individuals with hypertension should follow blood pressure at frequent intervals. Blood pressure should definitely be measured after five minutes of rest and in a sitting position. At home, resting blood pressure should be measured at regular intervals, if blood pressure is high, you should definitely consult a doctor, if blood pressure has not reached normal levels, you should not do excessive activity, especially in very hot and very cold weather."

"Those who have high blood pressure problems even once in their lives should definitely see a specialist," said Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı, ". If those who have blood pressure problems do not care about this, they may face very serious problems in the future. Blood pressure is a serious and lifelong disease. If it is determined that blood pressure is high and drug treatment is started, the treatment should last a lifetime. Medication cannot be stopped after one use. Those who stop their medication without a doctor's recommendation may experience great difficulties."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 December 2020
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